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Posts posted by Batallion

  1. For those of you who don't understand why Universalis was DoW'd, you should realize that Ragnarok's MDP with Vanguard cannot be initiated now as M*A*S*H did not attack Vanguard, but instead found a loophole and attacked Universalis, automatically drawing Vanguard to attack THEM. This is very clever, and I applaud M*A*S*H for it, well played.

  2. To IRAN stfu I don't put total pricks on the list

    Refrain from calling a TPF protectorate "total pricks". Don't think it ends well. Also, give me reasons as to why you are calling us pricks, and it better be a good valid reason with names of individuals involved and everything, otherwise you're just being a complete idiot.

  3. TOP is lacking respect for its MDP partners in Vanguard... Come on guys, don't troll and talk that way to your friends, keep it in private channels where they belong, bringing this out in the open is terrible for your PR and people's view on TOP. This thread is about Vanguard DoWing Legion, any treaty discussions are for private channels ftw.

  4. I'd say for TORN, ML, Valhalla, and Elysium can be counted as one most the time. The defacto bloc of badass.

    Would you say that Valhalla would exit Continuum if Continuum ever decided Elysium, TORN, or ML should be destroyed for whatever hypothetical reason? If so, then yes I agree you should be counted as one and I'll proceed to remove your names from the list and add whatever name you want for your coalition :awesome:

  5. Please replace New Pacific Order with Molon Labe, they're the only ones who are doing any real damage (to me at least), as opposed to NPO. Hell i can point you to some NPO bill locked nations already.

    P.S. Voted MK - we have the experience, the organization, the activity level, the nukes, you name it.

    Replaced UPN for Molon Labe. Also replaced NATO for FAN.

  6. 1) i was expecting to see vox posting that they hate you because they weren't metioned...which makes sense due to lack of organization...

    2) i was also expecting NPO to be pulling out in front because they are the most dominate name on the forums (though of recent, Vox is really showing off their power to be around all the time)

    I voted TPF because they have an entire protectorate bloc that they used to its potential w/o causing it too much harm and have taken on a pretty large number of alliances and are still coming out in this fray pretty well

    TPF would've been my choice as well, but Fark is unbelievable, you will someday understand when they come into the spotlight as an important part of a war.

  7. Sorry if I'm biased, but I've been keeping up with the wars raging on and I chose a select few which I thought pulled off some great blitzes and war tactics.

    My choice is Fark because they seem flawless and should be recognized for their military supremacy, hopefully you reply your choice too with reasoning behind it :awesome:

    Please take into consideration the following before voting:

    1. Size

    2. Number of nukes

    3. Number of anarchies

    4. Average NS

    5. Total NS

    6. Midnight Blitz capability and leak (number of people attacking in the middle of the day when there's a pre-planned midnight blitz)

    7. Military badass attitude

  8. Except those alliances might want to check the treaty web before declaring. Some cancel out ... others do not. ;)

    tl;dr - RoK holds a MDP with Vanguard and regardless of the "sides" of this war, we intend to honor it.

    You won the game, no doubt. RoK is even more honorable than MK, I tip my hat to you good sir.

  9. Not the aggressors? You've attacked an alliance much smaller than your own, made countless accusations and insults, refused to secure an acceptable diplomatic solution, and you're not the aggressors?


    Do you plan on entering the war? :awesome:

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