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Posts posted by Caliph

  1. 11 hours ago, Devialance said:

    Well lets face it, that's due to allies letting each other hang out to dry isn't it, how many alliances in the last two years have turned their backs on allies when NPO came knocking, NPO are very smart, they hit the weakest link and when they are gone they hit the next and then the next, Look when Bones and Co was hit, all those allies Bones was meant to have and only one alliance had the balls to step in the rest found a reason to stay out and protect their infra.

    Wonder what DBDC will do now, NPO upper tier has grown massively, their allies upper tier has also grown massively, wont be long now before NPO and Co. takes DBDC down unless DBDC has already bent over to grab that soap for NPO.

    Well even NPO sat down and took a few for the team.  

    NPO didn't come knocking until much more recently, after Oculus.


    And the allies that Bones and co were supposed to have?  Bones cancelled the treaties himself, at least was the case in DBDC when he cancelled our MD treaty.  Bones created that situation, not DBDC, and its why DBDC still has an upper tier and SPATR doesn't.  


    DBDC helped make the upper tier situation and has treaties with most of Oculus, so the only bad t hing is there just aren't that many targets in the upper tier anymore for DBDC to raid since a lot are in Oculus or Oculus allies.

  2. 1 hour ago, Mogar said:

    What would your definition of fighting be then? Who is left on this planet that could serve as a challenge to NPO by themselves that isn't already an ally of yours several times over?

    Nobody can defeat NPO in a one on one.


    Nobody could defeat Umbrella in its prime 1 on 1.


    Same with MK and TOP at their prime.


    None of them could lose a 1 on 1, and they didn't lose in a 1 on one.  All were defeated by huge coalitions of nations.  Umbrella lost EQ to the bigest coalition in history, and yet won the upper tier war.  TOP lost in a huge coalition.  NPO in Karma lost to a huge coalition.  


    The thing is nobody is going to be fighting NPO in a one on one and expect to win.  If anyone hits NPO it will be with a coalition and the promise of current allies of NPO to suddenly become non allies and join the war against NPO, like what happened in Karma with alliances leaving Continuum and attacking NPO and its allies.


    And Karma was different.  In karma where were actual power blocs outside of NPO's allies, namely C&G and Superfriends, which had enough NS and power to pose a threat and were able to turn NPO's allies against thmem.


    There does not exist a similar power grouping outside of Oculus presently.  And the NS just isn't there.  There was more NS in SF and C&G (comprably) back in karma than there exists outside of Oculus.  There would need to be an Oculus civil war for anyting remotely similar to happen, and that isn't happening.

  3. 21 hours ago, Mogar said:

    At the time before GW2, CDS(who was firmly in the league, along with NAAC, GATO and LUE) was holding discussions with Legion and ODN, who at the time essentially only held anything higher than a PIAT with one another, the southern web realized it was likely that NPO was seeking revenge for the loss of GW1 and the additional strength of Legion/ODN, (Orrple) would have meant a different outcome of GW2, though AirMe's stupidity in not launching nukes also contributed quite a bit to the loss as well. I could go digging through archives if you'd like more details.

    I feel it's incredibly disingenuous to act as though Orrple was not warned ahead of time that if they did not fight alongside us, they'd be the next ones to get rolled. Legion sat by and watched the league get rolled and by the time GW3 rolled around Legion's numbers were heavily inflated with what amounted to ghosts and led to their numbers falling by about 2/3rds in the 2-3 weeks they fought in GW3.

    I remember those days

  4. 13 minutes ago, Konkrage1 said:


    You have said this several times already; I can practically feel you begging us to validate your empty threat.


    It's cool, you guys can hang around. We aren't foolish enough to assume that we'll be at the top of CN, so you aren't spoiling any secret Legion plans or anything of the sort. You picked a mostly irrelevant alliance (in global politics) to be the target of your irrelevant end-game. Though, I guess it is fitting that even in your last potentially relevant move you continue to reinforce your complete irrelevancy. 


    Stick around, choose some solid targets, share the green love. It's all good on our end brotha. 

    Given how long TPF and Mongols have stuck around, I think NSO can stick around for a while.  


    However NSO actually fought many wars, unlike TPF, so who knows how long their warchests last?

  5. 1 hour ago, Rebel Virginia said:

    I'm no fan of Legion, but countering at the next update is fairly standard. It allows you to get a round of attacks in before your enemy responds, thus depriving them of a day of defensive rounds. Yes it is true that TTK has never been on the cutting edge of alliance management, but this was a tactic that was discovered back in 2006. I know you do your best, but do better.

    I for one stil remember the midday blitzes of FOK so not everyone used those tactics.

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