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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. It's off topic because people, such as myself, post irrelevant taunts which they view as turds of wisdom. This is an OOC post, because I clearly have no place posting in this topic, and neither do half of you.

    OOC: We all have a place posting here, because this is a public forum. If the OP does not want us here, then they should have settled this outside the community forum.

  2. It's becoming painfully obvious based on the candor in this thread that the Orders are there only to look out for themselves, despite their allies. It's actually sad, seeing our many treaties and good relations with an alliance like NPO getting thrown under the bus in favor of ES's idiotic attempts at starting a war.

    Yes, definitely concerned about themselves, with one possibly going to war to back up an ally.

  3. Ivan, people responding to you in topics to which you are irrelevant is another privilege you're being granted for past glories. Quit wasting 'em. Seriously, this is getting sad.

    Quite a few people are irrelevant in this topic, yourself included. Does that mean no one should post here except those directly involved?

  4. Apologies if that is how what I stated came off. I was trying to say that any alliance which would pay reps for one of their guys attacking an unaligned nation with no relevant information in their bio would likely only do so because they were being pushed around, not because they were in the wrong (because they aint in the wrong).

    Ah, that is more reasonable. Thank you for the clarification.

  5. I'm not at all alliance government, but see, as everyone should, that this is completely and totally obvious. That the situation occurred that made this announcement/discussion necessary is pretty sad. I'd guess its safe to assume that most alliances have the same viewpoint, and those that do not when push comes to shove are just smaller alliances being shoved around by larger saying and doing what survival dictates.

    Doing what survival dictates? I would assume claiming alliance affiliation is safer than not. These people are just trying to cover their ***. And it's going to stop.

    Now we can point to this thread whenever someone tries to pull this crap.

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