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Posts posted by StealingPandas

  1. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='19 July 2010 - 06:52 AM' timestamp='1279533143' post='2378710']
    Are you the same StealingPandas from way back in Sparta? If so o/ New overlord of FAR.

    Also, I thought there was going to be another treaty cancellation in here.

    Thanks, yes I am he. We decided that a bittersweet announcement like this would be a refreshing change from all of the cancellations.

  2. Fernando deserves a break. He put a lot of work into this alliance, and regardless of what anyone outside of FAR thinks he is an excellent leader. He has earned my respect.

    I am proud to take the helm, and I am working hard to make sure we stay on the right track and continue on the road of success that we've been riding all along.

    o/ FAR

  3. Tisk tisk nandypoo, is this what you've come to?

    I know you haven't been around here very long, you joined during (or possibly after) karma, I have no sense of time anymore though but if after the last war you are craving one so soon, or think that everyone should just attack everyone they don't like then you're wrong. As you acknowledged, this topic is pretty hypocritical considering we aren't practicing this for of diplomacy, and I certainly don't want to and I doubt you had any plan to do so.

    Major wars happen when they happen, you can't force it or expect it. Sometimes there are large breaks and sometimes they are short. Lately there haven't been many huge one sided wars (and I mean like the days of NPO and friends stomping out fairly large alliances).

    Like someone else said, most of the fun of the game is the politics rather than the actual combat. The wars add some spice to conflicts, and they allow one alliance or group to gain advantage over another through strength of nations, which goes back to the very basic point of CN which is to build a nation, whether for war or to show off or to just challenge yourself.

    Why sign treaties and take time to make friends or anything like that if you just throw it out the window for some cheap thrills? Allies helping allies is how wars grow to large sizes.

    I think this was poorly thought out, you could have at least worked on it more to create better discussion rather than causing everyone to disagree.

  4. [quote name='Sandler' date='04 July 2010 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1278282321' post='2359694']
    Silver - you are, by far, the most attractive #2 I have ever laid eyes on in all of CN. Besides your amazing beauty, you have earned this promotion and every 'huzzah' in this thread.

    Ahem. I believe you're forgetting someone.

  5. Pretty damn fly if i do say so myself.

    Why are dinosaur comics so funny? Is the formula of "every one is the same with new words?". I think its that. Discuss.

    Would you sell your soul for 50 tech?

    Would you cancel all of your treaties (and ditch your friendships) if that would make tLW the largest alliance in game?

    Do you like to party?

    What do you think of FAR's leadership and government?

  6. [quote name='Skippy' date='05 June 2010 - 01:29 AM' timestamp='1275712151' post='2324178']
    I haven't been getting a good vibe from FAR's relations to us since they pulled out of Sirius. Could I get an "official stance" on your viewpoint on us? If it is negative, could you explain why?

    We harbour no ill will towards anyone involved with the whole Sirius thing. I wasn't available at the time that the decision to pull out was made, but I would have supported it and stand by it now. I think everyone was a little fired up afterward, and some people may have gone too far. Why would we make enemies out of the people we should be friends with?

    Sirius is made up of alliances our size that belong to our sphere and we like everyone involved. Its just that none of them were very close to us, and we weren't comfortable with entering once our good friends had decided not to join. We still have interest in building relations with your alliance as well as the others involved with Sirius, and maybe someday we might join.

  7. [quote name='Sir Exodus' date='04 June 2010 - 09:51 PM' timestamp='1275699042' post='2323947']
    I was going to harrass you until I read that... then I got teary eyed. So you're lucky! :D

    This basically sums up what I was going to say. He's right, you are lucky to know us :smug:

  8. [quote name='James Maximus' date='03 June 2010 - 01:29 PM' timestamp='1275582580' post='2322195']
    Why did you raise your tech prices? TKTB needs [b]normal priced tech[/b] :(
    What do you mean? The 3/50 thing is only for members, unless you consent to it as an outside party. Unless I'm forgetting something...

    [quote name='We Are Not Alone' date='03 June 2010 - 01:33 PM' timestamp='1275582792' post='2322199']
    Feelings on UPN?
    Good people, don't know you all well. Depending on what you think of us, maybe we could get to know each other better.

    [quote name='Silver Empress' date='03 June 2010 - 01:55 PM' timestamp='1275584132' post='2322212']
    Who is your favorite tLW-er?
    You, and FJ. There's a bunch of you that I like, but you two put up with me.

    [quote name='DarkEra97' date='03 June 2010 - 02:08 PM' timestamp='1275584920' post='2322224']
    What was FAR's goal as an alliance at its foundation? Has that goal remained constant or has it changed since then?
    Our goal... like any alliance we want growth. I guess you could call us a "normal" alliance as we are not overly militaristic or specially themed or anything. On a bigger scale, we try to be very involved with the blue sphere and its alliances.

    Our outlook has changed a lot since we started, as many of our founders left and our government structure and charter have changed.

  9. [quote name='Robster83' date='03 June 2010 - 10:06 AM' timestamp='1275570368' post='2322022']
    Why is your name so similar to FEARs?

    It is so because the founders of FAR respected FEAR so much that we just had to mimic their name. We were originally to be named "FAER" but that didn't work out.

    In seriousness, it just is. They are two different words. At least comparing our name to FEAR's is not as bad as the people who cleverly said that "FAR is just FIRE with a southern accent" upon our formation.

  10. [quote name='New Frontier' date='02 June 2010 - 09:11 PM' timestamp='1275523861' post='2321259']
    Who's your favourite Gondorian?

    Sandler is nicer to me than you or Jaym, but Dera is from "Cool People Land" like me. I'd say its a tie between them.

    [quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' date='02 June 2010 - 10:28 PM' timestamp='1275528482' post='2321435']
    How do you guys view STA? Any particular members you like/dislike?

    I'm an STA fan, I used to hang around STA's IRC channel a lot and I even considered applying there once.

    I dislike you for not using/forgetting about that sig I made for you well over a year ago.

    [quote name='Jaymjaym' date='02 June 2010 - 10:37 PM' timestamp='1275529039' post='2321452']
    What would you say is FARs great strength and greatest weakness.

    Our strengths.... Our government is made up of good, hardworking, fresh faces. Few "well-known" players (such as Damsky) have passed through our government since we began. Everyone needs a start somewhere, so I say out with the old and in with the new because they're doing a hell of a job.

    As far as weaknesses go, I think agree with Nando in that we aren't too well known outside of our little group of friends. When our name comes up, most people say "Who?" so I think that we still need to make an impression.

  11. [center][img]http://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/14/32/95/80/announ11.png[/img]

    I am StealingPandas, regent of FAR and I as well as our lovely Emperor and government are open to your questions.

    some of you love us, some hate us, and many don't know us.

    Let the Questions begin!

  12. [quote name='Lord Fingolfin' date='16 May 2010 - 10:52 PM' timestamp='1274061115' post='2300772']
    Federation of Allied Republics - 5 - stealingpandas is ok, Fernando rubs me the wrong way though

    Hear that everyone? I'm ok! I love you too Lord Fing.

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