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German Federation

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Posts posted by German Federation

  1. It's a shame I honestly can't speak to you of all the support we get. But for fear of getting them or their alliance sent to ZI you'll just have to take my word.

    And for those of you who do support us, I mean it when I say thank you. You know who you are.

    Your welcome! I'm so glad you appreciate my support. I mean, I really do try. My ebil plan to take over the NpO as soon as I am accepted will go over without a hitch. I'll be in touch! :awesome:

  2. Being able to understand helps as well. It's also important on what sources you choose to listen to and being able to see through crafted propaganda.

    Similar to avoiding the FANaticism that populates these threads? I'm new, yes. I'm probably more biased than some of the older players here, you're right. But I can make my own opinion on certain things. Just because you're on one side, you can't call the other side ignorant. This is a game, and thus there's bound to be propaganda on all sides.

  3. That said, I was even intending to write a full apology to IRON for my past mistake prior to the start of this war.

    All it says here is that you were going to Apologise for IRON. It specifies nothing about a personal apology. Either way, apologies here are irrelevant as you mentioned before. What does matter is that after this war is over, GPA will be able to install a more competent and efficient leadership, and one in which it will be able to follow the DoN more aptly.

    o/ The Merciful Orders!

  4. As an incoming member of the New Polar Order, I think you ought to be ZI'd for your comments. If I wasn't in-processing I would do it myself. The Orders do far more good to this game than you and your rabble rousing FANatics. GGA, IRON, NPO and The NpO, along with the rest of the Continuum keep Great Wars from breaking out, and unite us all so that Scum like FAN, and GOONS can't muck about, causing Chaos.

  5. That said, I was even intending to write a full apology to IRON for my past mistake prior to the start of this war. Considering they are now taking our tech, I figure we're about as even as we're going to get on that issue.

    How many apologies does it take to fix problems that continue to arise. You're acting as if you were wandering along, stepped on my lawn for the first time and want to apologize. When in fact, you have driven you're car on it repeatedly. You were given plenty of chances and alot of leniency.

  6. If we're lucky, the GPA will be given the chance to fix it ourselves, which I was personally leading the way in doing the week before they declared war. The so called "loopholes" are not the problem with the GPA. ANYBODY who thinks they are the problem is ignorant. I would know, because I've been observing and pinpointing the real problems of the GPA for a while now. That said, hard to fix them while at war, so until we get that chance, we'll just keep on fighting our hearts out.

    It is easy to make assumptions as to the GPA's problem when you only see the information available externally. But to make assumptions based on that information alone would be to make an ignorant assumption.

    GPA was given numerous chances to "fix it yourselves". You are right in that we who are not in the GPA are only hearing whats happening from external sources, but one of those sources happens to be your alliance's actions and conduct. And from that source we can see that you have strayed far from your neutrality and gone so far as to harbor criminals. Your leadership changes more times than I change underwear in a week, and I don't bother trying to figure how who's in charge over there. Probably nobody, which is why some manner of order should be imposed so that the situation doesn't get even farther out of control.

  7. GPA's charter and laws have let them down repeatedly in the past few months. I've heard more about "loopholes" from them than from my shyster lawyer cousin.

    If GPA wins the war, they will likely see that as proof that their version of neutrality works, and nothing will change. Those that surrendered will be out in the cold.

    If GPA loses the war, I imagine -someone- will take a close look at their charter and laws, since that seems to be at least half of their problem. There is every chance that this "no coming back" law would be changed or dismissed from the books at that point.

    If we're lucky, NPO will appoint a Viceroy so they can fix whatever "loopholes" there were, and foster a new sense of pride in real neutrality. Not poor leadership and convenient excuses.

  8. As a continuum POW, i have to say that I'm really not worried. I haven't been an a$$hat to anyone in the continuum, and I really haven't seen them mushroom print anyone who didn't flame or troll. Granted, they seem to have a lower threshhold of tolerance for that kind of stuff than I do, but thats just a matter of opinion. Really, this kind of tinfoil hattish stuff is amusing, at best.


    And the truth shall set you free. Literally in your case, actually.

  9. For Admin's sake, just give it a rest. FAN, you really don't have room to tell the GPA to do anything. You're just taking a world event and attempting to use it as a "rallying" cry to your own, dilapidated cause. You've had your moment in the spotlight, me thinks. Hijacking threads and events will only damage your cause further. But soiling a rusty blade isn't possible, is it..hmm.

  10. Wait, you do know that Death Watch and Mandalorians warred with each other at one point, and are two separate empires or factions? Its highly amusing to see two conflicting factions as names for your offices in government.

  11. Berlin

    The Kaiser announced today that new market endeavours in the steel, iron and uranium industries should be given tax refunds to stimulate the investment of future buisness opportunities.

  12. There are plenty of other alliances who would be allowing the GPA to pay reparations or perhaps do some other form of repentance in payment for this act. All I see is NPO taking this opportunity to move to the top of the ladder. And thats fine, I could care less. If NPO wants to Wipe out the GPA for being /b/tards ( and I do think in some ways, they are ) then come out and say it. Don't hide it behind a veil of some uberslight they put upon the NPO's name.

  13. Does anyone here fail to see that the Green Protection Agency imposed its own neutrality, as a sovereign Alliance upon itself. Everyone here is operating under the failed assumption that they have failed to meet some form of treaty standard or failed to live up to a peace treaty. What they have done, is govern themselves ( albeit poorly ) in accordance to whatever guides their policy-making. They are not subject to any alliance and how they feel the GPA should act.

    Calls from other alliances to do things other than follow the instructions of its democratically elected government is both rude, and frankly, immature. If you want a group of people to do something, Antonio, then get elected.


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