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Yankees Empire

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Posts posted by Yankees Empire

  1. [quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1340094834' post='2988700']
    Well you been LEO gov, you know our favorite saying

    ROLL INT :)

    More serious, a while back we had a Q&A with GATO and in that Q&A i told them GATO was one of the alliances I would love to fight 1 on 1, not because I have a grudge against them but because we have a similar tier distribution (granted it shifted to GATO's favor since last war) and some other similarities.

    MK we never pretended to like, and TLR seems to be in here for the chain, so honestly not to much we should complain about.[/quote]
    Always Roll INT.

    Well I have to disagree, apart from signing Sparta and NATO we really haven't had any big changes to our FA in a long time, so unless you want to go so far back as when we canceled on ODN over 2 years ago we haven't exactly placed ourselves opposite of them, R&R has been in SF much much longer than INT has been in C&G, so it just slowly evolved that way.
    You joined XX, which firmly entrenched you on the opposing side of INT. Don't read that in an accusatory tone, it's just the truth.

    The same thing happened with ODN and Sparta in the last war. Sparta joined XX, a bloc very close to SF, who everyone knew was going to be on the opposite side of ODN and CnG. There were discussions and nobody did anything about it. Then, when the war came, ODN and Sparta were on opposite sides and everyone's feelings got hurt.

  2. [quote name='dvdcchn' timestamp='1340082665' post='2988597']
    indeed it is now, you were not privy to the talks among friends post bloc. there was always a special bond and spirit. you are right though, it is dead.
    Or was FOK trying to form its own little sphere. Take your pick.

  3. [quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1340082646' post='2988596']
    I don't think you know what an ad hominem is.
    "An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it."

    I pointed out that D34th was previously a member of Polaris and is currently in STA. I "attempted" to debase his argument based on those negative facts. Pretty sure that fits the definition.

  4. [quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1340082280' post='2988584']
    The old "CoJ is wrong by definition lol" defense. Something tells me it isn't working this time.
    That's not my defense.

    My defense is "CoJ is blithering on because they don't like CnG and will use any excuse to try and give CnG bad PR." To be fair, it's not as catchy as yours.

    But CoJ is also wrong by definition lol.

  5. [quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1340081982' post='2988577']
    This really has nothing to do with rooting for R&R, and everything to do with destroying any shred of credibility that your bloc might have had left before this.
    Coming from CoJ, I'll take that as a compliment, so thanks! :awesome:

    [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1340081478' post='2988565']
    Despite the treatment they are receiving by their allies in The International, R&R is a classy alliance who will avoid to bash their allies in public, but don't think they are satisfied with it just because nobody from R&R posted complaining in OWF.
    Or maybe they accept the fact that by placing themselves at the polar opposite of Int's FA, they did this to themselves?

    R&R obviously has the right to chose their own FA path, but no one should act surprised when alliances in rival blocs fight each other.

  6. Remember that time RnR was on the polar opposite side of the world from Int and didn't rectify it, and then a bunch of other alliances acted all butthurt about it?

    I've seen Spartans, D34th, and people from CoJ complain about it, but 0 to very few people from R&R complain.

  7. [quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1335393454' post='2959249']
    Which is pretty typical in alliances throughout Bob's history. Those alliances had a big part.
    But there's no reason for FnKa to be that high. In your list alone, I would put Nordreich, GOLD, and Ordo Verde ahead, if not more alliances.

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