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Max Rockatansky

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Posts posted by Max Rockatansky

  1. Atlantis:

    1) I miss our romantic fireside chats with TPF.

    2) We had fun together and that's what an alliance should be. People seem to forget that.

    3) Hindsight is always 20/20.

    4) I miss #consilium and #chamber. :(

    I'm aware I'll probably get trolled for that but I really don't give a crap. Everyone's an expert on everything even though they weren't there.

    Alliance currently around: GATO, they're really a good group of folks when you get to know them and I'd like to see them get back into doing what they did best. Playing for each other and nobody else.

  2. *Steps up to the podium. Looks at his prepared statement and sighs before he tears it up. Then hops in his Interceptor and drives into a tree.

    Creepiest DoW I've ever seen. I know a certain alliance that should rethink it's drug testing policy.

    Edit: Spelling and such.

  3. You stole Mogar's avatar. Not cool. Now give it back. :rolleyes:

    [OOC] My avatar declares war on Mogar's avatar. I rolled 20, your move Mogar.[/OOC]

    I'm not sure what OP was trying to accomplish other than to try to stir the hornet's nest, those stingers are hard to remove. Good luck.

    Edit: I can haz edukashun?

  4. I see the point Bama is trying to make here and I read Jonathan's post before it got deleted, log dump and all. The way I feel about it is this:

    As far as I know there are three ways to alter perception...

    1) Persuasion

    2) By force

    3) Recreational chemicals which are illegal in most countries.

    And while I feel that Jonathan may have had a valid point to make somewhere in there it was lost in the shuffle. I don't agree with P-ZI. I've been on a P-ZI list and am paying for it now with my latest re-roll. Nobody made me, it's just something I felt I needed to do because I wronged a man I've come to admire and respect who didn't deserve it( don't ask me what it was, the people who need to know do and we'll leave it at that. It's nobody else's business.). Past feelings aside, I made a choice. Everyone has a choice.

    I wasn't there when Jonathan had his conversations that took place in the log dumps so I won't even bother pretending to know what exactly went on. In the end, in these situations it always comes down to "he said, she said" and people will believe whomever echos their own pre-conceived sentiment. More often than not they will stand by that sentiment, because to do otherwise "shows weakness" and an " inability to stand by your convictions" which will bring about other forms of criticism and sometimes ridicule. Deny it all you want but it's true( more often than not).

    Either way it doesn't change the fact that the problem is between Jonathan and those he feels( in his perception, justifiably) wronged him, and it's very difficult to intelligently argue against that. As it is HIS perception of his own particular situation. This is a matter that I feel is best settled among those involved through civil and intelligent discourse(If such a thing is possible between both parties, if not then I really don't know what to say.).

    In the end, given enough time perhaps the situation will resolve itself once cooler heads prevail. Believe it or not, it does happen. Even here. It has before and it will again if people let it.

  5. I go off on sabbatical for almost a whole year and it seems that Planet Bob has either fallen into a crippling shortage of Adderall or everyone has begun consuming their own weight in "magic" mushrooms. Either way... wow. Just... wow. I love you Bob, and I'm glad to be back.

    ** Edit: My spelling sucks.

  6. Oh how indignant! Seeing as how you were a part of those conversations MaddHatter. But you know all about editing evidence don't you? You don't deserve to carry that banner in your signature. And who really knows WHAT governments say behind closed doors when they feel they are safe to voice their opinion as people? It's not as though it was an official stance adopted by the alliance. Either way, your apologist tone still doesn't answer the questions I asked. Besides, if you and Inertia are such great friends why did you quit?

  7. So by your logic then if a former member of an alliance is allowed to post screenshots from a private forum in order to screw them over that's all cool? He didn't even post the whole conversations only sound bytes. So while you may not participate in such "activities" It's obvious you support them. That's just wrong. I'm not entirely sure the "spy" shot is not a fraud. Kevsterr is still in NPO. If he was a spy, then why is he still a member? All aboard the logic train!

    Edit: *** Kevsterr's AA is now Roman Republic, which is odd that NPO has done nothing to him yet. Oh and by the way MHA... Nice rebuttal, remind me to hire you guys the next time I need a lawyer and REALLY want to go to prison.

  8. Never mind the other allegations. The simple fact that "Inertia" members under MHA protection posted snippets of screenshots from the Atlantis forums "By accident"(According to Xenn) is sufficient enough. Any alliance with half a brain would distance themselves from that fiasco and let such vermin fend for themselves. After all, if someone will screw over people they called friends for that long... What does MHA think they would do to them given half the chance? Honestly, did anyone in MHA ask themselves that question?

  9. I had the unique distinction of serving under not only Virillus as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Atlantis, but Vercingetorix as well. Both were valuable experiences that I shall never forget, and will carry with me through out all of my days in CN. You're a good man Verc, and a good friend. I'm sad to see you go.

    o/ Vercingetorix.. you will never be forgotten mein friend

    o/ Atlantis... May she be reborn some day, some how so that we can all go home together where we belong.

    Edit: ** As a side note I'd like to add that anyone who aids traitors such as yogi are even bigger fools themselves. MHA... I shall not forget you either... But not in a good way. Believe that.

  10. Hey there,

    About the whole spying thing, we'll address that as soon as you PM me or get a hold of me on IRC. That IS what you wanted to do right? Before you do though why not ask yourself the same questions before you come talk to me. Also as to your "cancellation notice" let me refer you to the document 201 signed with us:

    Article 5: Cancellation

    To cancel this treaty, either signatory must provide a public notice of cancellation. 48 hours after the notice of cancellation the terms of this treaty will be considered null and void.

    Your notice in 201's embassy on our forums came a mere 42 MINUTES before the original post(i.e. the merger announcement). I'm prepared to allow MoO government access to the embassy upon request so they can see for themselves. Mergers take time, and I'm sure you knew about it much more than 42 minutes before you opted to cancel, we could've lived with 24 hours but less than an hour notice and you wonder why everyone was surprised? As for your claims of our not holding up to our end of the treaty, I'd prefer to handle this matter elsewhere. I've already spoken to MoO government and we're working together to resolve this matter. Come see me. I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about. Next time you'll be more thorough as I know I will be.




    Kaiser Von Shizer

    Minister of Foreign Affairs


  11. Well, 201 has officialy disbannded, So they hold a treaty with an alliance that no longer exist. And In regards to the protection, although there are no hard feeling from our end, we feel Atlantis never really held up their end of it. Although it's not something to discuss out in public, but if any Atlantians have any questions, they can PM me directly, and I will be happy to answer any questions.

    Also, I see alot of Atlantis members posting here looking shocked, We did post on Atlantis forums about the situation before we posted here, So there should have been no surprises.

    Anyways, I want to personally thank many of those in Atlantis that supported us from the start, and supported this move.

    As MoFA of Atlantis let me congratulate you guys on your success. Live long and prosper as the Vulcans say. I was unaware we had a protectorate with you guys, but I'm new to this job and haven't sorted through all of our treaties yet. Were you guys in a war or something that we didn't know about? How did we fail to protect you(if you were indeed a protectorate in the first place)? Please contact me or my office through IRC query or PM and we'll discuss this matter further. Either way, good luck guys and have fun with your new found success. We wish you the best.

    Kaiser Von Shizer,

    Minister of Foreign Affairs


    *** Edit: I found the protectorate treaty in our archives. So there's that.

  12. Getting hacked totally sucks. It's the ultimate act of internet cowardice. Hiding behind a false name to do real damage to those who are just trying to have a good time. There's no reason for it. I hope MCXA catches this person whoever/wherever they are and brings them to justice. o/ MCXA! Good luck!

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