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Posts posted by Cortath

  1. *chuckles*


    Creation of the Office of the Regent

    As the Red Sphere grows and comes into its own, the New Pacific Order requires a reorganization of its traditional diplomatic, economic, military and internal organs of government such as to best create, manage and coordinate operations having to do with the Red Sphere.

    I do hereby create the Office of the Regent. The Regent shall be responsible for directing all Imperial Officers on all policies having to do with Red, including but not limited to:

    • Military Affairs: the Red Protection Court
    • Internal Affairs: Trades
    • Economic Affairs: Tech markets and aid
    • Foreign Affairs: all matters pertaining to the Red sphere

    The Office of the Regent shall take over the organizing of the Military-Economic Aid (MEA) program, as we expect to have a permanent program in place for our red friends. I do hereby direct the Regent to do the following: maintain the protection of all Red nations from tech-raiding, organizing trades for all New Pacific Order nations and Red nations, creating and managing the inter-alliance Red tech market, overseeing all developmental aid to all alliances, Red and otherwise, and managing all foreign and other affairs on Red, including representing Pacifica in multilateral agreements.

    Hail the Red Sphere!

    Hail the Regent!

    Hail the Body Republic of the New Pacific Order!

    Emperor Blackbird

    New Pacific Order

    Comrade Chuckles

  2. *chuckles*


    Retirement and Appointment of New Imperial Officers and Change in Governance

    New Imperial Counselor

    I do hereby appoint Imperial Officer for Military Affairs UmbraeNoctem to the position of Imperial Counselor. UmbraeNoctem has served as a model leader of our military and is one of the longest service Military Affairs Imperial Officers in our history. It is with regret that I see him retiring from his duties in Military Affairs, but I smile with the renewed promise of his wise counsel and leadership to the Emperor and Imperial Officers as a Counselor.

    New Imperial Officer for Military Affairs

    It is with regret. that after a long and noted career, that I must announce that Imperial Officer DarkMistress has retired. DarkMistress has had an illustrious career outside of our alliance, and then slowly worked her way through our meritocratic system, through both the Diplomatic Corps and to High Command. Her retirement is a loss to this alliance and we wish her the only the best.

    I do hereby appoint General JesseEnd to the rank of Imperial Officer for Military Affairs. JesseEnd has shown excellent leadership as well as tact through these very difficult times for Military Command, and I welcome his counsel and his courage to lead us through the future, as we exit terms and take command of our destiny once again.

    I do hereby appoint Loucifer as an Imperial Officer for Military Affairs (again). With change in High Command, Loucifer's experience with military affairs is called upon again, with both DarkMistress and UmbraeNoctem retiring from their posts.

    New Imperial Officer for Economic Affairs

    With the reassignment of the former Tech Officer, I do hereby appoint Bakamitai as Imperial Officer for Economics Affairs and abolish the position of Imperial Officer for Technological Affairs. Bakamitai has shown excellence in leadership both as an Executive in the Technology Corps and as an Imperial Legate in the Diplomatic Corps. Through his wisdom of foreign affairs and his knowledge of economics, it is our hope that Bakamitai can lead our economic organs into an era of inter-alliance economic transactions and structures

    Retiring of Imperial Officer for News & Propaganda hawk_11

    hawk_11 has had a long and noted career in the New Pacific Order, rising through the Media Corps and the Diplomatic Corps, holding the positions of Foreign Affairs Imperial Officer and News & Propaganda Imperial Officer. As RL claims another victim, we must say farewell to hawk_11, and wish him the best as he reduces his activity and explores the rest of the CN world.

    The Imperial Advisory Committee, the Council and the Governance of the New Pacific Order

    The Imperial Advisory Committee was created by my predecessor to create a medium whereby those members deemed wise and experienced in the eyes of the Emperor could give their input on the broader strategic direction of the Order and its governance. I think this was a good idea and the IAC accomplished a great deal of good. However, situations change and as the world turns, so too, we must change. While the IAC did much good, it also greatly eroded the Council, both by the perception that it was higher or more important than the Council and by assuming various duties that the Council once performed.

    For this reason, as well as others, I feel that the perception of the Council has decreased in the months and years since those days when the (then) War Council and Alliance Council literally controlled virtually all of the affairs of the New Pacific Order. While I do not wish to return to such a state of affairs at this point in our history, I believe we need to empower the Council in such a way that brings more meaning to the institution and represents the Body Republic in the most effective manner possible.

    To those ends, I do hereby abolish the Imperial Advisory Committee. I do hereby change the eligibility requirement to run for Council from 30 days of service in the Order to 3 months. I do hereby grant the Council operational control with Imperial Officer for Internal Affairs oversight over the following Departments: Recruiters Corps, Mentors Corps, Research & Development, Star Guard, House Sitter and the Library. All Departments shall have access to the Council.

    I do hereby dismiss all current Councilors and I call for fresh elections from the Body Republic not inconsistent with the present decree. The top three vote receivers shall be granted a two-month term, while the next three shall be granted a one-month term, with the subsequent election to follow standard election guidelines not inconsistent with the present decree.

    To the Body Republic, I say this: Know that these changes were not made because of individuals. I make these changes because of changes to our system, not because of personnel. All the members, past and present of the Imperial Advisory Committee and the Council have served well and honorably, and I thank them all for their service. Francoism demands change as our situations change. No institution is good because it was good in the past, no body is sacred but the Order itself.

    I also say to the Body Republic: I have heard the calls to reform our governance. I have heard of the problems of the Council and the Imperial Advisory Committee. No solution is perfect, because we are human and imperfect, but we can work together to make our Order more perfect. If you wish to help in the governance of the Order, if you have ideas or problems and want to be heard, know that your Councilors are there for you. If you think you can make the Order better, if you think you can represent the Body Republic to the Emperor and help to represent the Emperor's policies to the Body Republic, run for Council, but run knowing that the responsibility of this new Council will not be small and it will not be easy, but no task worth doing is worth doing if it easy. Only by braving the challenges of today and tomorrow are we made greater, and through that triumph bring to our people peace, strength and prosperity.

    Hail the Body Republic!

    Hail the New Pacific Order!

    Emperor Blackbird

    New Pacific Order

    Comrade Chuckles

  3. check your facts a little better before making yourself look like an idiot. Arm_Red is VE Deputy Secretary of Defense, and probably the one person who has attacked more rogues attacking NPO or ghosts in NPO more than any other person. that you would think this was worthy of 'retribution' shows how sorry the Pacifican propaganda machine has become.

    i have personally inquired with NPO multiple times about clearing nations to be hit who are ghosting NPO and have ordered nations to attack those who have attacked NPO. at VE we take this protection seriously (have you heard of the VE-GDI War?) and have done well by NPO, and treated them with much more respect than we could have expected to have been treated were the tables reversed.

    if NPO wishes to recruit new nations, that is their choice. that they can not afford harbors is not our problem, perhaps Pacifica, knowing the terms as they are, would be best to not recruit new nations into their alliance until they are out of terms, because then they wouldnt have to worry about how to provide harbor grants.

    the terms are right there out in the open. they were agreed to not with a gun to their heads, but were agreed to because they were fair and it ended the carnage. it is poor show for NPO to complain about them four months into their duration, after making only what amounts to a half-hearted effort to pay off the required reparations to see the terms end.

    in the end, you are taking the terms very literally in that you have 12 months to pay the reparations off, and seem to have no plans to pay them off significantly sooner than that. why then, should the other side be lenient on bending terms of the surrender in your favor?

    While I thank the Deputy Secretary of Defense Arm_Red of the Viridian Entente for his defense of Pacifican nations, I must express my deep regrets at his offense against Pacifican nations, specifically his war declaration against nation the demilitarized and defenseless NPO nation Zephoria, ruled by Zephoku on September 1, 2009, who had declared no wars since the end of hostilities.

  4. First I want to say I feel this is a great day not only for the Soviet Union but for out comrades in SWF and UED.

    I'm also going to clear a few things up while I'm here, on the subject of Red Dawn. The Soviet Union was never approached about the RD bloc. We didn't even hear of it until after it had been formed. Awhile back I recall someone saying that we didn't join RD because of the NPO. Again we were never brought in on the discussions, as for NPO we've never had any problems with them.

    Comrade Velken, as a member of a red team alliance, let me extend the hand of friendship to another red team alliance. We are very interested in pursuing relations with all red alliances, and I think I can speak for Red Dawn, and I can certainly speak for the New Pacific Order when I say that we are eager to engage in constructive discussion on how to better our sphere.

  5. We asked a few of the RD signatories if they wanted in on this, they said no. Its solidarity to those that agreed to it.

    I suppose we must have missed the invitation to join.

    As Triyun has said, I find it deeply regretful that an alliance with a number of red nations on it was unable or unwilling to work together with either Red Dawn or my alliance on a bilateral basis. Red Dawn is an excellent means of communication, cooperation and Senate-sharing for the Red Team, and NPO looks forward to its continued participation in the Red Dawn agreement to further the future of the Red Sphere.

    I also must inquire regarding the peculiarity of your legislative structure. I found it interesting that in the inferior assembly, anyone can sit in it if they're on red, but for the primary assembly, only those nations from members alliances may participate, even if they're not not on red.

  6. Maybe that's because I was banned mysteriously on both forums. :rolleyes:

    There is nothing mysterious in your ban from the NPO forums. I don't speak for the Polars, but I suspect that they, like us, ban people who attempt to hack into any part of our communication systems.

    So, please, let me clear up that "mystery" for you.

  7. There seems to be some confusion here. The ruling on social channels was Francesca-specific and a direct reaction to numerous concerns about her conduct. It is not a general rule.

    Vladimir is correct. The wisdom of a government such as ours is that it permits flexibility. A member violates rules regarding channels, including impersonating members of other alliances, using IRC bouncers, attempts to invade other groups' IRC rooms, brings up private matters in public channels, and then, perhaps related to being an OP in another alliance's channel, attempts to insert the New Pacific Order in the middle of another alliance's internal conflict and persists in bringing up the issue publicly and privately. So what do we do with that member? Rather than create a blanket rule to highly regulate the IRC conduct of all members, we create a rule to highly regulate the IRC conduct of that one member.

  8. Oh, please people.

    Was I harsh with Francesca? Absolutely. Happy to do it.

    What you don't see here is that my speaking to Francesca was the end of the line, a long line, of her disobeying orders from her superiors to change her behavior. When a member fails to follow the policies of the New Pacific Order, a member of the chain of command disciplines them. When they fail to obey that order, it gets bumped up to the next rung on the ladder. And so on and so forth ad nauseum. My conversation with Francesca was harsh and deservedly so because she failed to follow the orders of members of the government of the New Pacific Order. When you continually fail to follow orders, it goes to the Emperor, and that's your last chance.

    99% of members who leave the New Pacific Order do so with good experiences and love in their hearts for their former alliances. The only people who parade this kind of stuff around are those who, recognizing that their career with the NPO is shot, hope to make a career with its enemies. The only problem is, for Francesca, I think she shot her career to !@#$ already by joining us.

    Good luck in your future endeavors.

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