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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. People need to learn how to keep in-game problems, well, in-game. This kind of behavior is disgusting, and shows an inability to differentiate between IC and OOC actions.

    My sympathies, Sarafina, getting such viruses is never fun.

  2. The whole irony in my opinion is the notion that NpO gives a rat's ass about any of it's allies. The NpO cares only about the NpO and possibly the NPO.

    No, they don't give a rat's ass about us. Rather, they protected us for three months, asking nothing in return. They have given us millions in aid over the past months, and asked nothing in return.

    So tell me again how they don't care for their allies?

  3. Hey you are really smart. Someone should give you a government position in a real alliance. I heard NPO is looking for some good officers(since a bunch of theirs left), maybe you should apply.

    If you're going to resort to an ad hominem attack, at least do it well :rolleyes:

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