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Posts posted by Believland

  1. LOL, look at these tryhards....


    Congrats on acquiring an unused channel, guys. I'm sure there was plenty of fist pumping and window licking on the short bus last night.

    Good one. Take you all day to think of that zinger?


    The channel was not used, but the general situation is tangentially related, yes.


    Anyway, I retracted my previous statement. Not because I fear the consequences, but because it was a ~post of passion~ and harsher than necessary. But y'all don't know the full stoy, heh.


    Take care of him James, Taget, Myth. I guess. Idk.

    And the full story is that he didn't sell you out, but we just whois'd him and joined a channel called cult. 


    But we will, but you're also free to join ;)

  3. You can always tell when ol magicninja touches a nerve.......

    1. No, GATO doesn't care much for being "relevant". We make our friends and we fight alongside them when the time comes but you won't see us instigating wars or plotting big schemes. Its just not who we are.
    2. I wouldn't give two !@#$% about MI6 if you weren't so full of yourselves. It's !@#$@#$ disgusting, especially considering the kind of people you were before......
    3. 2 is exacerbated by the fact that you guys really ain't !@#$. DT seems to think that alliance ranking makes you relevant, some of you think activity does, or being allied to TOP.... None of that !@#$ matters. Can you move alliances? When you make a move does that change everyone else's plans? That is relevance. You don't have it. Deal with it and play your damn role...its the role you wanted. Quite frankly its a role that suits you....always has.

    Hey buddy, tell us how you really feel.

  4. b0k1Ea0.pngsylzjJs.png



    ARTICLE I - Non-Aggression

    MI6 and DoD will resist attacking each other no matter what Hormones does to provoke it.
    ARTICLE II - Intel
    MI6 and DoD will not spy on each other and will let each other know if anyone has hostile intentions on the other.
    ARTICLE III - Defense
    MI6 and DoD recognize that a direct attack on either party will result in military and financial assistance (if requested). Should the attack come as a result of an offensive action this requirement becomes optional.
    ARTICLE IV - Aggression
    MI6 and DoD may or may not assist the other party in an aggressive war.
    ARTICLE V - Cancellation
    Should either of the undersigned alliances wish to withdraw from this pact notice of their intent to cancel must be provided in private 72 hours prior to the cancellation, during which time all provisions of this document will remain in effect.


    Signed for MI6,
    IYIyTh, M
    Voodoo, M
    Beazy, 001
    JayR95, 002
    Chimaera, 003
    Carter0912 / DC, 004
    James Bond, 007
    Signed for DoD,

    Jesse James

    The Blessed,
    Raymond Jaeger

  5. flagsparta.jpgb0k1Ea0.png



    ARTICLE I - Non-Aggression

    Largo: “Do you lose as gracefully as you win?”
    James Bond: “I don’t know, I’ve never lost.”

    MI6 and Sparta will not give into their natural inclination to attack things -- well, at least each other.

    ARTICLE II - Intel

    "The Spartans used to ask about the enemy, it was not important how many there are, but where the enemy was." - Plutarch 

    MI6 will resist the natural temptation to spy on Sparta. Sparta shall return the favor. If for any reason either party should stumble upon hostile advances made by other parties, they will do their best to make it known to the other as soon as possible.

    ARTICLE III - Defense

    "We bow down before no man."

    MI6 and Sparta recognize that a direct attack on either party will result in military and financial assistance (if requested). Should the attack come as a result of an offensive action this requirement becomes optional.

    ARTICLE IV - Aggression 

    "I'll do anything for a woman with a knife."

    MI6 and Sparta may or may not assist the other party in an aggressive war. 

    ARTICLE V - Cancellation

    Bond: I have to leave immediately.
    Sylvia: [Kissing Bond] When did you say you had to leave.
    Bond: Immediately.. well, almost immediately.

    Should either of the undersigned alliances wish to withdraw from this pact notice of their intent to cancel must be provided in private 72 hours prior to the cancellation, during which time all provisions of this document will remain in effect.
    Signed for MI6,
    IYIyTh, M
    Voodoo, M
    Beazy, 001
    JayR95, 002
    Chimaera, 003
    Carter0912 / DC, 004
    James Bond, 007
    Signed for Sparta
    Yerushalayim - King
    DeathAdder - King
    MetalSnow - Acting Ephor of Lykoi
    DarkIceDragon - Ephor of Mesoa
    DarkLink - Acting Ephor of Philoxenia


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