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Posts posted by animea90

  1. I have a question for everyone out there. There are a lot of alliances out there and a lot of treaties. My question, is what two alliances, which currently aren't together by treaty, do you think it would be interesting to see have a treaty between them? If people could try to keep away from mentioning their own alliance it would be nice.

    Personally, I have always thought it would be neat to see TPF and RoK to sign an MDP. I don't really know why, but it would be cool.

    I have also always wanted to see GATO and NATO sign a treaty, just because of the similarity in their names.

    I think CN needs less treaties not more.

  2. I do agree that it is interesting that we have 10k nations less but many many more alliances. I think part of it is the lack of any real "opponent" in the game. Before GW3 there were clear lines drawn on who supported what side(except for the few alliances stuck in the middle, but this just made things more interesting as both sides tried to get them to join their side). You could accomplish something and help your side "win" the game.

    Nowadays there is no real enemy. No large alliances hate each other enough to actually lead to a war. Without the us vs them many people are bored with their large alliances. So they created small ones to feel active in the game again.

  3. I'm sure they would if they could, but between 104 nations, they have 17 nukes.

    (and yes, i do "c wut u did thar")

    Yeah, seriously unless NEO replaces most of its leadership I will be very surprised if by the end of the five days they have half of their current member base though.

  4. And you get a kick out of it. Thats the value you get from this game.

    To say you play the game contentiously isn't a fallacy, as your nation exists all this time.

    For it to exist like that, you need to play the game continuously. Just because this game isn't very time consuming to play it on a basic level, doesn't mean my sentence is fallacious.

    Inherently your original sentence is fallacious. Nobody can claim, who play the game continuously, that they do not get anything from it.

    Your sentence can only have meaning, if we rearrange it a bit. And get to the real meaning of it.

    It isn't that those not in power in this game, can not get any real value from it.

    They can, and obviously do.

    It is that they have a hard time getting to the value of-- being the dominating power in the game.

    Well, tough luck. You tried and failed. Tough luck. Should have played it better.

    So stop crying me a river. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Like in every game.

    I believe he is saying that their is no value in trying to compete at top levels of the game as the NPO and their allies control everything.

    Note: I am not agreeing with him, but I think you are misreading what he is trying to say.

  5. frankly, i am unsure of any war that the Orders have joined or ended up leading, that was started over OOC comments. i can think of one that basically ended due to OOC comments.

    i can also think of one that basically started by an ally of the Orders over OOC stuff, but the Orders only joined due to an uninvolved alliance (though they state they had a treaty just never posted it) involving itself in the war. so, the only reason the Orders joined was to aid in the defense of an ally. nothing to do with the OOC stuff.

    so if you can give me some examples i would gladly like to see them.

    The second great war started because GOONs attacked FARK over comments FARK made OOC.

  6. I would like to point out that the Fark war had no IC basis and a very weak OOC basis. What essentially happened was Something awful(where GOONs originated) had a rivalry with the Fark website. Cybernations.com was posted on the fark website, large amounts of members came over and a few posted about "getting GOONs" in the new game. GOONs decided that an OOC post on another board by people who had joined the game a few days ago was a threat. They decided to declare war on FARK indefinitely in a hopes they would leave the game.

    I really do not see how FARK could have been seen as a threat to GOONs. Most of their nations had just started and were at 10 NS at most. The government of FARK had not even been created when war was declared.

  7. Why are people so proud to have a democratic alliance? I would say most of the alliances in the game have democratic values. Even those with emperors generally have a good deal of elected positions. Even RoK is very close to a democracy. I do not know of any alliances which do not have a good deal of elected positions.

  8. lol everyone always says wait and something will happen. I have heard this toon for the longest time yet its always the same old blah d blah.

    Soon i'll collect social security and people will still be saying you just wait

    If you want something to happen do it yourself. Start an opposing power bloc or become strong enough in an existing one to cause a schism and start a war.

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