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Posts posted by ThatFALGuy

  1. So, uh. nevermind, I guess I just have to LOL at this.

    Guess I don't understand the whole abandoning your name, cowering from what is right thing when faced by an enemy. Where I come from, we kill them to the best of our ability or we dies trying, not tuck tail and change our names to Juan Valdez. Seriously, over a coup ATTEMPT? Coups happen for one of two reasons, firstly enough folks are sick of your !@#$ and want you the $%&@ out and secondly, see number firstly.

    Thirdly, wtf, over? Merge one luke warm alliance into another luke warm alliance and you got..luke warm alliance, with a few more members.

    Seriously, don't be spineless and bite your nose to spite your face. "Jew gunna coupe me, I will just kill everything I think is awesum, so I can stop u" Seriously?

  2. We'd love to have groups like Molon Labe, OBR, Old Guard... join us. We'd all be able to work together to improve the economy of the black sphere and of our respective alliances. If you and they do not wish to join for whatever reason, however, that's fine. So what of the folks that don't join? They just don't join. They keep living their lives however they live them. There's no reason a bloc like NOIR would affect that. (Unless they declared some kind of GOONLand Security Act...)

    Thank you for your response, I ma sending a PM your way since you are the one TO respond to my query.

  3. Congrats and all that, but I have to ask as this has plagued my mind for quite some time now, what of the folks that do NOT sign into your block? I know I was given an answer once, when ML was approached to sign and we politely declined, I'm just curious as to what it is today.

  4. I think that comment is just an admission that mhawk's kicking and screaming played a part in Karma conceding all points to TPF with regards to these terms.

    See, I read it as, while he wasn't around enough to be truly active, he still played a part in getting terms, good or bad as they are, for TPF as a whole....i.e., not kicking and screaming and not to be able to later say he never agreed to them or have a basis to use in refuting them, as has been suggested.

  5. **<snip>**

    Sure, the alliances arrayed around TPF could continue to grind them into a pulp, but it will only continue to cost them, especially in political capital, more than it was worth to do so and if TPF never agrees to terms and disperses or goes underground, then it will be a pyrrhic victory.

    The best thing, imo, is for them to get back to the negotiating table and hammer out a different agreement.

    Most sound advice I have read yet.

  6. So putting your alliance on a new colour team makes you as bad as NPO now? Since when has switching team colours been a crime?

    Where did I say that moving to a new color made anyone as bad as any other? What I did say was that taking advantage of a situation in such a manner was in bad form in my own opinion, though admittedly in not so many words. Nice try at negating my opinion by attempting to make it look petty. :rolleyes:

    If you believe in something and believe that what you are doing is just and right, you do not wait till you have all the cards stacked in your favor and make it blatant that you are taking that opportunity because of that. You would do what you think is just and right at any time, odds or no odds. If this is the right thing to do, which in some ways I agree, but not totally, then why was it not done previous to NPO getting stomped on and subsequently too busy to actually react to a post basically stating, we are here whether you like it or not.

    My one question if I may is, will the (pardon if I have the wrong doctrine in mind) protection of "None" nations from tech raiding still exist by this new alliance as part of this move on NPO? Is that not part of the Moldavi Doctrine that is being shamed here?

  7. Sorry to see you go like this ML, the 'shrooms will have little trouble dispatching you.

    And you are? HA! Your name is Choader....that is a remark around here, though this being a family place I can not relay what a Choader is around here. Just suffice that you apparently are one.

    You apparently forgot to see what MK did in the last war...

    Seriously? They were NO chumps, but come the $%&@ on now.

    How unfortunate for you.

    How typical of you, 4 words....

    Not because of anything ML did, that's for sure.

    And you are? XD silly, just silly I tell ya.

    That point can be argued, however it doesn't matter in the context of his attempt to intimidate. If you state "you must not remember what happened", well for those that look at it literally that is an odd threat :P

    Mhawk... Just know that you are the bomb.

    You know what I was talking about. Oh well, if you think I was intimidating that's your prerogative. I was just reminding your lapdog to get a little insight before he declares victory for the ML war machine. I'm thinking ML members don't appreciate him talking smack to their opponents for them. But then again, who knows.

    I doubt highly that you were intimidating, maybe retarded, but not intimidating by any means. Where is this lapdog? I have not seen him, I kicked him in the nose earlier and he disappeared.

    I say we let the ML war machine talk for the ML war machine. That means you too mhawk.


    The ML war machine has spoken.

    Who are you again? Get a clue, then get over yourself. You want me to drag out the MK screenshots? I was trying to be civil here.

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