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Yankees Empire

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Posts posted by Yankees Empire

  1. [quote name='darkfox' timestamp='1330917088' post='2933624']
    I could have sworn I saw another person claiming that ODN wasn't a democracy or something along these lines recently. Silly ODN how dare you run your alliance the way you want to.
    Well, I'm the secret emperor, but shhh.

  2. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330915673' post='2933601']
    Except I knew several ODN senators did not like MK.

    You're the ones who are having issues with me speaking out.
    No relationship is perfect. Some people don't love MK. Same could be said about most of our allies.

    I don't care about you speaking out. I'm just telling you that you're wrong.

    Edit to address your edit: Maybe ODN adheres more strongly to democracy? I'll tell you, any spotted discrepancy from ODN law receives a swift kick in the ass.

  3. Roq, I'm going to let you in on a few highly classified ODN secrets, because I think you're entitled to them.

    A) The SecGen does not hold ultimate power in ODN. The SecGen cannot sign or cancel treaties. Only the Senate and the General Assembly have the power to cancel treaties. Thus, whether Os or Lucius were elected is irrelevant.

    B) Pursuant to section A -- in order to cancel a treaty with MK, one would need to convince a majority of the Senate and a majority of the GA to cancel on MK.

    C) Believe it or not, most of ODN likes MK. ODN and MK have been close for years. It would take a COLOSSAL screw-up on MK's part for ODN to cancel on them (colossal in our eyes, not yours).

    D) Deal with it.

    This has been a public service announcement.

  4. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330843225' post='2933019']
    In addition, Schattenmann, the grasp they have is rather tenuous, just some people have to act on their distaste for them. That is the key.
    Last alliance who tried that got rolled and assimilated into the MK-O-Sphereâ„¢ :smug:

  5. [quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1330833772' post='2932910']
    We haven't been in a position to use people for quite some time - CnG is part of the group that made sure of that. For you, and anyone else who feels the same, I'd like to encourage you to get to know the current NPO. It's not quite what many of you seem to remember.
    Ha. I'll believe that when I see it.

    It makes me sad that ODN is now tied to the most evil hegemonic power the Cyberverse has ever seen.

  6. [quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1325621529' post='2891613']
    Thanks :)

    Also, Yankees and I are old hands now? What. The. Actual. Frack. I remember when we were both considered youngsters in Gov.
    I won my first term in Senate a year ago D:

    [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1325664241' post='2892183']
    You've aged. Yankees ages like fun wine. You happen to age like adorable milky there.
    Awwww look at the wittle baby Senator!

  7. [quote name='KodaHack' timestamp='1325543440' post='2890909']
    Better preperation means that they knew when the war was coming. They had the target list while we where ready for war we can't beat an update blitz. We where giving CnG hell then they brought in there other guys. 11 VS 5 is ever equal
    If this was hell, then I need to pick up my sinning.

  8. While I was out (not) getting drunk, this thread has stumbled around like a drunken mule.

    Herr Schatt, as much as you'd like to believe it, the Secretary General of the ODN does not have supreme power over the ODN. If Os likes GOONS and wants a treaty with them, that's all well and good. It also barely matters. I can honestly say that in the year and a half I've been in ODN, a treaty with GOONS has never been approached. The end.

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