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German Federation

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Posts posted by German Federation

  1. I'm not going into the details of the FAN situation here, as this is a thread about GPA terms. You either buy into the FAN argument or the NPO argument. I'll leave that up to the individual GPA nations to decide and apply accordingly.

    Given that your a third tier power reduced to a backseat role in international politics, and that you're not within GPA, I don't think your words are going to prove very persuasive amongst the more honorable people in GPA. You might get some of their leaders to help you, but I doubt they'll be able to help much.

  2. Well, I don't know what your talking about, but I'm talking about GPA's terms as described in the OP.

    Or your your prepping the nation to be attacked again.

    Fair enough, but if thats true, then why do you consistently bring up how you were "wronged" by the NPO ( lol FAN )? You're acting as if GPA has broken its treaty of Peace, violated an agreement and acted dishonorably. Thus far they have put up much more of a fight than FAN has, and conducted themselves in a much more professional and honorable way than FAN has. Comparing yourself to them is an insult.

    So lets get back to the real issue at hand:

    Why do you think FAN's situation has any bearing on the GPA conflict, when FAN was responsible for the mess they are in now?

  3. Again, this makes no sense. FAN said nothing about the NPO or Continuum while under the NPO's protection.

    Nations that take peace terms do so to get past them and move on. You logic is flawed.

    Again, this thread isn't even about FAN's terms. Its about GPA's. And we're not talking about FAN under their protectorate. We're comparing FAN now, and to what we want to prevent them ( GPA ) from becoming.

  4. Excuse me? How does that prevent "#%&hattery" as you put it? It makes no sense to force a POW to come out of peace mode and move to DEFCON 5 if there was not some alterer motive behind it.

    Now, please provide a logical explanation for these requirements in the terms.

    By having them out of peace mode and in DEFCON 5, we can prevent them from whining and trolling to the large extent that the majority of FAN's once great armies have been reduced to. If you can't troll, and back up your words with a fight, you ought not to speak, or you ought not to exist as a nation.

  5. Or their leniency is a trap to pull them into terms they will not keep in the first place. You decide.

    Yes. Yes! I see now you're right. By not having their Satellites and SDI's destroyed, that weakens them. I see now that FAN's military tacticians are truly superior to our own.

  6. Please inform me of my actions that "sparked" this alleged attempted coup.

    I would love to leave (or be banned) peacefully and go on my way.

    Unfortunately, TGE has now taken it upon themselves to ensure I do not gain access to any other alliances.

    And for a reason. Why should your deceitful ways continue into yet another peace loving alliance so you can spread your message of hate amongst others? And even if you weren't open about it, it would not bode well for NpO to suddenly google its members and discover a nest of Nazi's in its midst. While it pains me to see your mistakes, I applaud the Kaiser in his diligence in notifying their friends in NpO.

    EDIT: And since King Tower is banned and is exposed as a Natnl Socialist, I can cancel my debt to him. Sweet. :awesome:

  7. Tomato, I'm sorry, but I have found out through some friends that you yourself were involved in certain activities that sparked all of this mess. Whining and Crying about how you did all this good, and were kicked because you failed to follow a regulation is nobody's fault but your own. As for King Tower, frankly, Vlad does an excellent job as Reichkanzler. TGE would be alot worse off if he decided to seek a home elsewhere. This is coming from someone who voiced his opinion respectfully to him plenty of times. Like I said when I left:

    If you don't like some of the things TGE does, then leave peacefully, and stop creating this drama. Its no wonder someone was already denied at NpO. Because you try to coup other, legitimate alliances. Silly Stormfront, CN is for Grown Ups.

  8. Thats a neat trick as the people who caused this for GPA have largely been removed prior to this war...other than Shas. But that little fact gets in the way of the propaganda so do carry on please.

    Oh, I am certain that there are more people that have been involved in the degeneration of GPA's Neutrality than just a couple of notable members.

  9. :rolleyes:

    And GPA should remember that anything done during this war is for your own good. Leave GPA and surrender -- it's good for you. Stay with GPA and force them to surrender to NPO, it's good for GPA. New leadership is needed this war will make it happen.

    It is morally correct. :rolleyes:

    Given from what I have read recently, yes. Since the GPA can't seem to find competent leadership, even more, ones that stick around, yes, new leadership is needed. And its clear GPA cannot rely on its own constitution given that it has been the "culprit" for many of the GPA's recent blunders ( again, from what I have read ).

    This war will remove those who have destroyed the GPA's ability to remain true to its founding principles.

    Also, lol FAN.

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