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Posts posted by crazymatty

  1. With all the big wars going on I had almost forgot about RyanGDI. Wow...it's like that favorite Reality TV show you don't want to tell your friends you like. It is so bad...yet so fun to watch.

    Ryan, I would watch out for some of these people gunning for you to join the MF A.A. and fight GDI. And no...you won't win. This dude already has 9M waiting for him when he logs on. More then your entire warchest for you last fight.

  2. So why is Ryan under the World Federation AA now? Little confused there.

    This is so typical RyanGDI, after the Christmas war when things got tough he left to join another alliance. Now he has left again. What a horrible commander. Horrible leader...why would ANYONE follow this guy?

    P.S. Soda took on Ryan's whole alliance by himself. Ryan may have beat him on an unexpected blitz one time, but when it came down to it Ryan had to pay reps to Soda.

  3. I just wonder why mhawk and TPF government as a whole care more about NPO then the member's of their own alliance?

    Although at this point it is easy for TPF to "continue" to fight. Most of them are in PM and not really "on the battlefield". So when mhawk says we will be the last to leave the field, he is talking about all of his 300-2000 NS guys, not him, not any of his generals, no officer to speak of...just a bunch of privates who do what they are told and get slaughtered. They will be the last to leave the field while the upper echelon of TPF get fat.

    Poor show TPF. To the REAL fighters of TPF, I salute you, you have shown great resolve in the face of impossible odds.

    BamaBuc, you kept your word and came back out fighting, much respect.

  4. Quite frankly sir, we don't !@#$@#$ give a damn about how much this war damages us. Our brothers and allies are out there.


    Wait...you do know you are still in hippy mode right? I mean, your brothers and allies are out here, actually...you know...fighting. They don't seem to "give a damn" how much the war damages THEM. You sir seem like you DO care how much damage you take. You could be out sending Aid, fighting alongside your "brothers and allies".

    I did fight you one round, I know you WERE out fighting, but not any more. To be honest you knocked my teeth out as well as a couple others I'm sure. I also managed a quick spy attempt on you and your War Chest was/is HUGE. What gives?

    You rant seems to ring very hollow shouted behind the wings of a dove.

  5. I read this topic and started flipping through our own membership for a good one, thought this was cool:

    About Realm of PBXs:

    Poison Clan does not believe it is their job to forgive our attackers. That job is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting. Nukes Delivered:24. Nukes Eaten: 10. Deflected:19

    Mine is fairly boring, just a way for me to keep track of stats.

    Hey thanks! That quote is molded after a quote from General Norman Schwartzkopf after he was asked if there was room for forgiveness toward the people who abetted the 9/11 terrorist attacks against America.

    He responded: "I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting."

  6. Did you follow ALL the terms in the OP?

    1. Peace out of all wars.

    2. Decommission soldiers down to no more than 50% of your working citizens for the duration of the terms.

    3. Decommission all tanks for the duration of the terms.

    4. Decommission all Naval vessels for the duration of the terms.

    5. Decommission nuclear weapons for the duration of the terms.

    6. Decommission military Improvements except for those needed to keep an SDI.

    7. Post your resignation from your alliance in the public resignation thread on the OWF here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=213

    8. Switch your AA to Karma POW until the conflict is over or you are released, whichever comes first. Time spent as a POW shall not exceed 1 month in the event of extended conflict.

    9. Do not re enter the conflict, including spying on Karma nations, or send aid to anyone fighting in the conflict for its duration.

    10. Failure to comply with terms will result in a resumption of hostilities.

    If this is the case how come I still see

    10 G.C.'s

    16 Nukes

    10 Navy

    832 CM's

    Over 17K's tanks

    I think some of these people need to get to Decoming pretty fast.

  7. If I understand the term correctly, a Defeat Alert is issued when a defending nation has less than 5% odds ... and the aggressor has 95% or higher odds on a ground battle.

    I am looking for the explanation to understand why this was not a defeat alert (image below).

    It was my first ground battle attempt of the day.

    There was no ingame message sent to the defender regarding a defeat. There was no damage done.


    Edit to add:

    "If an attacker is unable to battle a defending nation because the defending soldier numbers are too low the defender will automatically be placed into Anarchy, up to 5 defending spies may be killed, 5% or up to 10 technology levels, 20% or up to 40 infrastructure levels, and 5% or up to $5 million in money may be destroyed (not stolen)."


    Does this mean that there is a defeat alert that does zero damage?

    Is it possible someone else already beat you to the defeat alert? From what I understand, a nation will only get 1 defeat alert per day.

    So if player 1 sent a defeat alert already...player 2 is out of luck.

  8. TPF will not disband. For all your koolaid drinking rapster crap, we are by far the stronger alliance for we have something to live for outside of the petty hate required to sustain PC.

    Just remember, before a Phoenix can rise from the ashes...it's needs to burn.

    Burning to start in about 3 hours.

  9. The idea is if they attack, they are breaking the treaty and we are no longer held to it. Not that to cancel just attack. They broke it on the basis there is no consequence because they're going to war already. I hope folks see them for what they are.

    Are you ghosting TPF now? Or have you gone through the application process all over again? I doubt they let in quitters so quickly...

  10. Sorry guys and gals for the delay. I am busy trying to get out of bill lock/being accpeted into Poison Clan/work (RL).

    I have narrowed it down to two of the entries. First thing next week. Promise.

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