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Posts posted by lakerzz8

  1. I agree with those that said we should be recruiting from other game forums. People registered and active on other game forums are more likely to be interested in this type of game and to stick around. Recruiting from facebook when many of us don't like to talk about CN in our RL was never a real solution. Also, I believe the number of nations deleted during the summer months is always greater and there should be a slight rebound once school starts again and people need to find ways to avoid doing work.

  2. [quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1282512599' post='2426890']
    It was pretty easy. Let me explain. You took a jab at \m/ falling apart (didn't even know about that, I'm not in an alliance and just returned.) and apparently, didn't realize your own alliance is falling apart. I was sitting here wondering how you couldn't know that, so I just said "oh well, I'll help him out."


    Try checking out the other thread where \m/ kicked out like 4-5 of their government members for treason. Being in a war also does not mean an alliance is falling apart. Though many alliances may have fallen apart when getting curbstomped like the NSO, not all alliances are as strong as theirs.

  3. [quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1282324706' post='2424653']
    So if there's no cap, won't the number one nation always be number one? I mean sure there are wars but over 200K nation strength, I don't think any of us will get that high any time soon. I asked this question because it seems like in most games once you max everything out you have essentially "won" the game.

    The number 1 nation in terms of nation strength might not be the most powerful nation or the one that does the most damage during war. Also, since it might not be an alliance leader, it might not even have the most control or the most influence. There are way too many factors in play besides just your nation strength to be able to determine someone a winner. And that is what keeps people playing for years, there is no quick or easy way to win. And you may think you've won, and boom, 30 alliance declare on you and you're at the bottom again.

  4. [quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1282204579' post='2422930']
    kicked out of STA you must be joking right, I left due to the crap way STA was run, I was there less then a week and so far that was the worst week I have had in CN.

    but I see STA has to call me a liar and other such things, well you can say what you wish, I really do not care, the only reason I keep replying is due to the humour. once i get bored i will simply stop replying.

    Drop the whole "I don't like you act" it won't work and we won't let you back in. I see right through you!

  5. [quote name='Ironfist' timestamp='1282210689' post='2423004']
    There's no cap on land, infra or tech. Pretty much go as high as you want but getting infrastructure is kind of pointless after a certain amount because you start to lose money.

    [quote]I don't know if that happens if a nation gets the ball rolling properly. If you've got the right trades (and wonders/improvements) then there's no reason why your bills should increase beyond your income, it just happens to be that you're spending more on infra than you're getting over time.[/quote]

    We were saying the same thing but 2 posts later you disagreed with me :P

    I didn't mean your bills become higher than your collections, I said your bills begin increasing faster than your collections so you're making less profit over time if you continue to go beyond a certain point with your infra level.

  6. Heh, Timeline still as immature and foolish as ever. No wonder he was practically kicked out of the STA for being an idiot. I guess I can't blame him for stalking our threads and constantly thinking about us. He is in love with our alliance and won't stop pouting until we let him back in. Sorry, but you are not allowed in the STA!

  7. You can buy all wonders (kind of, I believe you can only have the mars or the moon wonder and not both) and improvements, but I don't believe there is a cap on infra/land/tech. You can keep buying all you want but at a certain point it is no longer profitable to keep buying infra as your bills increase quicker than your collections.

  8. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1282105221' post='2421143']
    I'm not talking about MM. I'm talking overall.

    \m/ does something unacceptable.
    You tell them that xx action against a protectorate will result in war.
    They do xx.
    You, with no attempt to mediate, declare war on the nation.

    Seriously... it's fine to do that, and I would too. Except it's not so cool if you threw a fit about it a week ago and called RoK warmongers. It's hypocrisy then. I mean for admin's sake it's only been a week!

    Nice try, except we didn't declare on MM for violating the protectorate. We declared on MM because, as far as we knew, he left \m/ and was threatening to attack us. So why not hit an unaligned nation that said was going to rogue us soon?

  9. [quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1282093059' post='2420724']
    \m/ never agreed Merrie was a rogue, and we never will because it is simply not true.
    But please talk about how words make you a rogue, and not actions.

    Hey Lakerzz8, I'm planning on going rogue on you tomorow.

    Please preempt me and see what happens.

    Is there a government member that will notify us you have left \m/?

  10. [quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1282092682' post='2420711']
    Thats why the wars between Merrie and STA were started by Merrie.

    Oh wait thats not what happened, STA attacked Merrie [b]while he was still in \m/[/b].
    So how was STA defending against a rogue?

    Okay, we really have time-traveled to last night.

    Congratulations guys! This is an incredible feat!

  11. [quote name='Auctor' timestamp='1282084724' post='2420464']
    Wow, this is equally and incredibly pathetic on both sides. Hope everyone's enjoying the attention they're calling to themselves, at the very least.

    If you just want to goad \m/ into a war, actually do the dam job right. It certainly wasn't any amazing sense of nobility on STA's part, as far as I can see, as no one is actually being [i]saved[/i] from the big bad raiders.

    This wasn't about \m/. Anyone who made the announcement they made would have gotten the same response from us. This isn't about tech-raiding, we do it ourselves and aren't trying to stop anyone else from doing it. Maybe try re-reading the OP?

  12. [quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1282083121' post='2420404']
    I am thinking of going rogue on a couple STA nations, whether I decide to do so is up to me and I will decide at update whether I will do so. I still maintain sovereignty within \m/ until such the time that I decide to go rogue comes.

    Is that clear enough STA? So that you don't pre-emptively attack me!

    Why bother posting that at all? We honestly don't care. Rogues are a dime a dozen and we have dealt with plenty before.

  13. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1282074244' post='2420078']
    Hmmm seems to me you're just trying to provoke \m/. While I don't mind the premise I think saying everyone except \m/ can raid GGA was a bad move. You should have made it blanket protection and not just about \m/. I expect \m/ to fight it and for this to explode because of your oversight. Thanks I guess.

    Try reading the thread...

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