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Posts posted by Mixoux

  1. this shouldn't be in the alliance politics forum, this should be in the OWF. Also unless you are a complete n00b then you should know why people have treaties in the first place, what is their purpose, answer that and you will know. But because you don't know this, your "mental capacity" is lacking.

    Wow, ad hominem ftw I guess?

    He isn't asking why people sign MDPs and MADPs, he's asking why people sign so many.

  2. Interesting that now you admit to attacking us in support. When it actually happened and we had like 3 NATO guys attacking R&R, after asking why you guys gave us this huge speech about \m/ tricking you and quickly proceed to peace out of our wars.

    But, whatever.

  3. Announcement from R&R

    As per terms set between RnR and NoV, mediated by Dilber, the terms for surrender are as followed:

    * Post of surrender on CN forums.

    * Reparations of 70 million to Norden Verein within one months time, which may be extended at NoV's judgemen, starting after EoTRS achieves peace with NoV.

    * If EoTRS cannot achieve peace with NoV in 10 days time or goes fully nuclear, RnR will have to start the one month time period of 70 mil.

    * NoV will back up RnR from attacks following the sending of reparations.

    Good show, guys. :)


    Gofastleft - R&R President

    Mixoux - R&R Secretary of State

    And a special thanks to Dilber, who helped mediate this and got things started in the first place. Much appreciation. :blush:

  4. That's a bit harsh, you should make yourself a nice cup of tea and calm down.

    OOC: You're not really at war, it's only a game dear.

    That's fine, typing this here on my keyboard pretty much ensures that I have fingers and hands, and I don't think outright scum has those. <_< But I could always be wrong.

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