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Posts posted by animea90

  1. I agree.

    It is interesting how the "I'm bored" threads failed. The lengthy essays on CN stagnation failed. The multiple high profile players' exit threads with not so subtle insults thrown at the current political hegemony failed. But animea's thread has succeeded so spectacularly in its unstated goals, I think it deserves some type of award.

    lol thanks, although even after 5 pages I can only think of two or three posts which have actually addressed the OP.

  2. If you can't find the drama, you've had your eyes gouged out and your head stuck in a block of cement.

    I do not consider small alliances doing stupid things and getting immediately curb stomped drama. For me, drama involves two nearly equal forces(but of course any time this happens everyone screams "private channels")

  3. asking doesn't necessarily mean you're not ready.

    not asking doesn't mean you're ready.

    The first one pretty much does. Name one successful alliance that was started by a person who asked how to start his alliance on the cybernations public forums?

  4. I don't regret much. Sure had a lot more fun playing the rival than the $@! kisser.

    Being a rival assumes you are in some way equal to your opponent. NPO V any of the above is not a rivalry.

  5. 1. I resign from FIST

    2. I'm putting Snakebite in charge of FIST.

    Anything which happens in FIST is out of my hands now, I have told him to assume all powers and roles, etc. He will be the forum admin & owner of irc channels. He may decide to step down or appoint someone else, I really don't know, he's actually sleeping atm.

    3. Sorry for being in peace mode, it was dumb, but the war happened very shortly after I woke up, and I didn't get much sleep, and, (more excuses here). I will leave peace mode at the earliest opportunity when the game lets me.

    4. There's been accusations about me participating in espionage. This is quite simply not true. I had set my name to 'Almightygrub', simply because I was in a channel where some certain people were spoofing people's names (not npo gov officials or anything like that, that was me), and so I set mine to grub, because he used to be a friend of mine and some other people in the channel.

    The channel was public, nothing remotely secret was said, nothing private was said to me, to the only person to query me thinking I was grub, I immediately informed him of my identity to ensure nothing private would be said to me.

    I think it goes without saying, that I never tried to obtain any secret information or anything like that.

    That's what actually happened, because a lot of people have been asking. Espionage is the act of spying, and I do not believe myself to be guilty of spying, as I neither had the intention to spy, nor did I take any action to spy on any entity.

    Putting that aside, I fully admit that what I did was an act of bad judgement, and I once again apologise to the New Polar Order for my shenanigans. I know how impressed Electron Sponge is with me, but I hope you realise I was just having a bit of fun.

    I will be coming out of peace mode in 5 days, at which point I shall roll with the NpO.

    Good day, and thanks to everyone who supported FIST.

    Out of curiousity, did NpO try to contact you through private channels to settle the matter before DoW on your alliance?

  6. It would be interesting to see a group try to set them selves apart, start their own little click of friends not connected to the MDP web

    Been tried. Groups that do this are all really small alliances or have been destroyed. Most of the alliances in the MDP are bored. A few of them(not to name any names) view groups outside of the web as easy targets. It is extremely difficult to form a strong alliance outside of the web.

  7. The incentive always has been to be the top alliance, even if it means losing some strength. It just so happens that the current (potential) power players in CN don't enjoy such risks.

    I think the issue with this is CN seriously frowns upon going to war with someone to increase your alliances standing in the game.

  8. I agree, but a lot of alliances get upset if you jump in without any treaty. I was just saying the thought behind it.

    yes, and it is in illogical point of view from any alliance. Signing a treaty saying you have the option of defending another alliance would imply that prior to the treaty you did not have that option. It is like me signing a treaty saying I have the option of trading or sending messages to an alliance. It is a power I already have. No reason to sign a treaty over it.

    I think the issue is many alliances feel that if you do not have a treaty with someone you should not defend them. Even if the treaty is a useless piece of paper.

  9. What an stupid question.

    Try this: you are an alliance of 300 people. You want to declare war on a 100-man alliance. As you are preparing to attack you target announces and MDP with NPO. Do you think twice about this now?

    Try asking the 100-man alliance why they bothered signing the treaty.

    okay, but why are you trying to declare war on the 100 man alliance?

    If it is because they have done something stupid as most wars are caused by then NPO will have likely dissolved their treaty to stay out of the situation.

  10. Well, Nintenderek created the what treaties would you like to see thread. I saw allot of people in it posting they wanted to see treaties dissolved. So I figured I would create a what treaties would you like to see dissolved thread.

    edit: I made this thread with the intent of people making specific examples. I think only one post out of the first two pages lists a specific treaty they want gone. Yes, we understand you want "all of them" gone. It has been said enough times. Specific examples of treaties would be nice.

  11. Sometimes an alliance will like another alliance, but might know them the best. The ODP allows you to help them if they are unjustly attacked and also prevents you from being dragged in if they do something stupid.

    But you always have the option of helping an alliance if you feel they are unjustly attacked. You do not need a treaty for that.

  12. And we love CSN!!!

    But back to the OP, there are plenty of alliances who are good friends and wouldn't baulk on a treaty. Take the continum. They are the closest of allies, and I don't doubt for a second that they would cancel when the going gets rough. So there are plenty of treaties which will be upheald. And you have to remember that MDP are void if the alliance attacks another, not attacked first.

    The Continuum is a good example of a block which is de facto linked to every large power block in the game. With the current treaty web I do not see them getting in a fight with any block large enough to do any damage to them.

  13. Well, obviously if something hasn't happened, it's because nobody wants to enough.

    Large wars never happen because there is no real incentive to fight in them. The technology gained from war is not worth the costs.

    I think the only thing that could really cause a large scale war at this point is for the admin to add an incentive for getting involved in a large scale war.

  14. Hey look at me I'm going to make a new thread to tell everyone what they already know, but this time, I'm going to make it seem big and exciting by saying that I'm quitting the game because of it!

    Wait, been done before. Thanks, though. I'm sure your brilliant political analysis will be sorely missed.

    And I thought you were mad about the lack of nations in the game - why are you pissed about protectorates? Make up your mind, man.

    But other than that, good luck in RL and have fun! :D

    Protectorates facilitate the production of all the mini alliances that keep popping up. Which is part of the reason nothing exciting ever happens.

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