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Posts posted by abaddonis

  1. After reading a little closer, it changes "desired" religion and gov't. If you have the wonders, it doesn't matter. If you don't then you won't be impacted that much, you lose the happiness penalty for a few days, which isn't a large deal. I have no problem with that.

    DEFCON changing on the other hand, might need to be fixed. Randomly change it to ANY DEFCON (not just 4/5) would be fine.

    Destroying cash reserves makes no sense. Stealing seems more sensible.

    Question: Will # of spies be visible to other nations?

  2. Gathering info should be their main function. I would suggest that a spy mission to replace one of money stealing would be better.

    All the nation info that is hidden from public view should be viewable as a timestamped snapshot of the spy mission. I do not think that they should be able to effect a peaceful nation.

    I do like the timestamped information idea.

    Why? Nations at peace are still nations. Any nation can be spied upon. Just because Switzerland is peaceful and neutral doesn't mean they can't be spied upon

  3. Going in order.

    What on earth could spies do to make people want a different government and whats the point when you take into account the national wonder that negates government desire?

    Since when has international espionage had ANY effect on what god people want to worship? And this one ALSO has a national wonder attached to it.

    How could spies possibly change the defcon level of a nation? That's even less believable than changing peoples government desires.

    These are spies, not Special Forces. They don't go around carrying anti armor weaponry, they gather information.

    Again these are spies, not special forces. How could they possibly destroy a cruise missile? These things are huge and stored in very secure areas.

    This is the most ridiculous option of them all. Not only is it totally implausible but it's absolutely unbalanced for it's price.

    If you know who the enemy spies are then how can they spy on you to begin with? it doesn't make any sense.

    Destroy money? The economy doesn't work that way. If I went out and robbed 200 banks and burned it all no money would be lost.

    This is almost as bad as the nukes, I don't see how a spy could do anything without millions of dollars of equipment for balance reasons.

    Destroy technology... stealing if they are more advanced I could understand but again this is still hideously unbalanced for the price.

    Hey, stealing, here it is. Buuuut why would you have destruction as an option when you can just steal it? Still horribly unbalanced for the price.

    Overall this idea is a failure imho. Excluding the absurd options of changing religion, government, and defcon levels most of the stuff I would expect Special Forces teams to take millions of dollars of equipment and training to accomplish as it has NOTHING to do with spies and everything to do with outright military action, but even ignoring that this is still hideously unbalanced for how much it costs. For a few thousand dollars I could cost someone millions of dollars in damage with no worry of repercussions, and god help them if they are in peace mode because chances are they will be hit so hard by both peace mode AND the "spies" that they won't ever recover without tons of outside help.

    It's horribly unbalanced, negates the 35 million dollar national wonders, defeats the whole point of peace mode, and even within itself is inconsistent with it's own concept and the counter is most likely going to be superfluous at best and harmful to the user at worst. I just cannot see how ANY of this could possibly be balanced unless it took a variable amount of time for each operation to complete, it took a significant amount of time and money to train and equip spies, operations were at least twice as expensive as this, and having spies had the risk of blowback with your population. Something along the lines of -5 to -10 happiness and riots for getting caught.

    My suggestion is to scrap the idea in it's current form and have spies work like they really do, with information. Troop movements, positions, amounts, that sort of thing. Percentage modifies for your success rate, effectiveness of long range attacks like bombers and cruise missiles raised since you have precise targetting information and know where the defenses are. Give each nation a low maximum limit of intelligence agents and have them deployed either abroad or domestically for the purposes of information gathering or spreading misinformation. That would put some skill and choice into the equation instead of making it the Mercy Guides Missile of cybernations (supreme commander players will get that).

    How does it negate the gov't and religion wonders? They'll be happy with whatever is selected.

    Edit: Destroying a nuke should cost MUCH more than the current price. Since the price of nukes are relatively fixed, the cost of destroying one should be at least the price of the most expensive nuke. Perhaps a sliding scale that depends on how many nukes the target has? For example: 2 mil to destroy 1 nuke in a nation that has 20, 1 mil to destroy a nuke in a nation that has 1 or 2. The destruction of the nuke also prevents the owner of said nuke to rebuild that nuke that day.

    Also: the time frame for attacks needs to be longer, i.e. once every 2 days or so.

  4. Im on about the larger nations having to pay more, there should be formula in place where smaller nations get actions cheaper, larger nations have to pay alot more for actions.

    That will work, if there are restrictions on who can attack who. Otherwise, it'd be unfair to larger nations against smaller ones who are being supplied by larger nations

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