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Ayatollah Obama

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Posts posted by Ayatollah Obama

  1. When I speak to a nation I feel like I'm talking to their alliance even though, when I think about it, I'm not; everyone has their own opinions seperate from their alliances. But I always hope when I make my fail posts (not all my posts are fail I'm just referring to the ones that are) that people look at just me and not my alliance. I hate giving my alliance a bad rep, but that's what happens when fallible human beings come in here and start chatting uncontrollably like your mother.

  2. Here, Sponge have a Golden Spork from GR :wub:


    o/ Polaris

    I believe by the nature of your op you actually did attack them.

    I believe, based on a number of your posts and trollings, that you have attacked numerous alliances. Actually.

    I :wub: you GR. Thanks for stopping by.

    :wub: GR+Polaris friendship. Hail us.

    Let's go stop global warming now.

  3. (OOC: While I have never felt the emotion know as "patriotism" towards my rl country for the first time in my life I feel this emotion, but it is toward by beloved and powerful alliance Polaris. If there is one thing I do with my life it will be to give it to my country, the New Polar Order.)

    Allah bless Polaris.

    Hail New Polar Order!

    Hail honor and friendship! (what's left of it on Bob)

    Hail His Excellency Emperor of the New Polar Order, Fleet Admiral Doctor Electron Sponge, OBE, PHD, COD, ASAP, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, Conqueror of the Antarctic Lands in General and Godwanaland in Particular, Also Hello!

  4. Looks like Pacifica gave Polaris too much autonomy, time to reinstate their client status?

    Polaris never has been and never will be a puppet to Pacifica. I will let my nation be permazid before that day comes.


  5. Polaris highly values her acolytes. I would rather have 1 acolyte ready to fight then 10 full members who just want protection. There is no reason to flame someone for being a cadet yet still being proud of their alliance.

    Not if that alliance is \m/. I wasn't trying to flame the low ranking members of an alliance, but just getting back at a guy who was being a jerk to me. Ok I'll stay on topic starting...now.

  6. Of course not everyone here is honest and up front however coming into a debate already assuming that one side has been against you from the start isn't helping matters. I for one don't assume that the NpO has been sitting around figuring out ways to piss off it's allies because that is counterproductive to what we should be doing which is attempting to repair what ever relationship remains.

    You're right. It was a bad judgement on my individual part to spill out my gut feelings like that. While I think what I said was true I really have no evidence, nor would it change anything even if I did, so it doesn't help my beloved alliance in its predictiment to be posting it here, so I'm going to drop it. (also NpO didn't tell me to post this).

    /o Polaris


    Now where have I heard that before?

    Right, because everyone is always honest and open about how they feel and if you think otherwise then you must be a conspiracy theorist. :rolleyes:

  8. Expected and...glad, actually. Good to see who has the capacity to be a real friend when tough times arise. *Jots GGA on the list that's already overcrowded with alliance names*

    Bring it on!

    Polaris shall prevail!

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