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Everything posted by Tyanet

  1. DO NOT POST IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE REQUIRED RESOURCES, IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE REQUIRED RESOURCES, HAVE THE REQUIRED RESOURCES BUT ONE OR BOTH OF THEM ARE TAKEN. AND DO NOT ASK ME TO CHANGE THE SET-UP JUST TO COMPENSATE FOR YOU -thank you We will give you money for a harbor if you need it. THIS THE BEST SET-UP FOR A TRADE CIRCLE THAT IS OUT THERE!!!!!! Required resources: Aluminum: Coal: Gold: Tyanet Iron: Rorschach Lead: Lumber: Marble: Oil: Tyanet Rubber: hueylewis53 Gems: Rorschach Silver: Uranium: hueylewis53 Members: Tyanet TNFSSR Rorschach The Watchmen hueylewis53 The Illuminati Bonus resources: Aluminum, Coal, Gems, Gold, Iron, Lead, Lumber, Marble, Oil, Rubber, & Silver Benefits: Initial infrastructure cost: -42% Infrastructure upkeep: -23% Population increase: 0% Citizen income increase: $9.5 Population happiness increase: 14 Initial land cost: -10% Purchased land area increase: 35% Natural growth increase: x0 Technology cost decrease: -13% Environment: 10 Soldier increase: 38% Soldier cost decrease: $-6 Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5 Tank cost decrease: -8% Tank upkeep cost: -18% Aircraft cost decrease: -16% Aircraft upkeep: -25% Aircraft limit increase: 10 Cruise missile cost decrease: -20% Cruise missile upkeep: -20% Nuke cost decrease: -20% Nuke upkeep: -20%
  2. This is now an all team trading circle
  3. Lead: Zuverlassig Iron: Uranium: ditchboy00 Rubber: ditchboy00 Marble: Oil: Tyanet Gold: Tyanet Aluminum: Coal: Zuverlassig Lumber: Wheat: Water: Bonus resources: Microchips Steel Scholars Construction Radiation clean-up Asphalt Automobiles Beer Bonuses: Initial infrastructure cost: -42% Infrastructure upkeep: -26% Population increase: 8% Citizen income increase: $6 Population happiness increase: 11 Initial land cost: -10% Purchased land area increase: 35% Natural growth increase: x0 Technology cost decrease: -13% Environment: 11 Soldier increase: 38% Soldier cost decrease: $-6 Soldier upkeep cost: $-0.5 Tank cost decrease: -8% Tank upkeep cost: -18% Aircraft cost decrease: -16% Aircraft upkeep: -25% Aircraft limit increase: 10 Cruise missle cost decrease: -20% Cruise missle upkeep: -20% Nuke cost decrease: -20% Nuke upkeep: -20%
  4. I will provide gold and oil
  5. one more question, am I allowed to donate to myself? Better to be safe than sorry
  6. What? Trading doesn't require money if that's what you are asking, you are just given access to whomever you are trading withs resources
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