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Posts posted by abaddonis

  1. First of all, this is not advertising, i'm only in high school.

    Secondly, what is feeling sorry for the people out there going to do. is feeling sorry for them going to stop them dying of hunger?

    Is this a serious post? I'm not saying you should sacrifice your own lifestyle, i'm saying that maybe now and again, you could give a small amount of money to a needier cause. I'm not saying you should go over the top and change your life, just help change someone elses.

    Oh yeah this probably should go in the water cooler area or something :)

    I'd like to know what you do to support your own cause.

  2. Not quite, inner alliance wars are okay AFAIK as long at least one side attacks, war slot filling costs nothing that makes it illegal, while spy slot "filling" will cost stuff.

    And as said, I can see already a set of uses, after arrangement to use spies "against" friendly nation.

    Oh and don't forget peoples reasonable fear, that discovering trades might change the game quite somewhat, as specially to the disadvantage of smaller alliances.

    I want to prevent spying on my nation and so do you. I spy on you twice and each time I do "Intel report" where I see your trade partners, etc... No more spying cna be done on you. If you do the same to me, we've basically filled our spy-slots.

    Perhaps this could be fixed by preventing a 2nd spy mission on the same nation if the first is successful

  3. Will there be penalties for abusing the spy system?

    If you can only be hit twice per day, alliances can just spy on their own members (albeit at a large cost) to prevent others from seeing inside. It's the equivalent of war-slot filling for spying

    Edit: Looks good!

  4. So what happens to a spy when its done with his/her mission if its not killed? returned home?

    Do you send one over and get an instentanious result after you chose what you want to do?

    If you send one in and it fails, do you still lose your money?!

    AHHHH I dont do well with change :ph34r:

    I'd imagine you eat the cost if they fail and they instantaneously return, much like how deployed soldiers return after a nuke

  5. There will be a searchable list of revealed spy missions just like all wars and all foreign aid across the world. If you get caught, you get placed on that list. If you go undetected, you don't.

    That is a great way to implement it. Will it tell what kind of spying took place?

  6. Couldn't that lead to alliances getting smaller members to change larger members' government so that they (as an example) could have monarchy as the preference of the population when it isn't?

    People will find a way to screw the system. If admin prevents inter-alliance spying, alliances will outsource it to other alliances

  7. a.) Martin Luther = Way Off Topic

    b.) Martin Luther was not a spy. <_<

    c.) It took him a life time. Its not today this tomorrow that.

    It's unrealistic to have soldiers carrying money into battle (you lose money when you lose battles). It's unrealistic to have an entire army refuse to fight and destroy an enemy's nation because they have no soldiers. If we're not going for realism (which I think we can all agree that realism and CN don't mix) what is stopping us from letting one person change people's desires?

    It's an interesting new feature that will add another side to game play. Why quibble over small semantics?

  8. Wel they shouldn't be able to change your *desired* religion. How can they do that?

    If you as suproeme commander of your nation cannot change the desired religion, how should a lousy spy be able to do that?

    Does the name Martin Luther ring a bell? One man CAN spark a swing in desired religion.

  9. Admin: I'm noticing a trend of posts here. Perhaps you could add something to let people know that spies can't change your religion or government, rather they change your desired religion or government.

    Hopefully that would cut down the posts that keep saying "They shouldn't be able to change you religion. How can they do that?, etc..."

    Edit: I did HTML tags and not bbcode

  10. Few short points...

    1) If Admin feels the new feature is ready to release he should release it regardless of if there is a war or not. Wars are a choice we as players make good or bad going into it and should not influence a game feature that involves players not involved in the war. This "OMG theres a war you cant do this!" argument is just selfish and wrong.

    2) Peace mode nations should be spied on and be able to spy. Even Canada has spies...when was the last time you saw canada get uppity and hostile?

    Now, I agree there should be some sort of penalty for peace mode nations spying but not being able to be declared war on and that solution is really quite simple- if a peacemode nation is caught spying(pick a % of spies) then they are forced into war mode.

    In terms of the one player posting "OMG if i go on vacation i can find my stuff gone". Then just hulk up your defences.

    3) Let's not get carried away with the prices. It seems that all of us longtime players that make a decent amount of cash wanna just keep upping everything to prevent our enemy or possible enemy from getting it. Well learn to cope. These things should be affordable. A dude with a $10 backback and $20 worth of cleaning supplies with a quick trip to Home Depot can do some serious damage and it doesnt cost as much a nuclear weapon.

    4) Different prices are insane. I saw the argument that little nations should get them cheaper....thats ridiculous. I have a boatload of technology(heck accroding to the little pics I dominate outterspace) and infra and people and military stuff...but not the capability to fund a spy network at the same cost as somebody with 1 tenth my tech and whatnot? Thats just a ridiculous concept.

    5) Intel agencies should have an impact but I started a topic on this yesterday and admin said it'd be in so +1 me lol

    6) The trade partner revelation is brilliant. This should work along side what we already have. If you "trade in secret" then your trade info should be left secret from spies but if you trade openly-just as you can be sanctioned, you should be able to have your ties revealed. Does finding new trades suck? Yes, yes it does. But this doesnt eliminate trades itself. Plus it adds a very interesting dynamic in keeping close contact with your trade partners and such. losing trades is bad but you can rebound and it makes the game have that much more "risk". We're all comfortable just chillaxing and buying infra, everything can't always be sunshine and smiles.

    edit-added my opinion of the trade partner revelation.

    1. Agreed

    2. I sort of agree with you. I'd suggest that those in peace mode can only have certain options for spying. For example, a nation in peace mode can only send spies to gather intel and change desired religion/gov't. Also, nations in peace mode can be hit by the same spy missions as well as tech destroying/stealing missions. Tech will not bring down your nation if you lose a little over a few days

    3. Some prices are ridiculous and some are spot on. Nukes are expensive, therefore, it should be costly to destroy one.

    4. Agreed

    5. They'll have an effect

    6. Agreed. This will help promote trade circles within alliances.

  11. I also think that spies should not be able to change Government or Religion. The same goes for changing DefCon status.

    I like the idea of them destroying infra although as my nation is growing and infra is costing me more and more, it does seem like that would become very expensive.

    I also feel that spies should not be put in place until after the current big war ends. If anything they will only prolong the war and instability.

    Admin delayed the release of spies during the FAN conflict and he gave plenty notice.

    They don't change the choice of gov't or religion. They change desired religion and gov't

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