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Posts posted by ThatFALGuy

  1. [quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1297060316' post='2623654']
    I'd love to be wrong. It's because ML is burning that I'm making these posts. I lay some of the blame on ML, of course, they still had to press the button, but they wouldn't have done so without tPF trying to bring them in. [/quote]

    Please give a little credit that ML isn't some mindless twit, nor is ML about ignoring its allies in need. Yes, ML pushed the button to help defend it's allies, though TPF did not and does not need to request ML's aid. None of ML's allies [i]need[/i] to [i]try[/i] to get help from ML. When help is needed it is "go time" and nothing less. I don't recall anywhere seeing "tPF trying to bring them in", in all actuality, you couldn't be more wrong.

    I have this sneaky suspicion it is not the choice that ML made in defending it's ally, but in who that ally is. Personally I find that rather sad, sad indeed.

  2. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1297060555' post='2623671']
    Glad to see Exodus was smart. How are you tonight my darling little failures? Who's a cute failure? You're a cute failure! Yes you are! ^_^
    Wow, we hitting bottom here or what? I'd offer a hand back up, but I'd rather not need to shower again today.

  3. [quote name='Quinoa Rex' timestamp='1296929847' post='2620683']
    It is not for you to decide whether or not our members are rogues, just like it's not for us to decide whether yours are. Your government member tried to inform us in the most deliberately obtuse of manners that it was just a rogue situation. We informed you otherwise and announced a recognition of hostilities purely to avoid confusion about who is actually at war with who.[/quote]
    So if I get this straight, it is NOT ok for ML to call a couple of your members rogues, a silly little word with virtually no meaning, but you can DICTATE to ML what it may and may not use as a definition for such a silly little word? I think this would be called a double standard, if our definitions match up of course ;)
    [quote]Let me repeat that for anyone who didn't get it the first thousand times: [b][i][size="4"]it is an acknowledgement of hostilities that currently exist posted to avoid confusion about who is actually at war with who.[/size][/i][/b] The only thing I'm remotely upset about at this point is having to repeat that [i]ad nauseam[/i].[/quote]
    It's your own fault for having to repeat anything. Nobody else. It's your thread, amirite? knowutImsayin?

    It still befuddles me....lets toss the whole "rogue" thing to the side since a word of such nature carries no meaning anyway (to ML anyway, to a rogue it probably carries more merit and meaning or possibly shame, gotta be proud of heritage and all) and focus on the "need" for "acknowledgment" aspect of things.... or what I refer to as double standard part deux, AKA, the other issue people have with this pointless thread.

    MK and apparently Umbrella's policies dictate that a couple of wars, numbering 1-2 (from what I was told directly) do not warrant the need for a formal or even informal DoW.... fair enough, it's your policy of course, do as you see fit. Umbrella had two wars, MK had three, for 5 total wars. I am assuming that MK's "policy" must state something more like, 1-3 wars isn't enough to warrant "recognition of hostilities". I assume that, as that is the action that you portrayed (for the slow, it was Umbrella with 2 wars, MK with 3). ML had 3 total wars...... Do you see where I am going with this?

    SOOOOOooooo..... why not stop with the whole "ML dictated %^&*" "ML is poo-poo" "We are only mad at ML because they used our same tactics and we are still waiting on the patents office to return our call" and my favorite.. "How dare they call our members rogues!!! They can rape our land and pillage our women, but DO NOT. CALL. US. ROGUES!!!!"

  4. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1296926626' post='2620606']
    What does this have to do with my point or this thread?

    It's not like we were ignoring each other before this.

    We initiated war against TPF in response to their attack on GOONS. Then ML initiated war against us in response to our attack on TPF. Neither were declared wars. [b]ML tried to deny that their attacks on our members constituted an attack on us.[/b]

    [i]I don't know why this is so difficult for people to understand or follow.[/i]
    Please point to where ML denied anything. I don't recall seeing anything denied. Did ML in any way state that it was not at war with you, that it did not expect retaliation for defending its allies? Big deal, ML labeled your first guys rogues, semantics really, but semantics for a reason. You drew ML into the conflict by attacking it through extension of its allies. I do remember when you, or it may have been Umbrella to be fair, were first asked, WTFBBQ are you doing, the reply was defending your allies. When ML was asked, WTFBBQ are you doing, the witty reply was, uh, the same thing. This was the content of the first conversation. Why anything matters beyond that, I have no idea except for drama factor. Continue to push and dictate to ML what can and can not be done or said, or defined for that matter and you WILL of course find some stubborn as $%&@, sons of !@#$%*es. I have this sneaking suspicion that the same would be, is and has been found within MK, so I can only assume you understand the sentiment.

    ML called your first guys rogues, everything else so far has been liquid brown !@#$%^&* though, even if it only amounts to mere semantics, a lie is a lie. The above bold, like the proverbial cake, is a lie. The italicized portion is moot as people are confused when things just don't add up. Why don't they add up? Because half of what is said is either A. a lie or B. conjecture and twist on something that means nothing to anyone but yourselves. It gives you a way to call ML the big ole meanie-stinky-head and nothing more. Of course people are confused.

    I still don't see the point of this thread at all. It's 24 pages of "ML mean, no like how ML call enemy rogue, must post on OWF" Remember, it is not ML which is making the stink about even the slightest thing. ML is happy enough to beat on some rogues and be done or to have MK and Umbrella back said rogues and play a little rockem sockem. Does it really matter that much to you that they are called rogues, does it really warrant all this?

  5. [quote name='Shayne Rivai' timestamp='1296841331' post='2619377']
    Oh, really? Thanks, bro. I was unaware that you were a member of Duckroll and not only that, but with government access. [/quote]
    You apparently are unaware. [i][b]I[/b][/i] am in fact the person that STATED in more than one way, ML has no desire to see DR take part in this, that DR is not warranted in any of this and that DR will not be called into any of this. ML is defending it's personal allies. This defending of personal allies has nothing to do with DR in any way, shape or form. IF DR comes in with force, it will be by other doings and not related to ML. Personally I just don't care for how it was originally put that ML "was told" they would not be backed, as if defending allies was a bad thing/choice or that defending its allies was based on if DR was ok with it, let alone, IIRC, by a non DR member. Did you question HIS information?
    [quote]Would you mind telling me when the next food drive starts?[/quote]
    No such thing as a food drive around here, get a gun and shoot something tasty. Being self reliant negates food drives.
    [quote]I wasn't at the last DR meeting and I really want to get rid of all this [i]BOLOGNA[/i] that you are dishing out -- I don't need it. [/quote]
    Venison bologna is very good, might do you some good to just eat a little of it for once, you're looking a little anemic.

    To all you haters out there just frothing at the mouth, baiting and taunting like little school children for DR to come rolling to town, jesus $%&@, would you quit already? It's very tiresome. You act like little school children playing some silly assed browser based game about politics and nations or something, grow up already.

    To all you lovers out there, I guess late is better than never and in the fashion of last years January/February war love fest, I announced that ML had turned 3, in the previous October. Well, it's that time of year again, ML turned 4, this previous October. Onwards to 5 :D

  6. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1296835892' post='2619310']
    In the Umb-ML talks, yeah you did. AggieRebel's whole argument the entire conversation was "Well because Umb didn't formally declare, the members who attacked TPF are rogues, and therefore we have every right to attack them and you have no right to attack us back for doing so." Which is a load of passive aggressive crap.
    Nobody ever said that MK or Umbrella have no right to attack back, not even >||< that much, please show me where that was stated or even eluded to. ML considered and may still consider the first attacks on TPF as rogue attacks just as they considered ML's attacks on THEM as rogue attacks (yeah, it's in writing on both parties, who cares though?). It's semantics, does ANYONE really think that ML even for a second thought that:

    A. As rogues those nations were going to just be let free to fend for themselves.
    B. They were not going to be defended in any way.
    C. No-one may have differing opinions on issues at hand or differing definitions/meanings of actions? ML stated what it thought of the situation, IF anything, MK dictated that ML isn't allowed to think that way....
    C. ML didn't see THIS coming. XD

    ML is dictating nothing. Without DoW, attacks are considered rogues in ML's books. Are YOU dictating that ML can not provide it's own definition? I think THAT would be a form of dictating, would it not? If MK or Umbrella choose to defend rogues, all the power to them.

    It's a two way street and been said as much. When ML was told that MK/Umbrella were defending their ally, ML replied the same in kind (though to be fair, it may have been more like "that's what we are doing") no crying, no "spinelessness", nothing, you defend, ML defends, everyone defends. YY, it's a defense party in da house. Whatever. Spineless would be ignoring it. ML ignores nothing, even if seldom seen around these here parts.

    It was stated to ML that a couple of attacks didn't warrant a DoW, so ML didn't post one either, especially when the attacks amounted to even less.

    And yes, this all is silly isn't it? Ever think that this just may be a show of how silly this whole situation has become?

    And Xiph, some of that was aimed at you as I quoted you, of course (duh, right?), but not all. Most is simply a reply to much of the diatribe in general.

    fake edit.... hmmm.. maybe the definition of "dictating" also varies as where I come from, to "dictate" to another person is to tell them that they can/can not/have a right/have no right to do something. I still don't see where ML performed any of the aforementioned actions, only expressed it's thoughts on a particular situation, then stuck to them. MK/Umbrella/anyone that so chooses can do whatever they want with said expressions. Maybe the first rule in the warriors handguide should be on which dictionary is agreeable and that everyones definitions are always exactly the same.

  7. [quote name='Vespassianus' timestamp='1296823008' post='2619179']
    ML played with hardballs, so Umb and MK responded with full force. ML has bigger balls then then other members of the so called NPO coalition, they attacked who attacked their ally, they don't whine on the forums, they fight instead, so hail ML. Some alliances could take lesson from them. And i think they expected that MK+Umb will counter them (as normally alliances attack back if someone commit an act of agression against them) so i see no problem here, just 3 good alliances fighting.

    BAM, give this man a cupi-doll!!!

  8. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1296790711' post='2618706']
    As I've been told it, Molon Labe has been informed by the rest of Duckroll that they're on their own in this one.
    And you have been told wrong. You feel it is important enough to post this in public, I feel it is important enough to correct you on it, in public. DR didn't say anything, it was ML doing the talking.

    [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1296790764' post='2618710']
    ML insisting they have the right to declare members of other alliances rogues and prosecute them as such, and further insisting that any retaliation by those alliances is illegal. It's a ridiculous argument - and since I'm sure it's been done before, I'll simply say it was wrong then as well. It's !@#$%^&*, no matter who does it.
    WTF you talking about. Insist on.... what? ML insisted on NO right to anything, just called as they were seen. Whoever is feeding you the "insisted on" and "illegal retaliation" !@#$, needs a good dope slap for lying to you.

    MK and Umbrella declared wars on TPF in defense of GOONs, ML didn't cry about it, instead just declared wars in defense of TPF, c wut I did thar? We call it "same/same" Nothing about what MK is doing is "illegal" any more than what we are doing (in the same fashion I might add) is "illegal".

    It's all just relative silliness, this whole thread is silliness.

  9. [quote name='WCaesarD' timestamp='1296788780' post='2618590']
    After reading that op, I came away with "we didn't need to declare to help our allies, but ML does". This seems dumb.

    Edit: still, good luck to umb/mk.
    Know what I'm saying? The Everything Must Die war, became the Double Standards war... wait, think that war has been fought before, crap, at a loss for a proper war name. :(

    [quote name='Roosterton' timestamp='1296788828' post='2618594']
    Or maybe ML just wants to have some fun !@#$@#$ !@#$ up. This is a game, after all.
    ML is no fuddy duddy.

    Yay, finally a DoW from the esteemed MK alliance and Umbrella.
    Wait, since when did helping allies become a protected action of only MK and Umbrella? You guys are just wound too damn tight me thinks, need to loosen up and live a little. Whoever we talked to became unglued that we would defend our allies and not recognize it as a right only to you folks. I hear soldiers are stopping into some nations to drop off a nice scrip' of Morphine for some of the members, let me know if it doesn't hit the spot.

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