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Posts posted by Proko

  1. Random, you were not invited into Continuum because if you had been there wouldn't have been a Continuum to invite you to -- a large number of major players would have left and formed another bloc where you weren't invited, taking the rest with them. The full member-list would have read: 1) NpO 2) NPO.

    Perhaps a minor point and certainly an older one in this thread, I think this is a pretty misleading post. While perhaps The Order of the Paradox, The Graemlins, and FOK may not have joined the Continuum, Polaris held, at the time of the formation of the bloc, several binding treaties with members. Off-hand, we were tied to







    So while some of the alliances that emerged from the Continuum as dominant players may not have participated, at least half of the membership of the Continuum probably would have.

    Additionally, regarding the comments concerning BLEU, I can attest that the bloc was generally without internal strife, and on most issues alliances saw eye to eye. I greatly enjoyed working together with alliances in BLEU, even alliances that ended up betraying BLEU.

    The existence of BLEU itself also refutes a point of Vladimir's I haven't bothered to quote. He states, roughly, that Polar was some sort of poisonous force within blocs and would see them dismantled. At the time of its disbanding, BLEU was the oldest standing and effective bloc (technically, the Ring Cycle (NPO, GDA, MCXA) was older, but I can't ever recall the Ring Cycle, as a unit, being politically noteworthy whatsoever), and although some alliances (namely MCXA and Echelon) may have in the end had grievances against us, that it was run very fairly and democratically. BLEU stood as a unified force for over a year, longer than the Initiative and longer than Agora. The majority of the alliances in BLEU remain closely tied today, as a testament to the strength of the bonds forged by the member-alliances while within the bloc.

    EDIT: I was a minor government official within Polaris at the time of the Unjust War, and I am more than happy with the result. It is not as though I dislike the character of the GOONS themselves (we're protecting their most recent incarnation, after all), a handful of leaders within the GOONS made me favor my own side, even with the clarity of hindsight. I recall reading Daemon banned member post somewhere that, without much cause, the GOONS would, once per week, smash some small alliance until they managed to achieve some goal, perhaps to goad us or another ~ alliance to war.

    Additionally, I'd remind some posters in this thread that at the time of the war, GOONS was stronger than Pacifica. Presumably, if GOONS was to defeat the ~ coalition, they would have superior strength. I have no idea why a hegemonic force under GOONS leadership would not have formed given that they would have emerged from the war as clearly the most powerful alliance in the game, with a multitude of small alliances content to do their bidding. Is there some reason to think this would not be the case?

  2. That is half of Frostbite, NV, almost there.

    The Polar government would like to extend an official thanks to you for observing Nueva Vida's manipulations and machinations and bringing them to the attention of the Polar government. This new evidence will certainly demand a reconsideration of our ties to our friends Nueva Vida, now that it is clear they are...trying to...supplant us? Join our awesome bloc?

    It's a treaty upgrade dude. Relax.

  3. I think I must be in the minority, as I'm getting a bigger kick out of all these folks who suddenly speak with a boldness that was nowhere to be found but months earlier. To hell with the bloc - the reactions are where its at.

    If you remember Watchman's hilarious diversion posts, you'll remember Agora announcements were usually met with derision from the greater blue community and its friends.

  4. The information I received about the reps initially came from LM. The size of the reps alongside the nature of those peace discussions got me frustrated and angry over how IRON was being treated. My emotions boiled over onto the OWF, however, I don't believe my post were even in the slight bit disrespectful. I was going off the information provided by a trust worthy friend and ally but I will nevertheless stick to my word. I said that you asked for 9bil/100k tech during negotiations and that if I was wrong I would apologize. I'm a man of my word.

    Let's assume that these rumored reparations from Ragnarok are true. 9bil/100k in reparations from IRON, in a narrow view the aggressor, to be paid to Ragnarok, in a narrow view the defender. IRON has, currently, 558 nations, which together have at least 2790 aid slots, assuming all nations have foreign ministries and no nations have a Disaster Relief Agency. Of course, some of these nations do not have foreign ministries and many more have DRAs.

    TOP and its coalition submitted to Polaris an initial peace term that was 100k tech (the same amount of technology) for 27 nations, those that had remained in peace mode throughout the war. This is a total of 162 aid slots, assuming that all nations have both foreign ministries and Disaster Relief Agencies. Of course, not all of these nations had DRAs.

    Given 100% collaboration (which they did not have), Polaris should be able to pay off their reps in 131 days.

    Given 100% collaboration, IRON should be able to pay off their reps in 11 Days (Two cycles), if they double tech and cash, which, if I'm not mistaken, they were required to anyway. Nearly all of the reparations would be paid on the first day, however.

    I can assure you with total sincerity that I stand right behind you when you express your frustration at those ridiculous terms.

    EDIT: Mixed up harbors and foreign ministries. It has been so long since I have bought economic improvements.

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