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Posts posted by rishnokof

  1. Hi how about's the International Security and Commerce Organisation. We're democratic and have an uber long charter so you know were srs bzns. We've been around for about 17~ months, and have around 30 members and are always looking for possible government people. We're a multi colored alliance yett still offer trades, we do loads of tech deals and offer protection and aid when needed. We have a friendly forum atmosphere, any way if you have any specific questions feel free to PM me or you can go to our forums - z3.invisonfree.com/ISCO/

  2. I'm still not sure why NTO were allowed to surrender back when \m/ took them out during the Viridicide, but glad to see they're finally being killed off for good. I do not enjoy zombie alliances, especially ones that originally died in grotesque ways.

    The name NTO is dead but it seems 100% of 'The Confederacy' is ex-NTO or EGS or /b/

  3. Bottom line, if you don't want people to make derogatory comments about your alliance, then don't belong to an alliance like ASC that deserves every derogatory comment that gets thrown at it.

    Care to elaborate?

    Yes, what are you insinuating?

    Also as usual, I wish all alliances involved the very best of luck. :)

  4. Also, sorry I did not read the entire thread, but some people mentioned other wars, like GPA, NADC, etc - these are not real wars. The only real wars were gw1, 2 and maybe 3. Nothing else.

    If you actually know anything about CN history you'll know that GW1 was the biggest dogpile :wacko:

    And back on topic I don't really care if anybody is bored, If you're bored make your own fun on CN there's plenty of ways to do it.

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