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Blog Entries posted by kriekfreak

  1. kriekfreak
    From the few times I've seen Admin interacting with the plebs, I've only see positive reactions to it. I myself was wondering if it were fun to have someone do an interview with Admin. That way we could get to know (the creator of) our world a little better.
    A mix of personal questions (not too personal ofcourse), game mechanics questions and questions about the future of Bob would be the best in my opinion. However, before I undertake any action I would like to know from you, citizens of Bob, if you would like to read such an interview and what questions you would like to ask him if given the chance.
  2. kriekfreak
    Lately I've been doing a lot of studying and I was wondering if anyone had the problem of not studying enough cause of CN? Do you feel that CN is negatively influencing your study or any other aspect of your real life?
    For me personally it's not a big influence because I have always known when it's time to play games and when it's time to spend time on your real life. On the other hand, I've heard several people that were highly addicted to CN to the extent that CN interfered too much with their personal lives.
    So is CN negatively influencing any aspect of your personal life?
  3. kriekfreak
    Sorry if you were expecting something like Schattenman's TWIP, I'm simply not literate nor informed enough to write such excellent pieces. This is just an ordinary poll.
    I suspect NPO will get back to the first place when terms are over and they start to militarize again. Do you guys think NPO has learned its lesson from Karma or will they just continue where they left off?
  4. kriekfreak
    I always have liked polls, so I'll be trying to give you a poll every few days from today onwards.
    Today's poll is about who is better, the New Sith Order or iFOK. NSO seems to think they are better than almost anyone. In any regard! And since iFOK is better than almost anyone in any regard, this could be a fun match-up.
    To make this poll a bit more interesting, I'll wear a NSO signature if iFOK loses. I invite the friendly Sith to wear an iFOK signature if they lose in this poll.
    This poll will run for 48 hours.
  5. kriekfreak
    The results from my last poll Who is better are in.
    1. NSO (149 votes [52%])
    2. iFOK (139 votes [49%])
    It is clear to see that NSO won with a staggering 10 votes difference. From a scientific viewpoint this difference isn't big enough to conclude that NSO is better than iFOK. However, I have promised to wear a NSO signature if iFOK would lose, and I'm going off hard votes. In this case it means that NSO has won the poll.
    So if NSO can supply me with a signatures to wear (within the forum guidelines), I'll wear it for 1 month.
    Congratulations NSO
    If any of you have any suggestions about a new poll, you can pm me.
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