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Posts posted by Molleh

  1. :huh:

    If I remember correctly, we did thank Zenith, Invicta, and NATO threads and threads back.

    Sorry for not including you all in this one though. :blush:

    I would like to thank Zenith for letting us off, and both Invicta and NATO for reducing the tech amount immensely. Even with the help we received from IDC, there would have still been around 3000 tech owed if they had demanded we did the tech deals required in the original surrender terms.

    You helped make this thread possible! Yay! :awesome:

  2. Sons of Liberty in Defiance


    After much hard work the Sons of Liberty in Defiance have finally completed reparations. Much thanks goes out to the International Defense Coalition who graciously offered to help us pay reps when we were having a hard time doing so. SOLID was down to very few members, not all of which were even active. Seeing this, PieMan came to me and offered to help. Without the help of IDC we would have been stuck in tech deals for long after our 90 days of terms were up.

    Having completed reparations, we are being released from our terms. We would like to thank everyone in Valhalla, GGA, and BAPS for allowing us to do so and helping this go smoothly. They were all very understanding of the position SOLID was in.

    Special thanks goes out to HuangTi of BAPS, Shaneprince of GGA and Kryievla of Valhalla.

    Look for another announcement from IDC coming soon.



    President of SOLID (Acting as it anyways)

    (this is the first announcement I've posted :awesome:)

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