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Posts posted by RevolutionaryRebel

  1. I don't even like her posts, but if he keeps at this much longer I'm probably going to see about getting some tech deals going between our nations. Just let her go, you made your point. That this thread even exists is an embarrassment for all of CN.

    I can think of worse ones.
    In any case, my entire alliance is waiting with baited breath for this adventure, Daenerys Targaryen. Don't let us down.

  2. I have to say; I was expecting at least one comment regarding the Phoenix Federation in this thread. So close, yet so far.

    Best of luck with this; you aren't the only micro to have botched merger issues. Another one was DRN last year; both are/were almost certainly motivated by personal interests. Mergers should never be made without a mandate; it's like a mayor changing the name of a city without talking to residents.

  3. This is something I like a lot.

    Better start your remembering a lot earlier than the start of this war, Sir Paul and other new revanchists.

    One can easily argue that bringing back terms is a far more revanchist move.  In any case, now we know there isn't going to be another big war for at least 3-4 months. IRON can sleep soundly for a little while longer.

  4. I like how the Plan B thread became the Nordreich thread despite a distinct lack of treaties between them - and something tells me they wouldn't mind keeping it that way.


    You can spin all the !@#$ you want but it won't matter. NoR will surrender. End of story. Does not matter their damage ratio. Does not matter their PMed nations. Does not matter about anything. The only thing that will ring true is they will surrender. 

    Your estimation of NoR's tenacity is baffling. No iteration of NoR has ever signed a separate peace agreement from whatever coalition they were part of. I think their disbanding (a la NoV) is almost as likely to occur.

  5. Are you confusing fighting hard and playing hard for Lulz?

    I've never been outside my consulate there, so you probably have a better understanding of them than me. Can you confirm or deny if this is an accurate depiction of GOONS?


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