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Posts posted by Caliph

  1. 2 hours ago, Auctor said:

    This is going to come as kind of a shock, but the vast majority of things done in this world aren't actually done seeking Caliph's approval. Oculus and its inner workings are no exception.

    The horror.


    57 minutes ago, hartfw said:


    So, all these posts are really about how much you hate being Last Call.


    That is harsh.

    I hate being forced to do things.  And when my choices are either do this or my friends get rolled and i get perma war, well don't expect me to be singing your praises anytime soon.  


    There are consequences to actions.  The conesequences of me joining LC and honoring treaties are 6 month terms.  The consequences of your decision to enact those terms is me getting active again and annoying here.


    You act like I have to have big Oculus sized NS to do things.  Whats next?  A gag order for 6 months?


    Not happening.

  2. 1 hour ago, Auctor said:

    well yeah. Disbanding an alliance just so you can attack folks without taking consequences corporately for it is bound to look a little pointed to some people.

    The consequences were losing the war.


    It doesn't mean we have to go sing your praises for the 6 month terms afterwords for the exact same thing you do and have done in that same exact war.

  3. 2 hours ago, Auctor said:

    Yeah blaming WC for it makes no sense. There are people that could have changed that dynamic if they had wanted to and they didn't. I still consider our commitment to DBDC to be strong. I think there was a lot of miscommunication complicated by ill intent that went on between some of our alliances and DK after Doom War that was both silly and unfortunate. It could very well have been different but that it wasn't any one person's fault.


    Not that this thread has anything to do with that.

    Except this thread and a few others have done nothing but reinforce the differences and ill intent.

  4. 1 hour ago, Canik said:

    When alliances lose wars there tends to be some complaining, it has very little - if anything - to do with White Chocolate. Concerning Doomsphere's FA woes I wouldn't give her much credit there either. Prominent Doomsphere leaders retiring/going inactive + the loose cannons of Doomsphere deserve infinitely more blame IMO. Simply put, Doomsphere would be where it is now with or without White Chocolate. If anything, they probably would've been there faster.

    This is very accurate.

  5. 1 hour ago, the rebel said:

    You're complaining about such a ridiculously lame peace term, your reaction to it would be funny if it wasn't so sad. 


    Really what's it stopping you from doing day to day other than sitting in alliance A instead of alliance B?

    Having this term is like a tech raiding alliance imposing a term of no tech raiding on a defeated alliance.  Its so very hypocritical, but Oculus thinks when they do these things its fine but when its done against them its some travesty worth 6 month terms.  Meanwhile Oculus and their allies changed AA's numerous times during the war and continue to do so with no 6 month terms.

  6. 1 minute ago, the rebel said:


    You've been here long enough to know that might is right and your only consequence is that you have to sit at your chosen alliance for a while after the war....


    The evil bastards!


    You aren't very friend like that once the war is over you openly want to ditch them and complain that you can't.

    I openly challange the assertion by Oculus that I was a rogue.  I openly oppose terms forcing people to stay in alliances for a period of time just because they joined an alliance after an arbitrary date because they didn't like a war being slightly harder than it was. They tried to hide behind treaties while they rolled our allies and because we did something about it we faced a losing war and forced AA for 6 months.


    The hypocricy of the actions is what I appose.  Esepcially when Umbrella and NG changes AA's on a dime.  When IRON Umbrella DT and other Oculus alliances have people switching AAs on a dime to attack others and then join with no consequences, yet they claim the act of switching aa's is a rogue action and is worthy of terms.  


    Might has never made right.  Might just makes what is.  And since there does not exist a force left here that could militarily defeat Oculus, Oculus can do whatever it wants with no consequences what so ever, so at the very least I've earned the right to !@#$%* about it.

  7. 10 minutes ago, the rebel said:

    I think Caliph is under the impression that people deemed mercenaries have never been treated differently from the rest before, when they unfortunately end up on the losing side. 

    I'm under the impression when Oculus gov change AAs to attack other alliances they are not declared rogues and rejoin their original AAs at will with no consequences to their actions.  To date there have been no terms for Oculus members and gov members leaving their AA's to join others, warring till they were done, then rejoijing with no consequences, no terms, no restrictions of any kind.  Yet when I and former DK members join an alliance legitimately and honor treaties to fight for an ally we are treated differently as if our joining an alliance legitimately is different from Oculus gov members and other members switching AA's whenever they please with no consequences whatsoever.


    The hypocricy is what I am pointing out.  Oculus does this all the time yet for some reason they hate this behavior.  If they really hated it they wouldn't do it.  Simple as that.

  8. 21 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:

    I remember what I did when the Hegemony tried to paint me as the bad guy for defending GATO back in 08. I ate the EZI and fought a dirty low-tier war until NPO gave up pursuing me. 


    Granted it's a huge investment of time to do it effectively but somehow it was hugely feelsgoodman.gif as well.


    So Caliph it's always possible to go full methrage if you want to. Heck maybe that's what you are trying to do. Lol.

    To what end?  3 Oculus and friends on me for months until I either go to inactivity of sheer boredom or until they get bored of sending nations at me?  I could fight for months but its not like Oculus has any shortage of nations they could send at me.  I am just one nation, and me fighting Oculus on a personal crusade will not significantly impact Oculus at all.  Nobody will care.  Me fighting Oculus for months would not be a rallying call for any alliance or coalition.  And on the off chance somehow it was and I was the next "dave" or someone, there does not curently exist a credible threat who could militarily defeat Oculus so it would be pointless.  Save the strength for something meaningful.  Simply put, it would result in me being bored and would not hurt Oculus in the slightest.  It would not be impactful or change the result of any plans Oculus has.


    I'd rather save my money and be ready to fight anyone else who tries to attack my friends.  IWhether its Oculus or some other entity attacking my friends I would rather face them in battle than be too busy being a punching bag for Oculus for months  and not be able to do anything impactful about it.

  9. 7 minutes ago, hartfw said:


    It has been a while since Auctor had infra.

    And yet he  gets to be out of war whenever he wants with rebuilding tech aid slots in his inbox whenever he wants via your tech banks.  There are no real consequences for his actions here other than gaining more casualties.  He'll have his slots filled since he's on the winning side and his suppliers have not been beaten down.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Auctor said:

    Damn caliph, are you just trying to make up for methrage being quiet lately or what?


    Its almost like peopel dislike being treated like garbage after they went out of their way to show respect initially.  You set the tone of this relationship and have done nothing  but prove my stance right every time you post.

  11. 1 minute ago, Auctor said:

    Oh no. Someone that willfully made themselves our enemy and now complains about having to take responsibility for it might not be our fwiend going forward. Time to shut this all down.

    You made yourselves my enemy my attacking my friends. Friends > infra.


    Remember that?


    Of course you don't.  


  12. 20 hours ago, Mogar said:

    Yes, I think they were salty you gave them blue balls.

    What can I say?  My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.


    9 hours ago, The Warrior said:

    If you AA hop with the intent to fight you will be treated as an enemy combatant. Shocking concept I know.

    What about when Matt Miller joined DBDC to attack WTF?  Was Matt Miller a rogue then?  What about when SCM joined DBDC to attack WTF and the many others?  Was he a rogue then?  Why is it when NuclearPoweredKinJongIl from Umbrella joinined DBDC to attack WTF not a rogue action but when I joined an alliance and honored a treaty a rogue action?  Why are they allowed to do so without consequence yet when its done against you suddenly people become rogues?


    Cuz I can name names of Oculus members joining raids when convenient and somehow they aren't rogues but when remnants of DK including myself join a legit alliance we suddenly become rogues?  


    Eat a dick.

  13. 4 hours ago, Auctor said:

    You went rogue. You deserved further terms for going rogue. That's the whole story. I have no idea what circlejerk you were a part of years ago and I don't make it my business to find out.

    I joined an alliance with my fellow former alliance mates who disbanded and that alliance honored a treaty to defend an ally.  Would you have rather DK didn't disband and countered Polar only to get countered by Oculus?  The end result is the same, DK nations beat down.

  14. 4 hours ago, Auctor said:

    "not white peace" = "reps" is a false equivalency in any case. It really doesn't matter if Caliph is this holy being that's never partaken in the wider aspects of CN terms. Even the most "moral" of alliances here post karma usually had loopholes in their rules for terms for things like bandwagoners, rogues, or alliances that start aggressive wars against them for lame reasons.

    I don't care if you take reps,  but to claim that I deserve terms because of reps of the past that I never took is stupid and incorrect.  


    Nothing wrong with reps, but I never took them and to say I deserve this or that because of reps is retarded.

  15. 5 hours ago, masterbake said:


    A lot of alliances in the past did not accept reps.  I think I was only once in an alliance that received reps and that was because we were not really involved in the Peace Talks and they were minimal (3m 50 tech if I remember).  Received reps for rouges, errant spy attacks etc. sure but as far as war ending reps?? Not that I can think of anyway.  I think Caliph is correct here.  


    Also nothing wrong with reps.    

    Nothing wrong with reps, but to say I desesrve !@#$%^&* terms because of reps is just plain factually incorrect.

  16. 1 hour ago, white majik said:

    This is what happens when we don't give terms. Every one thinks that after losing a war they are entitled to white peace. You lost. You can either accepted what terms are given or you can continue fighting. The winners owe the losers nothing. 


    Also just an fyi, the reason Umbrella does take reps has nothing to do with morality or wanting to be fair. It's because reps are ineffective compared to our efficiency. We have pushed for extended wars on several occasions and aid restrictions because wars have consequences. I know it's a crazy concept that you don't understand and that's ok.

    Wars do have consequences.  So does giving !@#$%^&* peace terms.


    And yeah, I get Umbrella's stance on peace terms, I was there for like 3 years.

  17. 1 hour ago, the rebel said:


    Wait, so firstly you claim you was never in alliances which took reps and secondly retort about Auctor being allied to those who have taken reps.


    Your second part answers your first part. You're accountable for your friends of friend and allies of allies actions and reparation demands when you stand with them in war.

    I was never in an alliance that took reps in a war.  


    Unless you want to go back to 2008 when I was an NPO member for a few months.

  18. 9 minutes ago, Auctor said:

    Were you involved in some special wars no one else was, or were you a hippy the entire time?

    I was in alliances that didn't take reps.  


    Protip, Umbrella never took reps.  That was one of the alliances I was in in some of the wars you mentioned.

    Do the math.  Claiming I owe some debt to be paid for reps when I never took any in my entire time here since 2006 is nonsense.  Especially sice you are currently allied to people who have taken the most reps in that same time here.

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