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Everything posted by Partisan

  1. If an alliance does not suit you, there is no real reason to stay. It gets tricky when you have just received aid - Many alliances don't like it when one joins, takes aid, and leaves....That would be frowned upon. On another note: The Golden Horde would certainly be something you should try out Find us here: http://goldenhorde.tk/
  2. We'd have to get to know you guys first also, This is not the place to discuss these kinds of things...you can pm me in-game.
  3. Hello, I will keep this short: The Golden Horde would love to have you. We're a new yellow alliance, with a great group of core members and good activity. If you'd like some more info or talk sometime, feel free to step by on IRC or send me a message in-game or on the forums.
  4. The Golden Horde would be a great group for you to join. I can guarantee you that you'll have fun with us Check us out here: http://goldenhorde.tk/
  5. Hello there I would like to invite you to join The Golden Horde. We are a new/smaller alliance with a great group of core members. At the moment, we have 8 members that are very active on IRC. Feel free to come hang around in #TGH and get to know us sometime Forum Link: http://goldenhorde.tk/
  6. The Golden Horde is what you are most likely looking for B) http://goldenhorde.tk/ or visit us in #TGH on coldfront IRC.
  7. Congratulations RDD and NOVA! Two fine alliances
  8. We read your mind and decided to grant your wish
  9. lol, we're actually working on it shouldn't be long.
  10. Lies, Randleman, you did this because you wanted to so badly. *sharpens his knife* didn't you? )): @Matthias: sorry, but yellow is pretty
  11. I wonder what starting gate you're looking at honestly though, do you have anything constructive to say?
  12. aww, after so many checks, we still made a typo It is ment to say: 'no attacks on afilliated NATIONS' Thanks for pointing that out
  13. /me quacks I am looking forward to working with you, RDD My gratitude for your protection.
  14. Having lived a nomadic life for ages, several tribes have finally joined together on the Asian and Russian steppes. Unified in their beliefs, and their goals, these tribes have decided to bundle their power under one glorious banner. Their horses strong, their men skilled and their swords sharp, this new power has raged over the steppes, looking for a new homeland. It is today, the 1st of August, 2009, that finally, this horde has decided to settle on the sphere that is called: 'Yellow'. I am here today, to announce existence of a new alliance: We are The Horde...The Golden Horde The Hordes finest warriors two days ago, preparing to scout their new found land. Without any further talks, I will now present to you, the laws of our alliance: The Yassa. May every member uphold these holy laws. Our current government is: Genghis Khan: Partisan Beklare-Bek: Meyer0095 Vizier of Diplomacy: Combat Pope Vizier of Internal Affairs: KingSVH Vizier of War: Rawdon Our forums can be found here: http://thegoldenhorde.forumotion.net/index.htm Our IRC is located in #TGH, on the coldfront IRC server. Feel free to step by Our nations shall be switching to the yellow sphere as soon as trade circles have been arranged.
  15. Ah well...at least you thought of us Reaching 1.00 score in two weeks...nice growth there. Congrats City of Rapture. Engel
  16. I was one of the GGA members ordered to declare on the BoTS member at the time, and I must correct you here; The GOONS members that countered us certainly did launch multiple attacks. It was quite frustrating as bilrow wouldn't let me hit back Question: how do you feel about the new GOONS?
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