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Posts posted by jraenar

  1. Not exactly. The hotspot is likely one of these (in order of likelyhood) :





    Previous hotspot (53,-29) is 50%, (-51, 109) is 82%, (-69, 71) is 99% and (-69, 70) is also 99%.


    Also, it's kinda amazing that I got to this before Chintan two months in a row.

  2. I didn't mean to imply you weren't/aren't a good ally to NPO but rather DR is currently politically active and considering your membership there it is driving (i.e. effecting) your FA moreso than your NPO tie. That is to say most alliances are making moves based on IRONs position atm (if you believe the rumor mill) and considering your direct tie to them you destined to their fate.
    EDIT: I used the word "fate" for lack of a better word; negative connotation unintentional. 
    EDIT2: After quick glance at the wiki it looks like you guys are not allied? But according to this (the image I used when making OP) you are... so idk. 

    You stated outright that the only thing driving Ai foreign affairs is Duckroll. Seeing as we just (a half and three months ago) went to war for not-Duckroll, and fought on the opposite side of Duckroll, it seems fair to state that there is more than Duckroll driving our foreign affairs.

    If you wish to refresh yourself on the treaties held by Ai, the canonical listing is in our forum (section should be visible to public, but does not seem to be at the moment), or alternately the CN Wiki page. Unfortunately, a MSPaint diagram of our treaty ties is not planned.

    Didn't Molon Labe sit out this war?

    Seems a very sensible position to me.
  3. I wouldn't. Considering Duckroll seems to be the only thing driving AIs FA atm.

    Sounds legit. I mean, it's not like Ai has remained a stalwart ally of the NPO. Nor does it seem to be the case that the rest of Duckroll just finished oA-ing themselves into a war over protecting Polar from the plots of NSO and NG extracting a pound of flesh from NPO, whom their not-a-blocmate was already defending.

    Yep. Ai foreign affairs are driven entirely by Duckroll.
  4. But the polar coalition aren't even saying what Caesar said. From what I gather, they just want NPO to either stop whining on the terms presented or offer some terms they find reasonable.

    It appears NPO did offer terms they found reasonable. They offered white peace, same as everyone else. Despite all protestations to the contrary, that is a counter-offer. And a far more reasonable offer than the pile of excrement your lot coughed up.

    True, which is why they should be thankful our coalition is being reasonable.

    It amazes me how terrible of a poster you are. There is nothing reasonable about your coalition.
  5. you support people mass spying and then jihading a random alliance and then recieving new nations as payment? I'm not sure you really get what they've been saying here.

    Wait, is that a bad thing? It sounds like you are saying that is a bad thing. I like spying, and I like wars.

    Regardless, it appears UOKMB is providing a valuable service to Planet Bob, and I personally approve of the level of service provided. Like I said. And I wish the best for all of UOKMB.
  6. Bitter much?   <_<
    Your posts in the A.I. forums were instrumental in prying apart the factions that existed in A.I. and ripped open wounds further.
    It was acknowledged that AI was going to be the star of the show and that perhaps IRON would contribute (NPO was buried so far into PM it would have taken a search party to find them)--that was the extent of the rumors.  But there was never a list of alliances and the number of nations that would be participating revealed and none was presented--probably because it never existed.   By that point in the war Umbrella was a wounded tiger more than capable of continuing to do serious damage.  To what end?  For what purpose would we be fighting?  So people on the OWF could stand around and point and laugh?  That's gladiator sport at best, an execution at worst.  I had no desire to participate in such b.s. and you shouldn't have either.
    Oh and A.I. was at last report was a member of Duckroll.  Duckroll includes IRON among it's members.  While there is no specific clause in the Duckroll treaty that prohibits a member of a Duckroll associated alliance from trashing the hell out of another Duckroll associated alliance, it was understood that no such clause was even necessary.  That's because Duckroll members always had each other's backs, even if they didn't always fight together as a team.  It would appear your version of "having each other's back" includes putting a dagger in it.

    Bitter? No, I have made my peace with the Valhalla split. Does not mean I will ever really trust any of your leadership, as you have shown nothing worthy of trust. I seem to recall Non Grata having your back during the split, it is so nice of you to repay that by cheering on IRON hitting Non Grata's allies.

    And you can claim that I was the problem the entire time, but you are just fooling yourselves. For admin's sake, I was not even government beyond the initial term. Ai existed for well over a year before deciding to renege on the "no going back" promises all three (four) alliances made in the beginning. Valhalla wanted a merge, but not into anything other than Valhalla. Your problem with me was that I never was in Valhalla, and had no desire to be in Valhalla.

    I see you have edited your post from what was there initially. Seems someone has corrected you on your misconceptions about the treaties Ai holds. It looks like you really are capable of learning! And you are right, there is nothing in the gentleman's agreement that is the Duckroll Project that prevents one member from pointing out a shitty thing another member does, and calling it a shitty thing. I would actually think it would be encouraged. At least, it used to be, when better people were hanging out in the Duckroll back channels. Some of those better people are right here in this thread, denouncing with me.

    IRON has done a shitty thing. Everyone, save the few loudmouth ignoramus partisans (hi, Hal!), is acknowledging that this is a crap way to treat an ally. Have the decency to shred the treaty ahead of time if you have so little regard for it.
  7. My position was that we should continue the war as a war if the cost was deemed by leadership to be worth the damage we would take as an alliance and that position was shared by many in the Valhalla faction within AI.  However, others, including AI leadership at the time, insisted on turning the conflict into gladiator sport starring AI and Umbrella through a so-called "extended war" period.  At that point I was done.  I left the better part of my nation on the battlefield in that fight and I was going to be damned if I was going to continue to fight Umbrella simply for the amusement of others.  My position on that issue never changed nor shifted even once--it is a matter of principle.  
    That said, I did at one point propose something of a compromise, which would have allowed those who wanted to continue to fight under the proposed "extended war" terms to step up and volunteer, and allow those who were pretty much burned out after weeks on end of declaring up on enemy nations to sit things out in PM.  That proposal was ignored by AI leadership.  Instead the "extended war" terms were dropped completely.
    Your analysis of the current fight in regards to IRON makes no sense, not just because it's wrong, because you so casually throw an AI ally under the bus.

    There never was a "gladiator sport" aspect to it. The terms were pretty much, "most of the Umbrella/MK allies get white peace now, everyone else gets to dogpile Umbrella/MK for a while." So pretty much you were fine with hitting down on a bunch of mid-tier nations, so you would not have to strain your pixels. When the peace talks went in the direction of the original war goals (i.e. knock down Doomhouse), you flipped out.

    And please do tell me, exactly which ally am I throwing under the bus? Things have changed since your merry little band decided to go back on their word. I have not thrown any allies under the bus.
  8. Silly Pacifican...even now you don't get it.



    Your reputation is well known, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  You also not on trial here, except in that you claim superiority over IRON, which is laughable.  That has been my point all along--you are here bashing IRON for no good reason.


    As for the last war, what you state was true regarding some very early conversations that took place between IRON, AI, and NPO.  Things changed as the more alliances were brought into the mix and the war became ever more bloody.  Indeed by the end of the conflict there was a fair amount of finger pointing and accusations internally at AI and that was in part what spawned the second incarnation of Valhalla.  While the war ended in a EQ victory, you won't find a single person in the know who was particularly happy with how it was planned, executed, or even how it ended particularly.

    I find this particularly funny, considering how your own position on how the war should end shifted so dramatically in the final days. One day you were wanting to continue dragging down Umbrella/MK for at least a few more rounds, and then the next you were screaming about your pixels and the war needing to end Right Now. I believe there were even a few additional surrenders taking pressure off of AI between your complete 180 position shift. 


    It is sad to see IRON fail so spectacularly here. And ODN is right to claim superiority here. Seems IRON had no intention of honoring their treaty, and the way they are entering this war is pathetic.

  9. Have fun in your last ever war Anarchy Inc.
    o/ Ave Legio


    AI's last hurrah is against Legion?  Sad


    Next up...Chapter 11.


    They've been hiding under the radar for months now- shame, really. Never liked AI, but more power players in this game is always a good thing. 
    Of course, it'll be unfortunate for AI's last hurrah to be a loss against the Legion.

    Funny, I was not aware we are disbanding. Unless forced-disbandment as terms is making a comeback. Remember Ai formed in part from former BAPS members. Check your history, and see how well that tactic works out.

    Here's hoping Legion turns out to be more classy than their degenerate coalition partners. Not a very difficult bar to clear, thus far.

    Atari Jaguar.
  10. King James XVIII, on 11 Sept 2013 - 00:02, said:
    Uncharted territory!

    Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.
    607,565 Attacking + 919,782 Defending = 1,527,347 Casualties

    Casualty Rank: Ranked #1 of 566 Nations (0.18%)

    Congrats on breaking my record! Generals make quite a difference to war-ability.

    Off the top of my head, those you listed are the only ones to break 1 million.
  11. Sooo... you hit a local minima right in the middle of the Dave War, then your revenue went back up once the global radiation went back to "normal" levels, then dropped sharply again during the Equilibrium War. Not to mention losing effects of space wonders somewhere in there (those are pretty significant to income). Or the problems of remembering highly specific data from 2+ years ago.

    I imagine the curve would look something like this if environment and events are held constant (note used an ellipse and cropped because **** drawing a hyperbola without a tablet, actual curve would be more gradual, and probably shifted to the left a fair bit) :


  12. Optimal profit seems to be at 19,999 infra (depending on resource set). But it has not been my experience that the profit margin reduced linearly.

    That's because it does not reduce linearly. It reduces quadratically. Revenues go up linearly, expenses go up quadratically, therefore overall profit decreases quadratically. The term with the square of infrastructure dominates.

    Profit margin decreased significantly after passing the 20k threshold but then went up to about 75% its peak somewhere around 30k infra. This sparked my original curiosity to see if there was just one bump in the CN laffer curve or multiple - because I've experienced at least two.

    I'm guessing you saw these bumps around wars. The automatic 2.5 hit to environment from radiation would account for some pretty large swings in income at that level.

    The original hypothesis was that maybe infra jumps - which are just 1k apart at lower levels, - get further and further apart the higher up you go.

    What I'd like to know now is if there are any more bumps in profitability past 40k infra.

    There are more frequent bill jumps at lower levels. First one is at 20, I believe. They get less frequent as you go up, and data I have seen puts the last at 15,000. It is possible there is another, I have not seen much data beyond 25k. All of the jumps increase bills, which means that they reduce profits.

    Based on some previous calculations, and considering your trades and the lack of space wonders, I would estimate your maximum profitability point is somewhere in the 18k region, and break-even is somewhere around 36k. Beyond that you'll be in the red, until you're forced to either sell off some infrastructure or some enterprising individual decides to pad out their casualty and XP stats.
  13. Income from additional infrastructure goes up roughly linearly; 1 unit adds X additional citizens, contributing X * AVERAGE_INCOME * TAX to your collection.

    Bills from additional infrastructure goes up roughly quadratically. The upkeep per infrastructure is a stepped-linear function of total infrastructure, and the per-unit upkeep is multiplied by total infrastructure again. So costs look like (A * INFRASTRUCTURE^2) + (B * INFRASTRUCTURE) + C

    There is a point where additional infrastructure will cause more upkeep costs than additional taxes collected. That point varies based on resources, improvements, and wonders. A level of 40k is well beyond the absolute best-case scenario.

  14. I distinctly recall that DarkZoneElite had nuked one of RE's runners at a couple of minutes past update and I am pretty sure it was Shaun / Jraenar.

    Well, you're wrong. Shaun Mason never had a war with DarkZoneElite. Shaun Mason was nuked at around 5pm-ish by Fodell. After allowing Shaun Mason to collect out of nuke anarchy. And there was no coordination involved there, all of us were "haha omg" in planning channels.

    Also, I doubt Citadel really wants anything to do with RE. Grasping at straws much?

    Keep on making up excuses for your failures though, as long as you do that you will never learn from them.
  15. Who did War Doves let backcollect out of nuke anarchy?

    IIRC, Dragonshy and Fodell were the ones that failed to keep Shaun Mason in nuke anarchy.

    I'm bitter about not getting a flag. Never claimed otherwise. But you are plain lying in your post here. The only thing that RE was better then me at was not getting nuked late in the day (its not a coincidence that every RE nation got nuked early). 
    I'll state it once again. If I had sat on my hands for a month and I had engaged in the same type of behavior (dealmaking) that RE did then I would have finished #1. Some competence you got there  :rolleyes:

    You're missing the $50 million total collection advantage over the nearest nations, and the nearest nations also were not involved in wars at all. We fought wars. The only thing keeping RE from being sufficiently aggressive for your taste (lol defensive wars don't count is a hilarious excuse) was the massive inactivity from Stelios. I'm pretty sure Con tried to organize a war while I was out of the country, and called it off when something like 3 people showed up for the blitz.

    You keep being bitter and envious, we don't really mind being better at the game than you are. We won, you lost. Try better next time.
  16. On Jraenar / Shaun Mason, for instance, I believe the Citadel attacker on Shaun was one of Confusion's old cronies and if you do note the nuke timing, Jraenar was nuked right after update.

    It's pretty obvious you're just making crap up, seeing as the wars at the end of round were with War Doves, TPC, and Hellas; none with Citadel. The nuke was at something like 5pm, after War Doves was either nice enough (or oblivious enough) to go two days without nuking and allow an 8-day collect outside of nuke anarchy on the last day. There was much laughter and OMG in planning channels about that screw-up.

    tl;dr: no deals were involved in the Shaun Mason flag, itt Shinra and Inst are buttfurious over someone else being better at minimaxing.
  17. Casualties have a lot to do with what infra level you are able to buy to. By sitting on your hands you were able to buy a good amount of infra to sustain more casualties at the end. If I had sat out the whole round in order to flag run I could have probably finished pretty high in casualties myself. The only indicator of war dodging that is relevant is the amount of wars you fought, at what time and against whom. Seeing as RE and SUN fought less wars then every other alliance worth talking about, I'd say you fit the bill pretty well.


    I was ranked in the top few percent of casualties for the entire round, not just the end. So if you meant "knowing how to build better than everyone else," instead of "sitting on your hands," then I may agree with you. As it is, I would guess I (and the rest of RE) had more total war slots in use this round than most on other AAs. I'm sorry that our competence is making you feel bad.

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