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Posts posted by Believland

  1. Nations that make threats and are not in recognized alliances are nothing more than rogues and raid targets. Be careful with your blanket threats with unreasonable time scales as it will come back to bite you in the arse



    You're the one who called me out with a baiting comment so you tell me. But nice backpedal, carry on barking doggy.

    Being a rogue and threatening to hit people who aren't the said person isn't stopping him from "existing" either.


    You have a very peculiar memory. 


    That is rather an exaggeration. We were too dogpiled in that war to say anyone single-handedly took him down. No doubt though that Oya stood out as one of the best in MK, who were the best TOP ever fought.

    Yeah, LM was fighting a 6v1, but I don't think he had a successful ground attack during their fight. That's more of what I'm referencing.

  3. No idea why you're showing that. O ya baby is a former MKer and will do what a MKer is destined to do. Talk !@#$, Get Beat, Leave Planet Bob and hide. He's always talked and had a huge ego. He's also always tried to avoid heavy fighting in order to get that big. It's useless to fight him. As soon as hes down small enough, he's just going to leave. We've had enough leave, keep him around for a bit longer.

    You must have forgot where he completely destroyed LM, the biggest nation in the game, in one of the wars. O Ya Baby deserves a spot with the Gods after that round.


    too little imo

    EZI BEazy.

  4. Wait, were we just lumped together with Kaskus?


    You're all just jealous that the girls at the club are all in NSO's VIP section.




    Yeah, but do you have Seal in your VIP room? Singing to you and your guests, being the perfect wingman. No? Well, you can if you stop clubbing Seals and start clubbing with Seal.

  5. This is stupid, this is all stupid, I hate having to deal with you, I hate having to hear people like you, and certain people in MI6 who won't stop, just stop already, let me say what I want and don't call me out about it. Just leave me alone.

    "Let me say things that are completely wrong and not call me on my bullshit!!!"

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