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Posts posted by Partisan

  1. With respect to you and other members of the GGA, and deference to the spirit of KingZog's patient optimism, I'll simply echo what Xiphosis said:

    "You fired people but kept Degenerate...?"

    Also, you're welcome. :v:

    As said by degen in the OP, I can't go into details :ph34r:

    All I can say, is that there are reasons why degen is still a Tri. He is not as bad as you may think. I hope, that in time, things will change, and people will respect degenerate more. we'll see :unsure:

  2. Is it a change for a better future?

    I personally believe it is. I've been talking to all 3 of the current tri's, and I have full confidence that there will be a better future with these people in the lead. Shane and Des are great people. They know what has to happen, and are open for changes. Degenerate, despite what you might think, is a good man, who listens to the members. Ofcourse, some things are going to take some time, but I think that would be understandable.

  3. Baww?

    The points most make regarding ShanePrice are pretty much valid. A bit biased maybe, but valid nonetheless. Nobody has satisfied the question Tyga asked. Does this signify a new change in foreign policy for the GGA? Until someone from the GGA answers, speculation is the only avenue open to the average ruler. And speculation can easily turn to mockery.

    So chaosplayer4, quit whining and actually join the debate. Or go back to bawwing and make yourself a target.

    It was not ment as a baww, however, I saw people rub sand in our eyes about completely other things too, THAT is what annoys me. I can understand people have questions about this, and they are in their full right to state them. Just try to remain respectful. I'll see if I can get some gov. to answer some of them, as I don't think I hold the power to decide on this :P

    EDIT: for clarifications, I ment 'lolgga' posts, references to the NPO etc. these things have nothing to do with this announcement.

  4. For all those trying to troll us to death once again: give us a damn break. Change does not come with a day. It'll take some time. Nonetheless, here you see the GGA making a big change (if you'd know what's up, you'd be damn pleased to see this), and trying to get back up...and all you can think of is: 'Z0MG, GGA ANNOUNCEMENT, LET'S TROLL!' I really doubt if you're actually thinking any further than that. To those who have remained respectful: Thank you :)

  5. The previous IDC merged into Capax Legio, and thus, by reforming IDC, your treaties would have been nullified, so what you have pretty much done, is bandwagoning on an alliance you have literally no ties to.

    technically, it was a reform, not a merger, as there were no other alliances involved.

    also, hai franz :blush:

  6. well...before the war, i fired my employees because I needed money for that lovely coffee machine. :ph34r:

    after eating a couple of nukes, I decided to quickly hire some again..let's hope they do their work now :unsure:

  7. I don't know why people think that GGA Gov needs to be taught nation growth 101.

    GGA Gov knows what it needs to do, it just doesn't do it. Time and time again when faced with the choice of making a real substantive change or trying to do an easy quick fix, gov will seek the quick fix.

    People in other alliances having problems with us? Just ignore them.

    A minister has an issue with a particular member of Gov's conduct? Call them a whiner/don't listen to them.

    Want to try and improve things in the alliance? Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    Time and time again, Gov has told general membership "there are issues, we're aware of them. Don't worry they'll be addressed" and they never really are. This isn't a new problem, it's been going on for months, if you look at the alliance growth chart, the last month could be substituted for the month before, or the month before that, or the month before that. Most of the people leaving the alliance are ministry level workers frustrated with the way things are run, not semi active people. It's a slow death for the alliance, and I think it's tragic considering how many really great people doing good work are over there.

    The alliance can get itself back together, it has all the tools and knowledge readily at hand. It just needs to make a philosophical shift in how it treats people. I can think of a couple Gov members when I was there that I never wanted to talk to because they would invariably try to act tough and intimidate people no matter how good the intentions and/or ideas were. It was just pointless to try and bring things to them. Towards the end of my tenure I really thought that Gov cared more about Gov than it did anything else. (the treatment of DerekJones and Kwilliams being the newest example, but going back to the loss of other notable members because of fairly ridiculous circumstances)

    If Gov toned down the tough guy act and tried to serve the membership of the alliance with a degree of respect and openness, I think you'd see alot of former members returning. Most of us never really wanted to leave in the first place and want to come back, contribute, and have the alliance prosper.

    (The above stuff doesn't apply to ALL of Gov, there's some really great people in it as well, just some things I personally encountered during my time there)

    It is sad to see that this is how you have experienced things, and there are problems indeed, however...I would like to point out, that at this moment, gov. is actually making some radical changes regarding policies etc.

    I personally talk to the gov. alot, and when I have some ideas, advice, or problems, they actually DO listen, and DO try to explain things or go into a discussion with me. As I was not around for the past months, I cannot say how it was during this time, and thus, i will not comment on that, however, please do note, that changes are being made at this moment.

  8. Sorry Silverhawk. Im actually at work right now and it took me so long to actually get the post typed up and submitted that much more had been said by the time i did. At the time I started writing it i only saw one page, i now realize that much of what i said had already been said by others and I apologize. I do have one question now though, how come no one else from GGA is posting in here? Im just asking because if we had some more GGA members in here with a positive attitude maybe we could start up some challenges and such between individual nations like ZZ was talking about?

    I generally tend not to post in flame fests...it only makes things worse ;)

    I'd like to politely ask some of you guys, to stop quoting silverhawk in this thread. He has admitted his mistake and apologized, let's not try to derail this great thread.

    props to you, zzzptm...I really appreciate someone giving us constructive advice, without sarcasm and flaming. :)

    as stated in previous posts, our activity is indeed a big problem. Perhaps there is the possibility of organizing a spam war with another alliance, it might help raising it.

  9. CL1.jpg

    Hello, this is a public service announcement from Capax Legio. Just a few announcements we need to get out there.

    First and foremost I, Chaosplayer4, will be stepping down from the Caesar position, along with Ven, due to a disease we nicknamed: "Real Life." JustLooking will be replacing both of us, you can find him in #Capax on coldfront. Ven should be returning soon, but I will be gone for a little longer. Both of us will remain as members.

    There has also been a little other shuffling around in our cabinet. This brings our government to:


    JustLooking of JustLooking

    Imperator of Finance:

    JustLooking - Pending

    Imperator of War:


    Imperator of Foreign Affairs:


    Deputy Imperator of Foreign Affairs:


    Imperator of Internal Affairs:


    Also, JustLooking would like to annouce that if you want to buy tech from members of Capax Legio please contact us, we have reserved slots, just because someone has an open slot doesn't mean that you should send him 3 million. We do alliance wide deals and my members may confuse your 3 million for something else.

    And as always, if your looking to buy tech or just improve relations, our forums can be found here: http://capaxlegio.forumotion.net/forum.htm

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