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Posts posted by TheListener

  1. Oh well, some people truly look concerned and all that jazz on the OWF.

    But when it's time to put their precious pixels at stake, they are nowhere to be found.

    I mean: if waging war against an alliance was such a blatant and mind-shocking tragedy, then why didn't all of those OWF-vocal people change AA and fight against the oppressors? This is a point that someone should answer meaningfully.

    But I am pretty convinced no-one will do.


    Same reason it took you and your Friends months to finally take a swing at MI6, same reason you and your friends back downed from the threat that BONES put against you: Strategy. 

  2. I'm here telling you guys that you've earned my respect, that I wish you the best, and you're calling me a fool? 

    That's poor sportsmanship if I've ever seen it.


    Irony, instructing anyone on poor sportsmanship after this wonderful shame of a war. Also I didn't call you a fool, I called you a NAIVE FOOL.

  3. I'm not exactly sure what the apology clause is supposed to accomplish, are we all expected to suddenly believe MI6 genuinely hold themselves responsible for the war and that they didn't just sign that clause desperate to get out of the war? Whatever. Hopefully we can all move onto more interesting things now. 


    How dare you accuse anyone of such dastardly deeds like lying in an attempt to get out of a war. No self-respecting alliance would ever do that.  :rolleyes:

  4. You're impressively good at completely avoiding the things people say to you, and instead ranting and raving about... a bunch of random stuff. If you were a bit less incoherent, you might even manage to derail the thread with that tactic.



    I think he hit the topics that he quoted pretty well, but I can't say I'm surprised that Oculus members will claim he is incoherent or whatever other bullshit you guys want to claim here.  You guys do have quite the history of being incapable to read what is actually being typed and twisting it to what you think it should be. But this whole discussion really comes down to Oculus letting MInc, who aggressively attacked Oculus, off scott free because they were afraid of BONES and his friends coming in and tearing their upper tier to pieces. You guys continue to attempt to deflect your cowardice away from yourselves by playing the "what if" game with the MI6 members, but see here's the thing MI6 isn't in the position to make that decision and whether they say they would or would not keep MInc in the war because they are or are not afraid BONES doesn't matter. What matters is that Oculus chose the cowards play. 

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