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Ayatollah Obama

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Posts posted by Ayatollah Obama

  1. Congratzilicious to NPO, GATO, and all of the other nations on planet Bob. War might provide exitment and lulz, but mostly it brings destruction and trolling to both sides and I'm honestly glad to see peace between alliances I have deep and utter respect for on both sides. I also want to say RIP to IAA for honourably sacrificing themselves in the conflict, although I wish they could be standing besides their allies that they courageously died for. Thank admin in GATO's holding out under such pressure for so long for the honourable mercy of Pacifica. I hope we can all be good comrades soon enough.

    o/ NPO

    o/ NpO

    o/ GATO

  2. ooc: I think its hypocritical that the CN community goes after "Nazis" but not commies, who killed even more people during the course of their existence (over 100 million) than the ostracized group, but I wish politically correctness was brushed aside for a moment and that both ic nazis and ic commies were allowed in the game. I just think it would make the game more colorful and interesting. You could go to war with them too, but wouldn't it be more interesting to let them build up and replay ww2 on cybernations or soemthing? I think that would be neat. I also don't care about people's ooc believes. I understand your right to destroy this obscure alliance, but I am just using my right to ask you not to. Anyways, good luck on whatever it is you plan to do.

  3. You filled me with lol, so I'm gonna have to say I hope you grow into a huge alliance one day and become friends witih Polaris. Best declaration of existence thread ever. Good luck to you all.

    o/ Super Robot Pirate Ninjas

    o/ New polar Order

  4. I have a lot of respect for the IAA, as it was an alliance with a lot of honor and balls, despite the fact that it was on the opposite side, and I hope that its former members can soon be granted peace and be allowed to start anew. I pray to Allah for you all.


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