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Chunky Monkey

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Posts posted by Chunky Monkey

  1. Still posting nonsense I see Bilrow, you never were very good at trolling. Im partially pleased and partially concerned that I go away for quite some time only to come back to the same old people posting the same old posts and complaining about the same old stuff. Doesn't it get boring after a while?

  2. [quote name='thaone' timestamp='1281967439' post='2417896']
    I really find this a weird thread with all these hails. I found the time Vox populi flourished by far the most boring time, as nothing of any significance really happened. We got a complaints thread from Nitenderek or Junkalunka every week with how evil the "despots" were and how they were killing CN, but that was about it.

    My personal opinion on VOX:

    I think you actually prolonged the time between the WotC and KARMA, as those who weren't really interested in letting that war happen had someone they could create an enemy out of. Those in favour of something like the Karma war didn't really needed any convincing, but were constantly fearful something they would say would leak out and so they became super careful about the things they talked about on IRC.

    Yes TWiP was well written, but it didn't really had any valuable info and the issue about Reyne was seriously uncool. Tatler was more interesting, but also pretty counter productive when starting up a serious resistance.

    Next to that I also still think publishing guides from other alliances is super uncool, people put a lot of time in writing those and I personally also was upset when my work ended up out there.

    How woefully uninformed you are.

  3. [quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1281936305' post='2417570']
    Actual military strength plays a crucial role in establishing a hegemony. NPO could not have controlled the world if it were comprised merely of their core of Imperial Officers and other higher-ups that actually made all their decisions. In order to bind alliances to your will, you need to be able to guarantee them security in exchange - something the NPO was able to do through their enormous military might (or perceived military might, at least), and something Vox Populi would have been utterly unable to do with thirty-odd nations almost all below ten thousand strength.
    Some (most?) of us were ZI'd.

    edit: Hoo, have some freakin cake

  4. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1281931715' post='2417478']
    Yes, because Chief Savage Man is the embodiment of everything Vox stood for :rolleyes:

    Hint: Not everyone rode the train so that they could run amok across the world, burning and pillaging villages and whatnot, causing havoc at the expense of others all for a good laugh. Some of those folks, just a few of 'em, had ideals they were fighting for. While I disagree with some of the methods, and even disagree that there may have even been a problem, I acknowledge the ideal those people fought for.

    Yeah, some people joined on just for political purposes, people who only disliked NPO because they wanted the spot for themselves. But what are you gonna do?
    If you're directing that hint at CSM (I cant tell 100% because you are being vague), Im pretty sure his record as a Vox Senator speaks for itself about his intentions.

  5. You forgot me on your list you butte, how could you forget me :(

    This is literally the first time Ive posted since Vox disbanded because everything is so boring now. I miss Vox and I miss the old days. Maybe one day things events will conspire to make the game interesting to me again, but today is not that day.

  6. Honestly, I could care less what your reason is for war as long as its true. If you decide you dont like someone and declare war on them, please tell us that. Dont make up some ridiculous story.

  7. No.

    Buying nukes, launching them at "x" watching it get deflected by his SDI, would be a better analogy.

    Wrong, this operation was planned but never executed, or so they say. I bought nukes and planned to launch them but they never actually had to defend themselves from the nukes so they have no reason to attack. This is all assuming that ZH really did want to destroy athens and this whole thing isnt just made up.

  8. Excuse me, TPF? Hey we were wondering if you could just give us your side of the story for these logs. What? Attack you? Never!

    How do you know the ZH members in question didnt fabricate the whole thing to get back at mhawk? Supposedly they left disgruntled, whats to say this isnt payback? Or maybe theres some other reason that is yet unknown to the masses? Im just saying maybe it isnt the best idea to go and declare wars without pursuing a diplomatic course first.

  9. Except this isn't mathematics. You are accusing Athens of fabricating a CB. Therefore, the burden of proof is on you. So far, Athen is NOT GUILTY.

    I am accusing athens of not exploring all the possible falses of thier declaration before presenting it as truth. They created the idea, not I.

    and WC, does it look like I did? You may want to read what I said again.

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