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Lao Pan

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Everything posted by Lao Pan

  1. You are correct it use to be a flag and a mask to the sanctioned alliances now there is no mask and how many alliances that are not sanctioned still have a flag in the data base.
  2. For GATO they should remain on the list as long as there are still sanctioned, in the future if they drop below the drop line and loose their sanction(no longer in bold) then they should be dropped from the list.
  3. GPA, LoSS, GDA, WTF and RIA all within .07 of each other.
  4. Thank-you, what is a day without a update? A day without sunshine if you ask me.
  5. Horrible for us is what he means a -.57 for the MCXA but it was expected.
  6. Today our number is up due to increased military spending so we are the biggest gainers but tomorrow(Saturday) look for us to be one of the biggest losers after we had several large nations pack their bags.
  7. As per your instructions if a alliance drops below 10 they will be dropped will the Legion and TDO be removed from the list or due to unusual circumstances will those 2 be overlooked.
  8. Every alliance will suffer the same loss, more or less. The top 12 will still be top 12 but the question is who will be the biggest loser and will anyone break even.
  9. What we need is a merger to shake things up and make them more interesting how does the Democratic Order of Ragnarök sound or maybe the Invincible Legion
  10. Does anyone know exactly how much alliance strength a gain of .01 would equal?
  11. As someone said a few days a go we need a new list the race to make the race on that list we can put all alliances above 5.0 but below 10.0 and once they hit 10.0 they get moved up to the big list. I would do that but I''m sure someone else could do it better and faster.
  12. Quite the fact that would give you a score of 19.5 about then Fark, GGA, FOK and VE all would be fighting for 3 spots.
  13. If Atlantis is disbanded what happened to all their members someone should have gained a lot?
  14. I'll try to do it but don't blame me if it look like crap.
  15. Great job, also 2 more passes of note CIS ad Mushroom Kingdom both pass GPA
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