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Blog Entries posted by RomeroLand

  1. RomeroLand
    Its been rough. Really bad. I found a place under a huge black metal object that kept dropping bits of sugary food on me. Call it luck I guess. Sometimes it gets hot but my exoskeleton does a good job at keeping me alive from that huge black metal object.
    There's no one around me though. I hid in this crack for a long time and I can't see shiat. There's dunes made of ash I think... very fluffy. I have no scent... I think I am lost. Of course I am LOST! Jeez. Where to go where to go? Oh thats kinda shiny....
  2. RomeroLand
    I... I am......lost.
    I'm having troubles breathing and lost my sense for direc *hic!* direction. I think I'm just going to lay here for a bit. No. No I won't. I need to get back to the nest and see a doc *hic!* doctor.
    My head is killing me, maybe it has to do with those bumps I got. Where is the nest? I like sugar. Mommy?
  3. RomeroLand
    I woke up today in the crack in the concrete. It was cold, my joints ached. But what surprised me was that I had these little bumps on my body. They kinda itch, not sure how they stuck to me?
    Tried rolling around to get them off me but to no avail. Oh well, I'm sure it's nothing... probably just some dirt or something sticking to me.
    On a side note, I'm a bit lost out here and can't remember how to get back to the colony. I think I'm just going to follow this crack and see where it goes.
  4. RomeroLand
    General ordered nearly 20,000 to their deaths. I was but one survivor in an attempt to infiltrate a spider nest. I'm not into war by any means, but the tactics were stupid. Why would we march directly towards a spider nest? It doesn't make any sense! And why are we doing it in the first place?
    I was in the middle of the line, being protected on all sides and this is probably why I am still alive right now. 19,999 fellows marched themselves to death, the webs of the arachnids were too strong. We couldn't win, it was suicide. I'm scared again.
    Our flank tried to overcome the web defenses but everyone got stuck. Some of us tried to free themselves by cutting the silk but to no avail. Those that tried to help got stuck as well. Regrettably I had to leave. I had to save myself.
    Amidst the chaos, I was able to escape into a concrete slab. The crack is actually deeper than I thought (thank the Queen) because all I could hear is the screaming and agony of all that were lost. I'm seriously scared.
  5. RomeroLand
    So pupal stage was better than I thought. Everyone says that’s when the youngins’ go through this period in their life they become more rebellious towards the adults. But I just never saw this side of things mainly because I was engulfed in a cocoon-like cover.
    Tomorrow is my big day though! I get to help out in chamber 42 with chopping up bits of forage the workers bring in. This is supposed to be a test and also to help feed our Queen. I’m learning fast and really excited to see what’s in store for me.
    Oh, forgot to mention. #604, #1479, and #656 seem really nice. Maybe they’ll be my friend?
  6. RomeroLand
    Just as I became comfortable with food dispatch, rumblings around the colony of war has broken out. I’m scared. I don’t know what I’m doing anymore or why we’re fighting. Why would anyone want to hurt us? Why would we want to hurt something?
    Since my hatching 24 hours ago, I’ve come to realize that the world isn’t as always as it seems. And survival is more complex than just hauling food back to the hills. I hope that things will work out because I’m very scared of having to march to battle. I have to go now, the General is giving his orders….
  7. RomeroLand
    After a short break of eating slime and dirt to replenish myself, I was given the order to buddy up with a fellow worker to scavenge outside exit 12. I wished I could've picked #1674 as my teacher but was assigned to #656. If you don't remember, he was the one who played a bunch of pranks on me not 3 hours ago. *sigh*
    So before we ventured out of the colony, #656 said in order to prepare for the adventure we need to "get our juices flowing" and visit Tunnel G-32. As described, there were many sexy thoraxes and curvy abdomens. Not sure exactly what was going on but it felt good.
    With that out of the way we headed toward exit 12 and crawled out. What an amazing sight! There was this bright light I couldn't get away from so that was scary. But boy did I feel like a Carpenter ant! We headed out but #656 made sure we didn't wander too far. He led the way the whole time and kept poofing a scent. He made sure I stayed right behind him but it smelled awful! He said that I had to stay close so I didn't lose loose (sorry pet peeve) him. Not sure how I could get lost but whatever. I hope he wasn't playing another trick on me.
    We dragged a freshly cut green leaf back to the colony but other than that it was uneventful. I hope that the next few hours gets more interesting.
  8. RomeroLand
    I’m finally done with my first training session and it went great! I was told that I’m blessed with very sharp mandibles which made chopping up that forage a snap. At least I have that going for me!
    With all the disasters going on I’m a bit hesitant to make my way to the surface. But orders are orders! I’m been promoted to ‘worker in training’ and they want me to buddy up with an experienced worker, at least 2 days old preferably. I hope I don’t get stuck with a mean worker. I hear some of those guys drink liquid waste and can be angry.
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