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Feanor Noldorin

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Posts posted by Feanor Noldorin

  1. One thing I've come to admire is that TOP and Umbrella are excellent at getting alliances they hate to fight for them not realizing that they will target them next war.  They did it last war (moreso Umb) and they are doing it again this war; and people are again falling for it in the oA Coalition. I guess I can't knock them as I was lied too as well last war and believed it, but I hope people start realizing that now.

    Tell us all of these great lies.
  2. I usually don't until people call me out to kick their rumps. Then I make certain they are aware who won. I love nothing more than inflicting a small dose of humility in the prideful. Another TOP steps in line to shield their master's shame.

    Cent follows my orders, and there is no reason to shield him from anything. Afterall, he played a large hand in defeating your alliance and allies.

    Just a question.. if you take no pride in your personal wars.. why wage war at all? Do you want to revel solely in someone else's labor? Mind you.. it would fit the pattern for TOP.

    This is a political game, war is simply another tool that alliances use to achieve their ends. I feel like you don't understand that so enjoy your personal "win" as your alliance surrenders to our coalition.
  3. You and more so, your alliance, set the bar in those categories for many years, I guess you would know eh? I mean hell we had to go nuclear 30hrs after a lame mistake was made....TOP made it thru an entire war doing the same. Were far worse at such things then you. *tips hat at your achievement*

    Excuse you, we went through several other wars with a non-first strike nuke policy. I'll list them: GW2, GW3, Dove War, and WoTC. You were apart of the last two and didnt make a peep about it, strange.
  4. Shouldn't you be buddy buddy with Valhalla?  You both like to cut no-nuke deals in great wars.  I figured that would make you besties.

    Two of your allies actively plotted against you, which brought war and ruin to your alliance. If all you have is a quip about a dumb policy of ours from almost 5 years ago then by all means, let it rip.
  5. You were awful 5 years ago and are still awful. It took NG longer than I thought it would to see it. 

    I understand why they did it. They pulled a chunk of NS away from AI and attached itself directly to them. Smart move, to bad they forgot they were dealing with untrustworthy and idiotic people.
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