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Posts posted by shaneprice

  1. Well now it looks like Planet Bob now has all of the evidence that was used against me. I was not going to share it as I felt it was up to the GGA as to how much they wanted to bury themselves in this mess. For the record, I still do not condone spying, but this thread has taken a life on its own. Also for the record...the NPO also hosts another alliance on Bob...but I am uncertain as to who it was. I believe it is IRON but I could be mistaken. I do know that there is another though.

  2. It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

    An alliance forum is like a home. Your family is there. They laugh together, they cry together, and they fight with each other.

    When did it become an excepted thing on PB to go into someone’s home and take pictures of their family and post them on the OWF?It’s an invasion of ones privacy of the worst kind.

    When did the members of PB start to feed on thing of this type like hungry dogs?

    When did tabloid journalism become a good thing?

    There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

    I say to you members of CN to stop encouraging this type of behavior. To think it’s funny that one’s family home has been violated is wrong. Get your heads on straight and stop with the mob mentality.

    Oddly enough, this is the one GGA statement that I will back up. OPSEC is important and spying is never good although it has been entertaining.

  3. GGA didn't have the power to actively control all of Green, plus the fact that Dilrow was just stupid.

    It's not bait, you're the only one making it out as bait. VE and GGA are treaty partners, and in fact, a VE member defended GGA very briefly in this thread. GGA members have said nothing to VE members in this thread, and vice versa.

    Finally though, remember the GGA thread RIGHT BEFORE this one? I sure do. I remember, as a Vox member, an alliance who on its founding date was at war with GGA mind you (and still is) praising them for that. In fact, most praised them for it.

    Kind of funny...we voted to do this right...then NPO and IRON gets all pissed at us because "you didn't consult us first." As if the GGA required permission to manage its own ZI list. This is one instance in many where the lack of respect for GGA sovereignty has irritated me. I do not apologize for wanting to find allies better then that. Honestly, this is the spark that drove my whole dash to seek out new GGA allies, however, there were instances before this.

  4. He already did.


    Here is a response. Shane Price is utterly incompetent for wanting to cancel GGA's treaties and "ally" with a group of alliances who hate them, have mocked them for months and want them dead. Why does anyone think NPO would have been behind the attack if they left? Their future "allies" would have been first in line. Now those same future "allies" come into this thread and rip on GGA for stopping Shane Price's attempted suicide of the alliance. :rolleyes: Utter incompetence is a damn good reason to kick out a triumvir.

    Well, first off someone can't read.

    Secondly what has NPO done for you...I hope they don't govern your Internal Affairs. Valhalla is good people. But know what you speak of first

  5. Yes, teh Moo steps in to tell what we just talked about...I believe I said they were moving forums....wasn't it so kind for them to offer to host our new forums on the NPO servers though!!! It is a good thing that was declined by the triumvirs...gee as I recall...he even offered to pay for our domain name www.grandglobalalliance.net. But no there is no intent to control the GGA forums there. Thank you for that clarification Emperor Revenge.

  6. And I would also like to confirm for you all...yes...the forums and our beloved roster system are all owned and hosted by Bilrow...and Bilrow has suspended leadership access to these when people such as me have pissed him off. In GGA Defense....they are making efforts to move to new forums to alleviate this but this process has been going on for weeks.


    ShanePrice, the now fallen leader of the GGA approaches the podium and wipes a tear from his brow as he waves to the cheering throngs before him

    My friends, I welcome you and I thank you for the gracious support that you have shown me. Many alliances have stood up to defend me from this wrong and I am grateful to each and every one of them.

    My time with the Grand Global Alliance is now over. During my time, I rested secure in the belief that my actions were in the best interests of the alliance and will continue to defend them as necessary. The conversation in question here was a private conversation between myself, and two members of the Greenland Republic...Virullus and Epiphanus. Degenerate108 was also invited to this convo, joined willingly, and then actively participated in it. This conversation was then relayed to the rest of the GGA government as well as Pacifica. I was offered the opportunity to resign or be kicked. I chose to resign.

    At the meeting in which I was asked to surrender ownership of GGA channels there were several people present. As I remember, there was degenerate108, Sognatore, scotchwithrocks, ironchef, Moo-Cows, and Dark Mistress. Degenerate108 did all of the talking and it was a very brief conversation. I want to take this opportunity to thank Cornelius of the Virdian Entente for coming to my aid and offering me protection...however, I also want to make it clear that at NO point did GGA ever threaten me with ZI or anything like that, but given the gravity of the GGA response, I accepted the protection that was offered.

    As far as the New Pacific Order...they have seen fit to interfere in GGA Internal Affairs for as long as I can remember. They have done so through building friendships where possible and fear when not. Every GGA government member is fearful of what will happen if they leave OneVision and as a result will continue to follow Pacifica even if takes them to the grave. This is the choice that GGA has made despite the continued will of Pacifica to ignore the needs of the GGA.

    The Grand Global Alliance will eventually turn itself around, but it will take time. For now they are so yoked to the Pacific Order that they have sacrificed their sovereignty to protect their nations. Every day for the last few months, Moo-Cows has been ever present in GGA government channels and has constantly criticized GGA foreign policy when it was not his place to do so. The GGA is a sovereign alliance capable of making it's own decisions without interference from Pacifica. Further, Pacifica seems to be the main problem. The GGA's other allies tend to treat the GGA with a bit more respect. I would also like to thank Valhalla for being truly the most helpful alliance that GGA has ever had. Props to you purple guys :)

    With that said...the message I have for the GGA is this. If you feel that you can rule an alliance while restricting what your members are allowed to say and think, then you are steering the GGA toward an end from which it cannot rebound. Such restrictions will not be effective on Planet Bob when members have so many choices in alliances to go to. Retention and reform should be your priority goals and you should do this without interference from the Order. Having them as allies is good, having them as a shadow government is bad.

    It is unfortunate but the only thing that these actions accomplished was the weakening of the GGA and bringing unwarranted criticism upon its members. You must remember that the triumvirate of the GGA rules only by the consent of it's membership. Without that membership you have no alliance. Your actions in this regard were foolhardy and there is no place on Bob for an alliance that dictates what it's members can think. I wish the GGA all the success in the world and hope that they can straighten out their government problems.

    Thank You.

  8. approved.jpg


    Effective immediately, it is announced that the following individuals are released from all GGA ZI lists. The following persons are free to pursue their agendas without interference from the Grand Global Alliance. They are:

    Jonathan Brookbank


    Long Live the Alliance...

    Signed on behalf of the GGA:

    Degenerate108, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

    scotchwithrocks, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

    Shaneprice, Holy Triumvirate and Chief Protector of the Realm

    Sognatore, Elder Statesman

    BearerofTruth, Elder Statesman

    Emperor Lester II, Elder Statesman

    Kevin the Great, Elder Statesman

    ALdbeign, Elder Statesman

    KungFuHamster, Regent

    Dephire, Chancellor

    shadeybob, Minister of Foreign Affairs


    Hello our little green gooey buddies! The GGA is three years old today!

    It is hard to believe that we are now three years old, but the GGA continues to grow and have a lot of Green Fun on Bob.

    In celebration of this spectacular event, there is a party tonight in #gga and everyone is welcome to attend whoever you may be and wherever you may be from

    The triumvirate wishes to take this opportunity to thank all of our members who have made this possible. You are the reason why the GGA continues to be the success that it is.

    We have faced many challenges and turned them into accomplishments over the last year, and I would like to take this opportunity to lay out some of them for you as reminders.

    1.) When I became Minister of Finance, my office tragically lacked a bar. But in the true spirit of leadership, I spent 4 million in GGA monies putting a small bar in. So now the MoF can party at work. (We made sure to keep a healthy supply of Milk on hand for yetanothername.)

    2.) The GGA took a great step forward in equal rights for rodents when we became the first alliance on Bob to admit a Hamster to government. KungFuHamster has since served with distinction and continues to be useful when the triumvirate needs someone small to scratch in between our toes.

    3.) In an effort to eradicate the spread of EMOness within the alliance, we contracted with Bilrow Pacific Industries who was able to provide us with our first Emobulance. As a result we now have emergency EMO response throughout our grand alliance.

    4.) In what was undoubtedly one of the biggest discoveries of the entertainment world, we discovered that our very own Derek Jones was actually the 4th Jonas Brother....his real name Derka Jonas.

    5.) ALdbeign came back out of retirement and assisted with our Ministry of Finance after discovering that a combination of metamucil, organic grass juice, and Flintstones Vitamins were adequate for helping our senior citizens maintain active lifestyles. The same treatment is currently in use by Sognatore leading to a new era of Elder activity.

    With that said, it is time to reflect on some of our prior members who have gone on to bigger and better things, either elsewhere on Bob...or in real life.








    Lucas Perry





    sorry if I missed one.

    Here is to making the next year the best that the GGA has ever had. We are a happy, proud, and green people. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GGA!!!!

    (PS. Now that we are three...should we start potty training?)

  10. *sobs quietly*

    I'm not even sure where to begin. The terrorist part maybe. Okay, define a terrorist organization? Is it an organization that attacks others? Well in that case, the NPO could be the single biggest terrorist organization there is. They've surely attacked people for little to no reason depending on who you ask. Now, I'm not interested in getting involved in a lengthy discussion over whether or not the NPO is a terrorist organization, because I really could care less at this point, so I'm not going to go there or reply to anything trying to get me to go there. I'm simply saying that the argument you're using could be used against anyone, so I'm not convinced.

    And as for your opinion, you come off as someone who thinks they know everything there is about Vox Populi. So as a two week old nation, either your a brilliant observer or someone who has an axe to grind with Vox. I'm sure it's the later because you did say Vox went out of their way to attack you, so they probably have a good reason to considering that they're usually under some much fire themselves that they don't have time to attack anyone. So no, I'm still not convinced.

    Now, as for your second paragraph, that's a lot of empty rhetoric with no substance. Any argument made there is probably covered under my first paragraph, since all you're really saying is "Vox is a terrorist organization" in more words than you need to.

    Lemme think about this a moment. I know quite a bit about Vox as well. Let me see if I can start from the beginning.

    1.) Vox leadership consists of a bunch of Planet Bob's under acheivers who could not hack it. So they go and form this alliance because they want a little excitement. The thing that pushes them off the deep end...GGA's war against Hyperion because they do not feel our CB was valid. They obviously feel that they are qualified to be the judge of everyone elses CB's.

    2.) Several quit just before the outbreak of war saying that they were leaving CN due to boredom...once war breaks out, suddenly they re-appear. Is there enough excitement now?

    3.) The so called new Vox Dei likes to use espionage to gain control over other alliance and/or bloc assets. How does he do that...just find a disenfranchised player with an axe to grind and admin access...problem solved.

    You come to counter the dishonorable actions of alliances such as NPO and GGA?! That is laughable.

    If you are the barometer of appropriate relations on Bob...we are all in trouble.


    Triumvir, Grand Global Alliance

  11. The Grand Global Alliance congratulates Vox Populii on the election of their second government. We hope that they will seek to improve their shattered image in Cybernations. In your post you cite how you came to "confront evil." This statement is one of a person attempting to legitimatize their standing when they started as nothing more then a terrorist alliance seeking the destruction of what so many had spent so much time to build. Maybe there will be a time when Cybernations can see peace again, until that time the Grand Global Alliance will continue to acknowledge Vox as an enemy of our Grand Alliance. Recent actions on the behalf of Vox government members such as Starfox101 continue to prove to the alliances of Cybernations that for now there can be no peace with Vox as long as they continue their program of deception, manipulation, and general greed. Again...good luck with your second government. There is no possible way it can be worse then the first.



    Grand Global Alliance.

  12. The Grand Global Alliance is pleased to announce our newest triumvir: SCOTCHWITHROCKS!!!!

    Please see the below message from DerekJones, now Elder Statesman of our Grand Alliance.


    These last few weeks represent important milestones in my career with the Grand Global Alliance. On December 24th, I celebrated my two year anniversary in the Grand Global Alliance, and on January 4th, I celebrate a year of being a Triumvir. Unfortunately, both of those tenures, as well as my tenure in Cybernations, will come to an end in the next few days.

    Since word began leaking out that I planned on leaving Cybernations some months back, people have wondered why I decided to leave the game rather than simply retire from active duty. To understand that, I'd have to start at the beginning, when I faced a difficult family situation over the summer. Being from a single-parent home, I strongly relied on my grandparents to help raise me, often spending a great deal of time under their care. In July, my grandma faced severe blood poisoning that advanced her early stage Alzheimer's and advanced it by ten years. As my mother, my brother, and myself are her only living relatives, and my mother works to support her two children (one of whom is in college), it fell in part to myself to help take care of her. I helped work out hospital stays, nursing homes, fixing up her home, etc., and continue to help take care of her today.

    What does this have to Cybernations? Simply put, this severely takes away from my ability to continue playing this game. In the end, this is simply a game, and matters pertaining to my family are far more important. Therefore, it is time for me to say goodbye to Cybernations to focus my free time on work, school, and my family.

    I'm incredibly thankful for Sognatore, ironchef, and ALdbeign for stepping in when I needed to take time off, as well as degenerate108 and Shaneprice for holding the fort in my absence. I wish my parting could have been after all the work we wanted to accomplish was finished, but I have great faith that you guys will put forth the time and effort to make this alliance even better. The Grand Global Alliance embodies all that I've ever wanted in an alliance: a tight-knit family, sense of loyalty, and above-all, dedication to doing the right thing, even when it's not the most popular thing to do. I'm proud to say that my tenure in Cybernations was devoted fully to the Grand Global Alliance, and I have no doubt that if I return to Cybernations, it will be to rejoin you guys.

    To say all my goodbyes to each individual person, I'd have to construct a hell of a long list. There are plenty of people I will miss in this game, plenty of people who had a strong impact on me, and I'm so very appreciative to have known so many of you. Perhaps if I find the time, I'll construct a list of thank-you's, but for now, I want to send out a generic thank you and I love you to all of you who I've spoken to.

    Perhaps I'll see you guys on IRC every once and a while, but when it comes to being in Cybernations, I'd like to say goodbye, and thank you for this experience. I've had more fun in this game than I can convey in words, and I hope one day, I will be able to return.

    With that said I would like to name my successor. He has proven himself from day one to be a ruling force within GGA. He worked his way up through the ranks and made a name for himself as our Minister of Defense and Intelligence. Please join me in congratulating our newest Triumvir;


    - DerekJones

    Former Triumvir and Proud Member of the Grand Global Alliance

  13. While the relations between the STA and GGA have not always been the best, I commend them for their recent achievements. Congrats to the STA.

    I must say...that was a nice "State of the Alliance Address"


    Holy Triumvir and Chief Protector of the Realm

    Grand Global Alliance

  14. Well, wasn't this a funny read...Vox goes and decides to form a "government" finally, while they are at they will pretend that they didn't have one to begin with. Despite the wall of text that we have here, there is only one thing that is different, and that is the method by which Vox fights. Vox has brought with them a new method of warfare and are absolutely insistent that they will cause as much havoc as they can.

    Vox Populii has no honor. They sit behind their avatars, many representing the the faces of American History that are now used for this farce. Vox Populii may fight differently, but the Grand Global Alliance and her allies will also adapt. Maybe one day, there will be peace again on Planet Bob. It does not matter that Vox's primary goal is NPO...the truth is that their campaigns seek to strike at whoever currently seems to be the most powerful...this is a great if not misguided strategy. If nothing else, such policies will continue to make certain that CN life remains interesting. The only comfort that I can take from this is that the existence of Vox will forever be reduced to the same level of other alliances such as FAN. If that is how Vox wants to live on Bob...then let it be.


    Triumvir, Grand Global Alliance

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