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Posts posted by crazymatty

  1. I think TOP's only crime in this case was to believe their friends who make up TSO, and also to not gauge MCXA opinion below the incoming two government members.

    You ever have that "buddy" that right after you break up with your girlfriend is asking you if it is ok to date her? Kinda seems like that.

    Too soon.

  2. can you bring it down some? im not that big...

    Sorry, haha...that is the price I am looking for.

    But on a side note why would you be looking for one? Let's say I dropped the price to 10M and no tech at all...

    That 10 mil to you would be worth more then the donation. You shouldn't be looking for a donation at your size. The price you will pay for one is more then what you get out of it.

  3. Looking to sell a donation for this month.

    You MUST have 2 middle men to complete this deal. Deal will start as soon as first 3 payments received tomorrow (hopefully)

    18M and 200 tech. (which equals 24M basically)

    3 payments of 3m + 50 tech each starting tomorrow and then 10 days later 1 payment of 3M 50tech and 2 payments of 3M.

    My nation.

    PM me in game.

  4. Hmmm, I think I might actually stand a chance fighting them alone if I were so inclined.

    Even if you were so inclined...which of course you are clearly joking. You must be aware you couldn't attack a single one of us right?

    But I am sure you were just out flexing your nations muscles. But for the sake of argument...No. You could not take us all on at once. :jihad:

    And Koos...you crack me up.

    I made them disband

    I honestly laughed when I read that, IRL you are probably pretty funny. I can respect that.

  5. If you got a problem with kaduuk, take it to me

    Well, ok...

    How do you feel about a nation taking things from standard CN and attacking people in CN:TE? How would you classify such a nation? Try to take a step back and be objective. I know he is your friend and you are stepping in to defend him from the big bad Freak Safari. Don't you get tired of his antics?

    But before you do make no mistake, KADUUK walked into this thread and started talking smack. We intaited NOTHING. We have forgotten about the whole KADUUk affair and have moved on. It is obvious he has not and likes to stick his head in places where his friends have to come and remove it for him.

  6. Funny, it's actually only "something with Freak Safari" when we have the misfortune to cross paths with some irritating moron of an attention-starved child who comes along to bother us for no apparent reason. Fortunately, that doesn't happen often. In fact, I can barely remember the last one...

    Oh, wait, I remember. Hi, Kaduuk.

    Oh KADUUK....you are such a class act. What's the matter? Didn't have brass the to take this up with us...so you attack him in CN:TE? What's the matter? Little KADUUK get hurt feelings? Awwwwww...so sorry....

    Maybe you should just let the Big Boy's speak here and go back to the kids table in the corner.

  7. Greetings leaders of cybernations,

    I came here to warn you that there is a scammer/ rogue nation that acts like he is buying tech. After he sends his technology out he cancels it so you are stuck with the tech you bought for him. He told me that I would only get the money if I attacked two nations on his request, so I did but he still fails to deliver the money to me. This ruler is: Crazymatty from Realm of PBXs, I call all rulers, small and large, to attack this punk anyway possible and make him sorry for the atrocities he committed towards me but also the people I attacked. I have offered peace and we have to fight this punk side by side my fellow rulers of cybernations.




    Like I said before...I was warned that this guy is bad news. The info I got is proving to be correct. Since he has used my name in his two wars, I am personally offering 3M to the first 3 nations to attack him.

    He has changed his A.A. 4 times this morning. He flew the Freak Safari A.A. for about 20 minutes before changing it back to where it is now.

    There was no "scam". He is in a tech deal with another nation...he didn't buy his current tech for me. Even if he did he could just ship it to complete his current deal. Sorry to have to clutter the forum with this rubbish. Every now and then you get these guys who try to ruin the game for people. have fun with him Planet Bob.

    Anyone looking to collect the bounty on his head. Come on over to http://www.freaksafari.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4514 to claim your prize.

  8. You are the rogue here, I have a history of completed techdeals and happy customers

    Really? So that is why you just go and attack two nations and put my name in the War screen? Sure you are...sure.

    The people over at the German Empire warned me about you...looks like they were spot on.

  9. Guys and gals...please watch your step with this one.

    I was about to enter a tech deal with this one when I was warned he was upto no good. Once I backed out...well just take a look at his war screen.

    He is now flying the Freak Safari A.A. But make no mistake...he is a ROUGE. Please feel free to hit him.

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