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Everything posted by idsfa

  1. I just want to add a special thanks to all of my IRON victims who shared some excellent recipes during this campaign. And double thanks to those of you who provided gluten-free options! Well fought and well met, all of you. /And the two of you that I don't get to ZI got lucky ...
  2. Fark says: If anyone does X, we will do Y. SWAT does X. Fark does Y. Your "argument" tries to claim Z. with a little thrown in for luck. As for your whining about your precious pixels ...
  3. I'm afraid I must take umbrage at your comment. Various whiners have complained ad nauseum about being attacked after having been given ample warning that this would be the reward for attacking our allies. I have pointed out this cognitive dissonance. You have labeled my response as a form of gloating. Perhaps you need to consult a dictionary? I repeat (at risk of further ad hominem): we made a promise, we told everyone that we made a promise, we honored that promise. Do you have anything to offer beyond mudslinging? Is the worst thing you can honestly think of to say about us is that we honour our commitments?
  4. Wait, wait ... I am losing the war ... that I declared ... this isn't *fair* ... waaahhh! /grep "care" anyone_with_a_clue || echo "no one" //no one
  5. Excuse me if I fail to parse your claim: Farkistan should not have honored their agreement because ADULT wasn't strong enough to stand up to the people who had a treaty with the folks they attacked. Did I miss part of your claim? Please feel free to expand ...
  6. Did you know they were treatied to Fark? Yes Did you attack them anyway? Yes Is it your own fault you got counterattacked? Yes Refute or STFU.
  7. So let me get this straight ... You're complaining because we warned you ahead of time that we would attack you if you declared war on a certain group of nations. And then you did so. And so we declared war on you. I'm going to take "Stupid for $1000," Alex. Once again: It's not up to you to decide if we are "allowed" to make treaties with other alliances.
  8. Hmmm ... Let's see: Fark and ADULT announce an agreement. SWAT attacks ADULT, in direct defiance of that agreement. ADULT asks Fark to honour their commitment. Fark does so. SWAT shiat-talks Fark rather than admit they waived a red rag to the bull. /Have I got the whole sequence there? Yeah, thought so.
  9. What part of the word "treaty" do you not understand? You don't have to like it. You're not part of the treaty. You don't have a say in what we agree to. We agreed, you knew we agreed, you attacked, they called, we answered. Your whining is disingenuous at best.
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