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Everything posted by 890765

  1. Thanks for the numbers
  2. I'm putting together a spreadsheet to try and graph the price curve of land as your total land increases. I need lots of data from different sized nations to get an accurate curve. If you are interested in contributing, just post the following information: I know this obviously won't be perfect, I just am trying to get a general estimate of what the price curve looks like. The more people that contribute, the more accurate the data will be. The Data can be viewed here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tgg...amp;output=html
  3. Yeah leave me alone. What other way is there to solve problems? -Bama
  4. The benefit of the doubt isn't necessary here. I have followed this alliance from its beginning, and I can assure you it was no joke. (well for us it was)
  5. I second this motion. Congratulations on your victory hurricane
  6. Unitied Union Eh? Little redundant imo. Typically announcing before your protectorate discussions are over is a mistake, as some opportunist tech raiders may decided to jump on you and ruin the negotiations. Just sayin
  7. Thats the question on everyone's mind
  8. Who does brown have going for it besides the 57th Overlanders
  9. Pink is the way to go. Rage Co is awesome
  10. STA is going pink, amirite? Also, SNOW is probably much better off now, I truly hope they prosper. As far as suggestions for zenith to go pink,
  11. Excellent treaty, Rage Co Is t3h win.
  12. Personally, Post Karma, I've had lots more fun, and been able to do things I wasn't necessarily able to do pre-karma. In my eyes, things are getting more fun for me and Bel Air.
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