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Posts posted by Partisan

  1. atuntj.jpg

    On July 26, 2009, A small group of mongols banded together on the steppes in an effort to create a new, great alliance.

    I am here to celebrate with you that The Golden Horde -having experienced its first downs, but also some great ups-, Is still around after a little more than 2 months of existence!

    Sadly, this is not the only reason I have travelled to the OWF;

    Recently, our beloved Beklare-bek; Meyer0095 decided to delete his nation and ride into the steppes on an eternal quest for inner peace.

    With meyers departure, we were left wondering who to appoint to the position of Beklare-bek. We decided to hold a series of duels, upon that the strongest, fastest and brightest of us would ascend. After multiple instances in wich his opponents strangely dissappeared just prior to the duel and returned (silent, with a white face) just after the duel was declared lost, it was clear that KingSVH was the most clever mongol currently around. As such, he has ascended to the position of Beklare-bek.

    KingSVH's promotion ofcourse opened another gap: The Vizier of Internal Affairs. Luckily, this was easier to solve as we had just the right man around for this. With his hard work, dedication and experience, Mylife125 has certainly earned the position of Vizier of Internal Affairs.

    Last, but certainly not least, I would like to announce the promotion of LordSai to Darughachi of Recruitment. LordSai has been working very hard and I am quite sure he will do a great job in providing the horde with new blood.

    With all these additions done, this is our new government line-up:

    Genghis Khan: Partisan

    Beklare-bek: KingSVH

    Vizier of Internal Affairs: Mylife125

    Vizier of Diplomacy: Combat Pope

    Vizier of War: Rawdon

    Vizier of Economic Affairs: Deeleeshush

    Vizier of Recruitment: TBA

    Darughachi of Internal Affairs: TBA

    Darughachi of Diplomacy: TBA

    Darughachi of War: TBA

    Darughachi of Economic Affairs: TBA

    Darughachi of Recruitment: LordSai

    I would like to invite anyone to come and get to know us in #TGH on Coldfront IRC.

    Or ofcourse step by our forums, located here: http://thegoldenhorde.forumotion.net/forum.htm


    Meyer0095 riding into the steppes on his departure


    KingSVH just prior to his promotion



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