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Posts posted by RavingMainyYak

  1. WHAT!?!

    I don't even....


    (take a nap for a year and the world turns upside down and sideways)



    The treaty web has always been a series of Gordian knots.  This treaty appears to continue that tradition.  

    Congrats to all who worked this little slice of diplomatic magic.



    /I would be remiss if I did not remind you that we're all doomed!

  2. I warned .gov that locking MiniTru from having computer access was not going to work.  And again I'm proven right.



    /Well done.  One of the best announcements ever.

    //as for the new Council,  WE'RE DOOMED

    ///but you all already knew that

    ////Ogaden, love your sig.  You honor cowards rather than revile them.  Very magnanimous of you.  clap.gif

  3. You put Cable back in charge of the alliance? LOL - I guess self esteem isn't high in Farkistan right now. Can you get NukeMePlease back too?


    As for Nukie, he got himself some fancy wedding duds recently.  It seems RL has him completely in thrall.


    As for our new gov, we are doomed.


    As for pictures, I managed a screen grab of a surveillance camera I had installed in the Subby's office.



    /I should have known better than to have used Monster cables.

    //I guess I should not have mentioned the sekrit surveillance cameras... camera.. just that one.. no others.

  4. [quote name='Avakael' timestamp='1358655624' post='3080655']
    Will Fark continue their protection of Umbrella at this time?

    Alas, that protectorate lapsed. And now the winds of change blow. The rains fall in torrents. And our glasses are again empty. Priorities.
    Hail Hobo, our Homeless Overlord.

  5. On behalf of the good people of Farkistan, I want to thank everyone for the kind comments and constructive criticism offered to us and our good friends in Anarchy, Inc.
    We offer greetings to several ex-patriot Farkers who now call AI home.

    [center][i]What a 9-year-old Tums may have looked like[/i][/center]

    We in Fark do not hold a large number of treaties; for us, this PIAT is far more than a token gesture.

    And as a public service:

  6. [center][img]http://www.farkistan.org/gallery/1674_09_08_12_3_19_44.jpeg[/img]

    [b][size="5"]Ice Chest Accords[/size][/b][/center]

    [b]Preamble Ramble:[/b]

    Farkistan (Fark) and the New Polar Order (NpO), in recognition of our years of friendship, do realize that since we were so busy having fun together, we forgot to dot the i's and drink all the b's as a testament to our true affections. One night, after a crazy night of drinking and playing freeze tag, we figured we'd scribble the following treaty down on paper:

    [b]Article 1: Sovereignty[/b]

    NpO and Fark promise to respect each other's ice chest and sovereign alliance boundaries, including each other's preference in proper beverage serving temperatures.

    [b]Article 2: Nonaggression and Espionage[/b]

    NpO and Fark both agree that neither one will steal each others secrets or beer, nor will we get into a fight with each other. Should a "party foul" happen between NpO and Fark, the other party agrees to pay the offended party's bar bill up to the amount of 150% in damages.

    [b]Article 3: Mutual defense[/b]

    If someone decides to start a bar brawl with either Fark or NpO, both agree to have each other's back and shall defend each other.

    [b]Article 4: Optional Aggression[/b]

    If one of the signatories goes and picks a bar fight with another alliance, the other signatory is under no obligation to join in but is more than welcome to do so if they choose.

    [b]Article 5: Intelligence and Aid[/b]

    Both signatories agree to help each other out by providing intelligence and aid where necessary.

    [b]Article 6: Cancellation[/b]

    If the freezer breaks and the beer runs out, or if Fark and NpO decide to part ways, a 72 hour grace period goes into effect after notice is provided of cancellation.

    Signed on this day, June 9, 2012

    [b]For Farkistan:[/b]

    Atanatar, Submitter
    905, (acting) Squirrel
    Shinfat, Speaker of TotalFark Council
    Raving MainyYak, Council
    Randomly Jim[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di5j13t5xnE],[/url] Council
    Turk182, Council
    Kahiel, Council

    [b]For the New Polar Order:[/b]

    His Imperial Excellency RandomInterrupt of Amber, Eternally At Fault. Diplomatic Shark, Mr. Sith Lord Bear, Caliph of the New Desolate Order, Minister of Sexual Healings, The Baconator, Theodore Roosevelt, In GE's Quit Message, Comrade of the Glorious People's Glorious Revolution, Scourge of the OWF, Genesis Minister of Awesome, favored son of Walford, Savior of the Disillusioned, God-Emperor of Mumbai, Destroyer of the Betrayers, and Clint Eastwood's inspiration. Also, Wisconsin.
    Dajobo, Imperial Regent

    Quantum Leap, Imperial Advisor of Foreign Affairs
    His Imperial Sexyllency Darth Ludicolo Hernando Sombrero Actorbass, PhD, DJ, CPT, and TM. Imperial Chaplain, Microwave Specialist, professional cat herder, Tamer of the Penguins, King Noobcake the First, Keeper of the Wild, Producer of TIME FOAM, Huntmaster of the AntiH****e Taskforce, Architect of The Pit, spreader of Foamyist philosophies, Dean of Scrolling Studies, and Minister of Piracy to the world in general and radio in particular. Also oh haaaaay, ya'll dun read my signature!
    Jphillips, Imperial Advisor

    His Imperially Luminous Flourescent Eminence Mergerus Lucius Aelius Aurelius Genesis Augustus Herculeus Polaris Exsuperatorius Amazonius Invictus Felix Maximus Bergerus, Knight of Mars, Beater of Ass, also pie.
    Tevron, Deputy Minister of Truth
    EaTeM_uP, Minister of Plenty
    Mompson, Deputy Minister of Plenty
    Medic32, Minister of Love
    Nicki, Deputy Minister of Love
    Hullean, Minister of Peace
    WarGod0001, Deputy Minister of Peace

    [i]This was approved some time ago but a few things happened on Planet Bob in mid-June and the announcement fell into the back of the freezer. Good news though. I found half a bag of frosted tater tots with a 2009 expiration date. [/i]

  7. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1344344842' post='3019508']
    With all of our allies receiving peace, we were prepared to up the level of our war. If you are going to be less than graceful about this, we can make that happen.

    Really AirMe?

    Do you really want to resume the dance?

    If you are serious, come chat me up.

  8. [quote name='BozDaBoz' timestamp='1344307474' post='3019356']
    I want to thank all 9 of my opponents in this war. I didn't draw a single turtle and had TONS of fun.

    Yay peace!

    /Yak, where is the beer?

    I drank it while you were in here posting.


  9. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XaT8B.jpg[/img][/center]

    The forces of Umbrella, The Last Remnants, Deinos, and Fark agree to a cessation of hostilities effective at 11:59pm Server time on Monday August 6, 2012.

    Fark withdraws its Protectorate over Umbrella upon the cessation of hostilities.

    All parties agree that member nations will not declare new wars against any nation of other signatory alliances of this agreement.

    Nations involved in current wars may offer and accept individual unconditional peace if mutually agreed upon, or continue existing wars until their conclusion.


    [b]for Farkistan:[/b]
    Raving MainyYak - Submitter (Head of State)
    Mr. Vicarious - Squirrel (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
    Shinfat - Speaker TotalFark Council
    Randomly Jim - TotalFark Council
    Kahiel - TotalFark Council
    manwithplanX - TotalFark Council
    one_eighty_two - TotalFark Council

    [b]Signed for the Triumvirate of The Last Remnants[/b],
    Rush Sykes

    [b]Signed for Umbrella,[/b]
    domisi, President
    threefingeredguy, Vice President
    Raken, Envoy
    Lusitan, Field Marshal

    [b]For Deinos[/b]:
    Tyrant King: New Frontier
    Utahraptor Prince: Jaym
    Raptor Lord of War: JakeLiebenow
    Raptor Lord of Finance: Magister Agricolarum
    Raptor Lord of Diplomacy: Melancholy Culkin
    Raptor Lord of the Interior: MateriaObscura
    Raptor Lord of Development: XiolinTiger

  10. Happy 6th to our random friends.

    Traditional 6th anniversary gifts include:
    [*]A year's supply of Turtle Wax
    [*]52 weeks worth of Shasta soda (that's a six-pack dude, the stuff is NASTY)
    [*]Jiffy-Pop popcorn
    [*]Dino Helper - turns leftover Deinos into a meal
    [*]a Regency TR-1 AM band Transister Radio from Radio Shack
    [*]and all the Rice-a-roni, the San Francisco treat, that you can eat!


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