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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. I seem to have acted without dignity or decency.

    No white peace for Doitzel. D:

    I've had it with you! First you are against the Hegemony because they like war too much, now you want IRON to fight a war and are calling them cowards for not doing so. You say you want a revolution, well, you know, we all want to change the world. But when you talk about destruction, don't you know that you can count me out.

  2. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=30981

    I believe we qualified as "others" and even if we didn't you declared war on Valhalla which under the Collective Defense Clause of the Mobius Accords was taken as a declaration of war on all signatories, therefore counter as an attack on Pacifica itself. And even if that didn't qualify as a declaration of war on the New Pacific Order, your attack on GGA was considered a declaration of war based on the One Vision Accords.... so yeah, you declared war the day you did your DoE.

    While it is heartening to see you consider your alliance as, at the time, "seek[ing] to crush freedom", our DoW was specifically on Valhalla and GGA. No other alliance was mentioned by name and your assumptions are made from the perspective of an outsider and are thus woefully misinformed. The treaty argument is silly; whatever the wording might say, a declaration of war on alliance x and a declaration of war on x's ally y are two different things. The former allows for the activation of y's defensive treaties and the latter requires y to fight back aggressively and thus does not allow the activation of defensive treaties. I won't pretend we didn't expect NPO to fight us, but we never declared war on the NPO.

    As I have no opinion at the moment on the actual subject at hand I will withdraw from this thread.

  3. Secondly, Vox declared war on the New Pacific Order in its declaration of existence. So really you are twisting history around for convenience sake, sorry :(

    No we did not. We never declared war on NPO, the state of war existed after you took offense to our possession of a senate seat. So really you are twisting history around for convenience sake, sorry.

  4. When did 1v1 matches become the biggest thing in CN. I havent been complaining on months on end for war but these 1v1 things are stupid whats the point of treaties at all. This is not the way things are done around here until Ivan came along and started sprouting it and maybe it just saved his skin maybe ;)

    Yes it is clearly Ivan's fault that RIA challenged NSO to a 1v1 match. Go complain to Delta.

  5. I was simply giving my reason for not liking NSO. I don't speak my my whole alliance so I cant say whether this expresses our feelings. My personal feelings would involve a lot more war and not this 1v1 rubbish I was hoping for the next global war to be honest .

    I glad you have admitted that it was a mistake.

    Hey guys, NEWSFLASH. Nobody owes you a war, you do not have a right to a war when you are bored. If you want a war, go start one or else shut up and stop complaining. The thing that pisses me off the most about this whole situation is everybody has been complaining for months on end about how there's no conflict anymore and everything is boring and then when NSO actually starts some drama everyone cries bloody murder. Then when it ends up with a 1v1 match everybody reverts to moaning about how there's no war. Figure out what the hell you want then go get it, nobody wants to hear your whining.

  6. Our accusation of a specific individual was quite serious, but clearly we do not take the attack to be an offense which warrants any (military) action, because in general we are against using OOC events as reasons to attack someone.

    I genuinely believe the announcement was funny, and many people told me it was as well. I'm sorry we don't see eye to eye on this, but frankly this is expected. I hope that you can get over it.

    You weren't just accusing an individual, you accused the entire alliance, because you realized you had absolutely no evidence to support your outlandish claims, so you broadened the scope of your accusations to include the entire alliance because by gosh, if it wasn't youwish it had better be somebody you can look cool calling out.

    Of course we can't *prove* it was NSO[...] we - the Dark Fist, are none too pleased with youwish or whoever else it was from the New Sith Order, who requested on a popular imageboard, and bumped the topic with pornography, asking that porn and gore be spammed on our forums.

    I'm laughing already.

  7. This is boring... NSO had the opportunity to back their rogues... I mean members... I mean rogues... Which is it now?? But they have disappointed me once again. Shame, and to think that I would have had fun this holiday....

    Perhaps y'all should come up with a better acronym for NSO to better reflect y'alls true colors. This was the time to put up or shut up, and obviously nothing happened.

    I like how you tried to cast doubt on whether they are members or rogues when NSO has a clear stance on the issue. That's probably one of the most idiotic attempts at an argument I've seen in this thread yet. Maybe it's difficult for you to understand something as complex as the notion that the guy was once a member and now is a rogue?

  8. If I ever go unaligned I know for a fact I will nuke anybody who tries to tech raid me; there is nothing more joyous than watching someone go in trying to make a profit and come out behind. I'm not sure how this would justify the raider running to daddy for help though, seeing as how it could have been avoided by simply not raiding. Anyone who brings in backup because it turned out their victim defended themselves is a coward.

  9. I'm curious on the relations of CN friendships. Do you really consider other rulers in Cyber Nations to be your friends?

    I once believed that many in CN were my true friends, but I find nowadays that I really don't know anyone or could trust anyone as I would a person I know in the real world. We've all seen the deceit and general !@#$%^&* from the CN populace so why would anyone really consider one another friends? I just don't have it in me to take that leap of faith.

    This also coincides with political alliances. Many will argue they would go down in flames for their allies/friends, but do you really feel that strongly about them? I just see most political alliances as what they are, political necessities. Having led an alliance and later merged it into TOOL I found that none of the allies were truly friends and so I simply chose the most logical choice for a safe and productive home. I would never ally someone because they're a friend, but because they're politically related to what I believe in.

    Once upon a time I would add CN "friends" on facebook, but I've realized that really isn't necessary when such a site contains enormous amounts of my personal information as well as information on true friends of mine.

    So where do you stand?

    P.S. I know many have come to this game through RL friends and so this really doesn't apply to you and if you're one of those few who have met in RL after meeting in CN congrats on taking that leap of faith. I hope it works for you.

    EDIT: Is this even in the right forum? Sorry if it isn't.

    Sounds like you just found the wrong friends. I have a couple friends in CN, but that doesn't mean my interests are automatically their interests. Yes, it is probable that a significant portion of CN would ditch you under the right (or wrong) circumstances or at least act in opposition to your best interests, but such is the real world as well - it is a rare friend that will actually stay with you through everything. I would agree that on average, a friendship in CN is probably built on a shakier foundation than in real life, especially because of conflicting loyalties to alliances, but I don't find it is so extreme as you seem to believe. If you build a friendship on something other than an in-game relationship it is much more likely to weather something like a war.

    As for alliances, there is no such thing as a lasting alliance friendship. Alliance friendships are built on personal friendships between members and common experiences, and even if those are great at some point in time, as new players join and old players leave the game that will eventually change.

  10. Around the time you formed a bloc with them? :P Come on, you can't honestly say you didn't know your alliance is the only reason NSO isn't rolled on a daily base :)

    I'm no FA expert, but I was under the impression the world had moved on from attacking people for posts they make. Regardless, Polar's name need not be invoked in every pissing match that involves NSO. I am sure both sides can keep flinging mud at each other without our help.

  11. Nahh...but I do feel sorry for him. He was part of the ruling oligarchy. The leaders of the one true civilization. He not only drank the kool-aid, he asked for seconds.

    He is the CN version of Guy Montag. He did everything he was told to do and then one day he accidentally grew a conscious. When the leaders of the one true civilization condemned him to roam the wilderness for ever, he vowed to destroy them. Not because his opinions had changed regarding us barbarians, of course.

    Usually when you are trying to smear someone with clever literary references you compare them to the villain, not the hero. Good try though!

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