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German Federation

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Posts posted by German Federation

  1. KillerTomato, if you're going to argue on behalf of Nazism, and it's "lesser" crimes, than just come out and admit that you post on Stormfront.org. We all know you do. I won't have you degrade this thread into a Nazism vs Communism Thread. You're derailing it.

    And as it stands,

    LolCommies, I love your drama. :awesome:

  2. But in this current situation, i feel, FAN is the one who suffers from unfairness commited by NPO towards them and thats why my moral support belongs to them.

    Let them have all the support they want. Its not going to help them. If anything, they destroy more of it each day, than they get.

  3. First. Never compare FAN to a lapdog bandwagoner and an alliance that attempts to kill unarmed protectorates.

    Who said we aren't? :ph34r:

    Well, I gotta hand it to Pacifica, they certainly know a thing or two about destroying their foes so utterly, that they begin to foam at the mouth and hallucinate with visions of grandeur.

  4. Alright, look. You obviously care a great deal about your alliance. I am sure there are some in FAN who are decent people. You were once friends with Pacifica, and probably Polaris. You are right ( as you stated in this thread ) that I am new to CN. But I can tell that you are smart, and that you refuse to let FAN die. Thats a great ideal. But what you're doing now is simply damaging the Image FAN had ( and from what I hear, you were a mighty alliance, comparable to IRON and NPO ) with an impressive military.

    Why are you now choosing to troll these forums, instead of reorganising and restarting with new nations? You could be great again, if you would choose to accept fate, learn from your mistakes, and grow. There's no sense in what you're doing now.

  5. So, basically, he was trying to lure us into a trap. If the tyrants did not order it, and we did come out, you all or your lapdogs could have just jumped us anyway as it was not an "imperial announcement". Smooth.

    He probably did post it at his own free will, but i'll bet 100 bucks he was told to pull it.

    I'm offered the same advice quite a bit. :awesome:

    In any case, I don't feel like that is the right move now considering how much fun I'm having with you guys.

    Well, I think you're only making you image look more and more ridiculous. Restarting at this point could save you some face. Who knows, NPO may look the other way if you gave up your old ways. But something tells me you enjoy being a troll too much to start over.

  6. I would think 33 pages of NPO propaganda rhetoric trying to quash our thread is proof enough that we pose a problem to you. If it does not, then surely this thread is that proof. :awesome:

    One nation's irritation at your trolling does not represent the feelings of Pacifica or Polaris ( IMO ). Look at the first sentence:

    Posted on my own volition, not by Pacifica's orders.

    Obviously if we had really considered you a threat, an imperial announcement would have been made, and we would have begun to destroy your nations. But since your nations are already in ruins and the rest are cowering in peace mode, we're content to allow yourselves to act like fools. You're all intelligent, why don't you just reform and forget this mess. Drop the FANaticism and start over.

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