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Posts posted by rishnokof

  1. Still the nature of the war is not great. See Philosophers post for clarification.

    This is a fairly big war but definitely not a great one.

    Hell maybe we can actually call it the Not-so-great-War

    Some may think this is a great war, others won't, It's opinion, STOP trying to force your opinion onto the masses, it gets really old. And as for 'this is a fairly big war', I suggest you do you research before posting on the OWF because It's the BIGGEST war in terms of NS ever!

  2. Where is the main membership of Ragnarok on these boards? All we see from you is the armored penguin and Van hoo :'(

    teh r spammerz

    Could you give any tips to Orange to make it more awesome?

    Moving into Aqua would be a start... :awesome:

    Why don't you answer the serious questions that matter, only the unserious ones?

    We've been answering them both, I believe.

  3. If you had to pick one in that list, what is the goal of RoK at this moment?

    1)Affirm your authority over Planet Bob.

    2)Remain a sanctionned alliance no matter what.


    At this time, I believe we have many goals, remaining sanctioned, spreading Aqua unity, gaining NS...the list goes on and on... :awesome:

  4. What do you think of the Complaints and Grievances bloc?

    I think it's a great grouping of alliances.

    The Joker, Batman, or Two-Face?

    The Joker :wub:

    With ICE out and open, where do you see Aqua Unity going in the coming months?

    Hopefully growing and seeing some more new Aqua alliances forming and joining in on the fun.

    What would you consider your biggest success, and what was the biggest obstacle you needed to overcome to reach said success?

    I think getting this large and sanctioned was a great success, as for the biggest obstacle I think transfering from a small grouping of friends to a large friendly community.

    What do you think of the Armed Coalition of Valor, its government, its actions, and most importantly, its protector?

    I think it's a good alliance, with a strong government and an awesome protector, I also love the flag :wub:

  5. How do you know they weren't oppressive. I'm sure the people that coupe the govt. are more privy to details and events than WE is.

    Have you ever talked to AVFC1 or any of the others? He's as friendly as they come.

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