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Posts posted by rishnokof

  1. Past and Current Treaties/Doctrines/Blocs for each color...

    Blue - Current: BLEU, BLEU Economic Treaty Defunct:

    Orange - Current: OUT, LEO Defunct:

    Black - Current: BPI, The Brotherhood, Dark Confederate, Dark Vows. Defunct: Goonland Security Act

    Green - Current:Dilber/Bilrow love child Doctrine Defunct: Green Solidarity

    Aqua - Current: The Trident Defunct:

    White - Current: United White, Defunct: DPIOS Pact

    Red - Current: Revenge Doctrine, Moldavi Doctrine Defunct:

    Maroon - Current: lol, Maroonity, SPAM Defunct: New Church of Maroon

    Purple - Current: GRAPE


    Brown - Current: UPS, BUTT (both only have 2 members, yet still is being used) Defunct:

    Yellow - Current:

    The Sun Also Rises , Yellow Unity Treaty Defunct: Yellow No. 5

    Pink - Current: CORAL Defunct:

    just thought it was interesting how different colors have tried different things, and how they failed or suceeded

  2. I think he was referencing the issues that the largest Purple alliances, Legion and Valhalla, have had to deal with. By "step up," I believe he meant that they need to take the initiative, put the past behind them, and really take off to put some security into Purple.

    I could've read it wrong, though.


    As for Black, unless you count a team wide NAP as a bloc, Dark Vows doesn't even come close to providing anymore unity among black that simply saying "hey we'll be friends for now"
    Actually I regard any treaty with more than 2 signatories a bloc, and its not 'team wide' because everyone in black have'nt signed it.
  3. Blocs have a large effect. Orange is the most stable sphere in the game, largely because every single alliance of size (pending others who are smaller, as well) participates in the Unity treaty. Even alliances who aren't signatories are allowed to participate with the economic elements, rather than a "club" mentality. Its disappointing for those who love color drama, but it keeps trades flowing.

    thats very true

    Also, you're off a bit. LEO is not a color bloc in the political sense, in that it doesn't attempt to dictate any policies (in fact, no LEO alliance holds a senate seat, despite the voting power to claim one...because we have a senate setup that works and is agreed on). Saying LEO and OUT "have good relations" is a bit of an outsider's view...there isn't "LEO-OUT Relations", LEO alliances are in OUT, and the two treaties serve different purposes (OUT for color stability and trades, LEO for a military pact between friends who happen to share a color).

    my mistake, i didnt realise

    Any way the topic was meant to be on how different alliances choose to stabilise and make the team their on more beneficial for themselves.

  4. teamstats.jpg

    My question to you, What stabilises a trading sphere, the Nations, Alliances, blocs, Treaties, Doctrines?

    My observings...

    Blue - One blue based power bloc, 2 sanctioned alliances, 30+ Alliancees based there. BLEU has established there Economic Treaty furthering team stability and encouraging good relations theroughout the sphere.

    Orange - Two power blocs are based on orange, OUT and LEO these blocs share good relations and hence stable the sphere. The team is also experiencing growth with the 2 sanctioned alliances based there and 15+ medium sized.

    Black - In my opinon the most 'interesting' sphere at the moment. With 4 blocs based on black, (BPI, The Brotherhood, Dark Confederate and Dark Vows. The color seems stable but it is hard to tell if there is anything brewing. Black has ~20 alliances based there and I beleive the stage is set for a alliance to new alliance to get sanctioned there. EDIT: forgot sparta moved, my bad

    Green - Green dosent have a power bloc based there, but is stabilised by the GGA and its Dilber/Bilrow love child Doctrine. Green dosent have as many alliances as above teams at ~15 yet still keeps a good trading base.

    Aqua - Aqua, perhaps one of the most unified teams in CN. The Trident is the only bloc based on aqua although many alliances in aqua share various treaties between themselves and have a good trading base. There are 2 sanctioned alliances on Aqua and 15 unsanctioned.

    White - White is quite stable with the TPF and OPP being the only bloc and the only sanctioned alliance with ~10 unsanctioned. There is the United White bloc stationed there yet it dosent hold as much influence as in previous months. White remains steady.

    Red - The NPO has stabilised red since 06' with the Revenge Doctrine and the Moldavi Doctrine securing NPO's dominance over the sphere, this has provided the team with ultimate security and a steady base of trades.

    Maroon - Maroon holds 2 power blocs, the Hegemony andlol, Maroonity. Maroon has 10 alliances, is somewhat stable and just needs time to grow and trades to appear.

    Purple - GRAPE is the only purple bloc and holds 5 of the 10~ alliances. Purple is stable for the time being but really needs an alliance to step up.

    Brown - Brown only has 10 alliances based on it. With GATO being the only sanctioned. Brown holds 2 blocs UPS and BUTT yet has seen some instability in recent times with 6 aliances leaving UPS and 7 leaving BUTT. Brown really just needs some alliances to move there and to get some more trades.

    Yellow - Yellow was left bruised with the destruction of GOLD and FAN and needed stability urgently. There are 2 Yellow blocs, The Sun Also Rises and the Yellow Unity Treaty. There are only about 8 significant alliances on yellow and urgently needs more alliances to grow there.

    No Team/Grey - Grey only has 1 alliance, the Grey Council. The Grey Council has been the only steady alliacne on Grey. Grey is the base for new nations and really needs a nother alliacne to set up there.

    Pink - CORAL is the only bloc on pink. Pink with only 4 significant alliances, WE, SPAA, TCB and WolfPack, Pink is extrmewly unstable and in need of more trades. Pink needs a major alliance to move there and to get more strades flowing.

    Meh, theres my observings of the teams and pacts. etc., So what do you think? Do blocs and Doctrines improve the stability of Teams?

    Also its quite early where i am so if there any spelling or obvious errors please just ignore them thanks.

  5. Firstly welcome back JB! Now on to business...

    Join the International Security and Commerce Organisation (ISCO)

    We're a tight nit bunch at about ~30 members, ~330k ns that have been around since Nov '06.We see a new member as another guy to enjoy CN with opposed to just another number. We have a democratically elected government, and are updating our charter, which new contributions would be greatly appreciated. If you're interested in getting involved in the alliance more than a General Member we have many extra jobs, and when elections come round you can run. We are a semi-neutral and peaceful alliance. And have lots of loyal and powerful allies. We have many Financial programs happening, aid for the 'little ones' and have many tech deals happening. Anyway we have very active forums for our size and have a very friendly atmosphere and I would love to see you down there.

    If you're interested you can pm me here or our boards can be found here or at #ISCO on coldfront.

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