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Posts posted by Stetson76

  1. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='04 May 2010 - 03:05 PM' timestamp='1273003482' post='2286659']
    And the codex does mean something to me, and my opinion counts. [b]We're requiring an unconditional surrender. That is not a harsh term nor is it a term I wouldn't accept.[/b] Furthermore, the terms we do give them after they surrender will conform to the moral standards set forth in our codex.[/quote]

    I thought unconditional surrender wasn't a term?

    [quote name='Matthew PK' date='29 April 2010 - 03:17 PM' timestamp='1272572215' post='2280220']
    Not splitting hairs at all.
    Terms of a peace are not on the table. GRE requires a surrender.

    Requiring a surrender is not a term, in fact "unconditional" mean [b]"without conditions"[/b] which demonstrates that terms have not been put on the table.
    I suspect that what you mean by "hidden behind door number 3" is what the terms will be when terms are actually offered. If so, then there is no violation of the codex. Whatever's "hidden behind door number 3" will need to be something that we, ourselves, would be willing to accept.

    Except demilitarization, right?

    [quote]If GRE nations in the lower tier are outnumbered 3:1, tell me how much of a difference 3 nukes and 24 ships really makes if IRON/DAWN is so convinced that GRE will crumble.[/quote]

    It does make a difference in the individual battles. One nation with a superior navy and full military improvements can easily handle 3 who are not fully equipped. Although your point is valid if the rules of engagement did not limit to 3 offensive wars, the reality is much different.

    [quote]then CnG can and should roll us themselves (as they have no treaty with us and nobody would stop them)[/quote]

    Because they're the new moral police? LOL

    [quote]On the other hand, it seems to me like many people here are excusing that as a goal so long as it's them doing it to us. Who's the pot and who's the kettle?

    They want me to never recover? Sounds very humane of them!
    Can't sustain it *forever*, sure. But it's not as if this war is really impeding my growth either.[/quote]

    It's not a goal, and no one has said it would be (I find quotes for you, find one for me) they are merely stating that it's possible given your stubbornness.

  2. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='03 May 2010 - 03:48 PM' timestamp='1272919708' post='2285271']
    Surrender and then disarm is a far cry from disarm and then maybe we'll let you surrender.

    If they disarm after surrendering, there is an end to hostilities via the surrender.
    On the contrary, what has been suggested in this thread is that we want them to disarm before they surrender and thus opening themselves up to our continued attacks after they disarm but before they surrender.

    So it seems that my gov wants them to disarm after they surrender. That's nothing new; in fact I'd say it's pretty standard.
    We're not saying "disarm and maybe we'll stop hitting you" nor are we saying "you need to disarm before you surrender but we won't tell you how"

    It's not an issue of concurrence; it's an issue of people in this thread deliberately presenting a ludicrous falsehood that we demand demilitarization before they can surrender. If anything, it's an issue of order of process.

    I am in no way asserting that you will continue to fight with IRON/DAWN after demilitarization and in fact that is not the reason I decided to participate in this topic. I am merely pointing out that your statement that the only requirement for a cessation of hostilities is surrender is patently false and you confirmed it here. It's okay to say you made a mistake and misspoke, but instead you decided to question my reading comprehension and that of everyone else in this thread. It's hard to maintain a veneer of superiority when you can't keep a consistent argument.

  3. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='03 May 2010 - 10:53 AM' timestamp='1272902004' post='2285037']
    Demilitarization was never a term of surrender. GRE has never asked them to demilitarize before they can surrender. Not ever.

    *After* they surrender, I *suspect* they will be told to demilitarize. And, as I have stated repeatedly, I am speaking from my opinion and personally rather than from any position of authority.

    Wow, you have a very warped sense of how the word 'and' works. Just switching the order of the words around when dealing with non-linear statement does not help your position. 'And' is a concurrent conjunction so in other words, (to assist your reading comprehension) both words joined by the conjunction 'and' happen at the same time.

    In anticipation of your next round of "but it's only my opinion", I did go back and grab these logs which in over 50 pages since their post no one has challenged the validity of:

    [quote][17:38] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> Tell Peron that it doesn't really matter how many different people he sends over to query me (or who do it on their own).
    [17:38] <RamirusMaximus|GRE> I have nothing to say to IRON until you surrender and lay down your arms.[/quote]

    Again, that pesky 'and'.

    Anyway, I hope that helps fill in your suspicions so you can change your story back to IRON/DAWN having to demilitarize at the same time they surrender as opposed to this new trial balloon you're floating that they can just surrender and [b]then, maybe[/b] disarm.

  4. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='02 May 2010 - 06:27 PM' timestamp='1272842833' post='2284306']
    When they surrender, they'll be told how to proceed to achieve peace.
    You're a bit late to the thread. The issue of the "initial" terms is old hat; now everybody is up in arms about GRE demanding an unconditional surrender. Try to keep up with the reasons to hate us.

    Now, while I appreciate being condescended to as much as the next guy, I'll just let you know that I've read every word of this tragi-comedy (Admin help me). Which is the very reason that I decided to jump into the fray. It seems that the request being made of IRON/DAWN by GRE has changed. To refresh your memory, not that I'm sure you need it as you said these things:

    [quote name='Matthew PK' date='12 April 2010 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1271103762' post='2257632']
    Certainly after demilitarizing it may place them in a different position as the "bargaining table" if you will and it opens them up to a different risk.
    But there is no reason why IRON couldn't retrain soldiers, tanks, aircraft, CM etc very quickly should they find terms unacceptable.

    [quote name='Matthew PK' date='12 April 2010 - 03:46 PM' timestamp='1271105156' post='2257666']
    I want you to voluntarily weaken your position [b]so that you may be allowed a seat[/b] at the table.

    [quote name='Matthew PK' date='13 April 2010 - 10:49 AM' timestamp='1271173740' post='2258744']
    Because it is an unacceptable moral tragedy to make a defeated enemy disarm before discussing terms...

    And my personal favorite:

    [quote name='Matthew PK' date='14 April 2010 - 12:12 PM' timestamp='1271265153' post='2260238']
    'The table' is the place at which the terms to end the war will be discussed.
    Our position is that we will not meet at said table until IRON/DAWN demilitarize and surrender.

    And regarding our drop in NS: so you clearly think GRE has compromised? :D

    [quote name='Matthew PK' date='14 April 2010 - 11:39 AM' timestamp='1271263136' post='2260201']
    How many times have I said that demilitarization and surrender does not imply that you can't return to a state of war from the table?
    I suppose at least you're being consistent....

    Furthermore, I think the process of "demilitarization" is adequately outlined. You can correct me if I am wrong.

    Speaking of consistent...

    [quote name='Matthew PK' date='02 May 2010 - 05:39 PM' timestamp='1272839939' post='2284249']
    Disarmament is not a condition of surrender. IRON has been asked to surrender; nothing else.

    So, please keep telling me what I don't know and how foolish everyone else is but kindly refrain from hating me when all I am trying to do is inform IRON/DAWN that demilitarization is no longer a precondition of being "allowed a seat at the table".

  5. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='02 May 2010 - 05:39 PM' timestamp='1272839939' post='2284249']
    Disarmament is not a condition of surrender. IRON has been asked to surrender; nothing else.

    So, they can just say we surrender and they'll learn the peace terms?

    HEY EVERYONE, negotiations should be underway immediately as IRON/DAWN has stated at least twice by trying to accept surrender terms on the table that they indeed, do surrender.

  6. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='01 May 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1272749918' post='2283024']
    As for "standard definition" of "unconditional surrender" I think we've driven that point into the ground. [b]We want you to surrender without any conditions. That is the definition.[/b]

    If you want them to surrender without any conditions, then why are you placing disarmament as a condition of surrender?

  7. While I appreciate the nominations, I have to ask that instead of considering SNAFU you consider NAC.

    We have very specific boosting programs that may or may not be spectacularly successful, but they are consistent with our alliance organizational structure.

    This is a very nice thing you're doing Gopher, good luck in finding a worthy alliance that will put your generosity to good use.

  8. [size="3"][center][img]http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn59/Stetson1376/Snafu_flag-1.png[/img][/center]

    [i]A loud POP sounds in the back of the hall. As the lights blink out a quiet murmur begins to move through the crowd...[/i]

    [i]When a voice rings out of the darkness[/i][b] "Sorry! Wrong button,"[/b] [i]the lights flash back on temporarily blinding everyone gathered for what they think is a momentous occasion. As their vision clears the people notice that there is now a man wearing a faded cowboy hat standing on the podium where moments before there had been no one.[/i]

    [b]"Ladies and Gentlemen of the world, I come before you on this dark day to share your grief and mourn our failings."[/b] [i]The man pauses and takes a long drink from the 2 liter bottle of Diet Pepsi at his side.[/i]

    [b]"There comes a time in every leader's reign when it must be acknowledged that the best efforts of even the greatest of heroes cannot help to stem the tide of awesomeness that is SNAFU."[/b]

    [i]With this statement many in the crowd begin to look at each other with somber but puzzled expressions.[/i]

    [b]"Today I must come before you to call out those individuals who have risen above the occasional blunder that has been a hallmark of SNAFU from it's very foundation."[/b]

    [b]"Let me begin by presenting the one award which I had thought to be lost in the depths of our ennui, the SNAFU Award of Excellence."[/b]

    [i]As random and disjointed claps begin to sound within the hall, he continues.[/i]

    [b]"In the finest tradition of SNAFU's record keeping department it has come to my attention that this award has been previously awarded and it was never officially announced. So, in the interests of clearing up our backlog of notices, while simultaneously ensuring we don't drag this out too long and give other members ideas of stepping up and going above and beyond the call of duty, it is with a heavy heart that I award the SNAFU Award of Excellence to:"

    [center]Madam CaVi of Spehan (Postdated Oct. 2, 2008)


    Thoughberry of Newest Amsterdam (Apr. 28, 2010)


    [i]Feeling more confident now, the crowd breaks out in sustained cheering and applause. Seeing this the man pushes his hat back and with a confused look and continues.[/i]

    [b]"Both of these individuals have truly redefined what it means to be a member of SNAFU. So much so that their example has encouraged members new and old to take that next step from mere citizen to bureaucrats of the finest order. Masters of red tape and diplomatic doublespeak one and all. These individuals have gone through the most grueling and protracted election process known to man and come through on the other side winners of the coveted deputy positions, guaranteeing lifelong pensions and the lightest workload in the known world. So, without further ado, I present the newest deputies to grace our alliance's halls:"

    [center]Deputy Director of Illicit Affairs: Recruits - InfidelIsraeli of Danish Bagel Factory

    Deputy Director of Illicit Affairs: Citizens - Steelese of Left of Salt Lake

    Deputy Director of Damage Control: Rogues - Thanos47 of Hasham Israel

    Deputy Director of Damage Control: Companies - Wfbone of COMCS

    Deputy Director of Making Nations Rich: Tech - Ikenna AO of Ningexas

    Deputy Director of Alliance Relations: Relations - Murder of Empire of Murder[/center]

    "May Admin have mercy on our souls."[/b]

    [i]With the crowd in a near fever pitch the man finally comes to a realization "These people are happy about this stuff!"

    Now sporting a wide grin, he yells with a raised voice and a fist pump.[/i]

    [b]"AND NOT ONLY THAT! SNAFU has reached 1 million nation strength for the second time!"[/b]

    [i]With that pronouncement he pulls a cord next to the podium and water begins to cascade down upon the crowd inciting a near riot as people exit the auditorium amid screams and howls. As the sprinkler system drenches the man and the hall empties he hears a plaintive voice from behind the curtain.[/i]

    [b]"Sorry about that, wrong cord!"[/b]

    [i]And with that the curtain falls from in front of a huge screen.[/i]

    [center][img] http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn59/Stetson1376/1milNSx2.png[/img][/center]

    [i]Turning his head the man glances up at the screen with a wry expression on his face as a loud POP echoes through the room, sparks come flying from the control booth and the hall goes dark once again.[/i]


    Madam CaVi and Thoughberry are awesome, SNAFU had its first ever elections for deputy positions and has reached 1 million nation strength for the second time following the Bi-Polar war.[/size]

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